To all you offensive line lovers

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Smokeeater, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. jetsaholic1094

    jetsaholic1094 New Member

    Dec 21, 2003
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    Not off the top of my head. So what's your point? Does that mean it can't be done? How do you know? How many teams actually have drafted 2 linemen in the first round? Could there be any other factors why those particular teams didn't go the Superbowl? Does having 2 offensive linemen from the first round actually handicap your team? If your correlation holds true, it's still a correlation, meaning it does not breed causation, nor does it suggest any reason for the result.

    Yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean you can't draft them that high for them to make an impact. By your logic, we don't even need first round picks, since QBs (Tom Brady, Joe Montana), RBs (Terrell Davis, Priest Holmes), TEs (Antonio Gates, Frank Wycheck), WRs (Hines Ward, Steve Smith), DEs (KGB), LBs (Mike Vrabel, Teddy Bruschi, Zach Thomas), DBs (John Lynch, Rodney Harrison) all need not be drafted high to make an impact.

    They also won superbowls with a 6th round QB and no 1st round RBs. Just because they won superbowls without high O-Line picks, does that mean it can't be done? Is it actually a hindrance to have 1st round all-pro linemen like Ogden or Pace? Do they hurt your chances?

    Do you realize what a good Offensive line unit the Colts have had in these recent years? When the OLine fell apart last year in the playoffs, so did Peyton Manning.
  2. XxAlbert84xX

    XxAlbert84xX New Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    i also forgot to mention we did get a project corner with great upside and a LB who was the leader of the best LB core, and one of the best Defenses in the nation last year in Schlegel
  3. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    The Pittsburgh Steelers offensive line is littered with day 1 draft picks.

    Barrett Brooks- 2nd round pick
    Alan Faneca- 1st round pick
    Jeff Hartings- 1st round pick
    Max Starks- 3rd round pick
    Marvel Smith- 2nd round pick
    Kendall Simmons- 1st round pick

    This team recently won a Super Bowl, did they not?

    Smokeeater, JetsFan, Capt. Spaulding- you are excused for today. Try again tomorrow.
  4. Capt. Spaulding

    Capt. Spaulding New Member

    Sep 11, 2005
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    I am not a history guy so I have to ask, were they all drafted the same year? When? All by the Steelers? I really don't know that's why I ask. 4years from now if we don't win the big one and these guys are decent players they may or will be gone. If,let's say, we were fortunate enough to get BOTH Brick and Young(this draft) and we were a consistant 10-6 team who would we re-sign? Brick or Young? Vince.
  5. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Brooks- 58th overall by Eagles in 1995
    Faneca- 26th overall by Steelers in 1998
    Hartings- 23rd overall by Lions in 1996
    Starks- 75th overall by Steelers in 2004
    Smith- 38th overall by Steelers in 2000
    Simmons- 30th overall by Steelers in 2002
  6. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    For argument's sake, a smart team in that spot would resign both the tackle and the QB.

    I understand tackle is not a sexy position. But people need to understand it is one of the three most important NFL positions, along with defensive end and quarterback.
  7. asscue35

    asscue35 New Member

    May 29, 2003
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    HAHAHA i AM GLAD YOU excused the offensive line haters who do not know anything about the importance of a line, but who nevertheless want to talk smack. Great job MR. CAKES, slay them all, i want to hear their muted responses.
  8. Cellar-door

    Cellar-door Active Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    Seattle, Hutchinson and Jones, Shaun Alexander and hasselbeck are good players, but the best player on that team is Jones, and Jones and Hutchinson were unstoppable on the left side. They built that team around the O-line, really it was the D and skill position players who let them down before last year.

    Edit- also left tackle is a very important position, look at the St. Louis SB teams with Pace, The Patriots with light, if you can't protect a QBs blind side it's big trouble.
    #28 Cellar-door, Apr 30, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2006
  9. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    While I wanted Leinart, D'brick was choice #2.

    Take a look at the teams in the playoffs last year. They almost ALL had some of the best olines in the league. The one team that the playoff without a very strong oline got SMOKED in rd 1 (JAX)
    #29 stinkyB, Apr 30, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2005
  10. ColezDeep!

