The 29 year old has 3 more good seasons left..and you just drafted Kyle Wilson... The 25 year old is acting like a 3 year old making unreasonable contract demands... The idea is not to trade him, but to use the threat of a trade to undermine his hardline stance. but in the end...
Revis is what makes the defense go. It's his ability to man up with the oppositions best reciever that allows Rex to use his creative blitzes. The lack of a defensive push from the D-line causes a need to blitz to garner any pressure on the QB. No Revis opens up holes in the secondary and doom if you leave the opponents best WR with Cromartie or Kyle Wilson on him (at this stage of his career.) Imperative the Jets sign him but they cannot reset the bar the Raiders set. Just can't for too many reasons (namely Harris, Mangold and Furgeson)
I voted "Pay Revis 14-15 mil for solid guaranteed money".... but I was damn close to trading his 'selfish potential team distracting ass', I remember the Kendall debacle all to well....... we dont need this shit
P.S. Clever guy..Revis gave up half of the completions percentage wise, but twice the number of yards, and more yac than Aso did last year. Teams threw underneath Asomugah, but over Revis. Half of Revis' success is the defense he's playing in.
You and most of the board are totally overreacting to Revis going public with his contract issues. When he signs the 12-13 million dollar deal all this crap like threatening to trade him will seem as dumb as it is.
If you lock it up with guaranteed and maybe some incentitives it should more then likely work, if not thats a crock of bullshit and Revis ( hurts me to say this) can go fuckk himself...
Trade him!!!!!! If we can get 3, 1st round picks its worth it. And will set us up to be in the race for many years.
we all saw what happenned earlier this decade when chad's contract ate up too much cap space. we had to let veteran ol walk cause we couldn't pay them enough. result was chad went out with numerous injuries. at the time, i posted that it was like buying a corvette, and not having enough money to pay for the car insurance policy. pay him resonable money, or else let him play out his contract and tag him. he's got $20 million guaranteed left in the current one and he's worried about his family? please!......................:rofl:
I agree... Why can a football player not play when he is under contract, yet teams have to pay them even when they play like shit (Gholston)? Buy back his contract and sign the three others to new deal.
1. I think it's Rex Ryan who made the defense go, not Revis. Rex had Revis at his disposal, and used Revis in the most effective way. Still means it's Rex Ryan pulling the strings, not the other way. 2. If Revis keeps being a pain in the ass, he better get shipped. First and foremost, nobody took a gun at his head to sign the contract - he did on his own volition. He must learn to honor his contract. Secondly, if any team offers 3 1st and 3 2nd, I'd send him away in a heartbeat. (Yes, I am kidding - but then, who knows? Al Davis might just pull the trigger.)
I say pay the man. Make him the highest played CB in the league, and he shuts down half the field for us for the next 6 years. It's worth it. Pay the man!
If he shuts up: Pay him a shitload. If he keeps saying the things his shitfuck agent tells him to say: pay him a shitload.
In a pass happy league Revis is a huge weapon, but the offensive line needs to stay together, Revis can't hold the fort alone as we saw in the AFCCG but losing one key offensive linemen can be devastating as we saw in 2007 when Kendall left...this has probably been said but I didn't read through the thread...this is where I stand on the issue, if Revis is going to continue being greedy and not think about the good of the team....get rid of him.