I'd rather we play the 4-3. I mean, basically none of our defensive players fit the 3-4 (except for FA acquisitions Kimo and Chatham). Are we going to dump all of them? :lol: Seriously, though, being stubborn and switching to the 3-4 was extremely stupid.
Is this some jackass comment to try and piss people off, or are you just that ignorant? You're saying we should trade the star player on our team, yet giving no legitimate proof or background info, and after one preseason game at that. It's guys like you that piss me off, talking out of your ass and giving no good reasons to support your argument (well you didn't even actually form an argument). If this is the contribution you plan to make to the site, take your 141 posts and don't come back.
See, if you put an actual reason behind it, that would be fine. If you backed up your arguments with convincing statistical arguments, that would be fine. If you wanted more than a first round pick (because Vilma has to be worth 2), that would be fine. I might even agree with you then, even though I know it wouldn't happen. But why make a thread posting a one liner about why we should trade one of the best defensive players in football who happens to be very young for just a first rounder? That's ludicrous.
If you're gonna propose a crazy idea, make it worthwhile to read. I'm gonna close this before someone gets hurt.