So I'm to assume it's a Bowden+package for Vic. I'd would be extremely nice to see Doc come too, but I have my doubts.
Nick Hagadone ( is also rumored to be in on the deal. edit: Masterson too.
Martinez would be a nice pickup for the Blow Sox. I can't believe there are even rumors about Halladay to Boston.... If Ricciardi trades Doc within the division he should be hanged.
Adam Laroche is now dead weight. I hope they can package him for some defensive help at short. edit: There's also this: BNightengale "Masterson and Hadadone are being reported as pitchers going to Cleveland." If that's it, that's a very good deal that leaves room for an even bigger one.
Metsblog reported that Laroche was going to the Mets, but now Buster Olney is reporting Laroche to the Braves.
Joel Sherman of the New York Post reports the Yankees have acquired utilityman Jerry Hairston Jr. from the Reds.
Hopefully this means the end of Cody Ransom. What do the Braves need with LaRoche when they have Kotchman? LaRoche link Kotchman
Regarding Kotchman. I don't exactly understand the trade. One first baseman for another? What? And a lesser hitting one at that? EDIT Nevermind, I just looked at baseball-reference. Kotchman is a better fielder by leaps and bounds. Late inning defensive replacement. I like this move a bit more now.
Something's up bigtime maybe. Rolen traded to the Reds pending waiving his no-trade clause. Ricciardi said he wouldn't trade Rolen unless Halladay was traded. Either he lied or Halladay is about to be moved.