Correct me if I'm wrong, but during the preseason didn't Mangini say that Ratliff had a chance to win the backup job? The fact that he somehow didn't shows that Mangini clearly had some type of bias in Clemens' favor.
hell, if we really want to be cheap skates. let's just offer a 12 pack for a franchise qb. seeing franchise qb's come so cheap!!
talk about bending the browns over with this trade. not surprising, coming from a jets fan that thinks everything good has to come cheap, when it applies to the GREAT ALMIGHTY JETS....
Eli is not better than Cutler. Rodgers & Ryan have less of a track record than Cutler has. Eli, Ryan & Rodgers NO. I could also make a case that he is better than a few of those guys only Brady & Manning are a lock.
Get over yourself. If you think its that bad, perhaps you just overrate Quinn. Apparently quite a few teams weren't overly enthusiastic about him if he dropped that far in the draft and hes played poorly to date and has shown he may be injury prone. Factor in that Mangini doesn't seem to be all too high on him, it may not take more than that for the Browns to move Quinn.
Moron. If the compensation is of equal value for Denver, how is that money lost. Moron. BB took the 34 overall, when he probably could have gotten a top 20 pick for Cassel. He didn't. Why? Nobody knows, but there is large speculation in new england on the talk radio shows, and numerous articles wondering if BB did send Cassel to KC just to bend McDaniels over. Moron. So before you speak, moron, know wtf you're talking about. Moron. Not to mention, moron, that if Cutler is done, he's done regardless of where he's being sent. Moron.
Sweet, as long as I don't get blamed for you being pissed off. Although, I think some on this board would say that being targeted by you would be a badge of honor! - please check my punctuation as I typed real fast and wasn't really paying attention to the number and usage!
look at that, Abyz. This guy is saying if you verbally rape him....his messageboard street cred goes up a couple of notches.:lol:
Don is not the sharpest Ginsui in the set. He does not slice, nor does he dice. He does not like green eggs and ham. He cannot cut through leather, or a beer can. Sorry had to get all Seuss.
Nor do I have the time or inclination to read every post in every thread on this board like you fools must do. I read the original post, went to ESPN and asked the question. Save a lot of time.
It probably took more time to write your post than it took me to read page 1. "I don't have time to read every post in this thread. I only have time to go to every thread