they're saying he put out a video saying he's a trump supporter and wants to talk to trump has petro posted on this yet?
You don't have to believe what he says, he has taken both sides on many issues over the years that he is now going back on like saying how great Hillary was a senator and how talented she is and now she's "crooked" . I don't know what to believe with him
The climber is a kid from Virginia named Steve. Seems a little disturbed to me
Kid will go to jail for the night, pay a fine some time down the road but will be invited on multiple talk shows and end up making good money off this. More stupidity that will be rewarded. Hopefully they make him pay for all the emergency personnel wasting time on him.
That's been a characteristic of our POTUS for years. Every Politician is full of shit as long as they get your vote. They may start out ideologically clean, but that never last thru their first term. Once the big money guys get involved... "Citizens United" only made legal what was going on for decades in the dark... There are no more "good guys". I think the last one may have been Bobby Kennedy and he never got to finish his run. As a matter of fact, this really hasn't been a gov't "by the people and for the people" in over a generation. Big Money runs this nation now and they control who runs and thanks to Citizens United, they also can inject enough dark money to ensure their candidate wins. In this respect, Trump and Bernie are right and the system is rigged. What Trump is forgetting is that some of his bestest buddies and business partners are the ones doing the rigging. That leaves us with a choice between a train wreck and a plane crash in the form of Trump vs. Clinton. It comes down to not the person that can help the most, but the person that can hurt the least. The upside is that no matter who wins in 2016, I think they're gonna be one and done. Lets all pray that 2020 brings sane, moderate, reasonably honorable candidates that actually put the interests of the citizens above the interests of the Big Money. I'm not holding my breath on that one though...
hahaha **camera scans to the crowd in the street and find a yuuge bunch of Trump supporters yelling, "JUMP! JUMP!"**
Moronic statements. Ignorant remarks. Emotionally unstable outbursts. Genobots. And worst of all, playing dumb.