    ColezDeep! New Member

    Mar 6, 2006
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    Look what happened to Indy last year....they're O-Line stank, with false starts and not picking up blitzes, they truly lost the game for them.
    They have great skill position players and couldn't do anything against Pittsburgh. Just goes to show how important O-Line is.
    They just had a few lucky plays and ref calls on their side, only reason why they were in that ball game.
  11. asscue35

    asscue35 New Member

    May 29, 2003
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    I say we can count out smokeeater, maybe he has eaten a lot of his own smoke.I have counted ten second and he is OUT, knocked out cold.Maybe he is doing some research to back up his bogus claims. Before you post nonesense please research otherwise, MR CAKES will eat you alive.
  12. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    I don't have the full list of Hall of Famers (and other perennial Pro Bowlers and future HOFers) in front of me, but I'll use the guys I can think of and give you the round they were drafted in (because that I do have in front of me).

    Dwight Stephenson- 2nd round, 48th overall, 1980
    Tom Mack- 1st round, 2nd overall, 1966
    Tony Boselli- 1st round, 2nd overall, 1995
    Anthony Munoz- 1st round, 3rd overall, 1980
    Jonathan Ogden- 1st round, 4th overall, 1996
    Mike Webster- 5th round, 125th overall, 1974
    Jackie Slater- 3rd round, 86th overall, 1976
    John Hannah- 1st round, 4th overall, 1973
    Jumbo Elliott- 2nd round, 36th overall, 1988
    Walter Jones- 1st round, 6th overall, 1997
  13. Capt. Spaulding

    Capt. Spaulding New Member

    Sep 11, 2005
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    The only position I have ever played in organized football was OL. LT on the State champs. Go Titans. HS, I know, but I know the importeace. But if the Colts could have redone the deal on their playmaker they would have. You have to know that. If a OL man is that good on a team with a good QB or RB then,I'm sorry, but I'll take the skills. When I turn on Sports Center on Sunday afternoons if the one player they are talking about on our team is an OL man than we are a 2-7 team and we aren't out of the PO picture if we winn the next 7 games, etc. May have missed the boat.
  14. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Just for fun, I'll come back later with the full list of HOF offensive lineman and show where they were drafted, along with other big-time guys. I betcha the Ferguson and Mangold haters will ignore virtually the entire list and point out Webster and Rosey Brown (a 27th round pick in 1953).
  15. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Just to use one example. The Jaguars made the playoffs in 1996 and 1997 and I believe, without question, their left tackle, Tony Boselli, was the best player on the team. Their RBs were "Little Man" Stewart and Natrone Means. They were considered so good (I'm being sarcastic here) the team went and drafted Fred Taylor in 1998.
    Mark Brunell was a nice QB, but wasn't great.
    The WRs in 1996 and 1997 weren't anything special, either. Good, but not special.
  16. JetGreen

    JetGreen New Member

    Mar 5, 2006
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    This rebuilding process will take time. Build a strong oline now, then plug in top skill players through next year's draft. We aren't in a position where one guy can get us to the Super Bowl. Mangini will evaluate all the players next season and draft based on needs.

    It's better for a rookie QB or RB to have an experienced Oline. If we drafted Leinart and he got hurt along with Pennington and Ramsey, then I'm sure all you whiners would complain about us not taking Ferguson. Rebuilding is a long process and a tedious one. With our offense in complete shambles, we might as well start with the OLine.

    Those Super Bowl teams already had good, solid lines. Why would they draft a bunch of Oline in the first round? Our offense line is in shambles and it was necessary to draft lineman in the first round.
  17. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    can we please get a logic assessment test to qualify members. it doesn't have to be SAT or GMAT difficulty, but difficult enough to disqualify posters with this type of logic.

    this isn't even a matter of disagreement, this argument truly does border on a retards logic ability.
  18. nightowltom

    nightowltom New Member

    Jul 17, 2005
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    You're twisting the question to serve your purposes. Early in the Belichick era, New England was able to put together a decent O-line mostly through free agency (although I bet you forgot about Damien Woody because he's gone) but the D-line was a disaster so they spent their picks there. Are D lineman considered "skill" players? Don't think so but everyone of the starters, Warren, Seymour and Wilfork, was a No. 1 pick.

    You have to work on your needs when you have the opportunity in the draft because that's how talent is really upgraded. In NE, the problem was defensive line. They dealt with it. In NY the problem was O-line. They dealt with it. New England thought that their O-line finally needed upgrading after Woody left and first Compton and then Andruzzi got old so they used a one and a three last year on O-line and added another tackle this year for depth after Tom Ashworth left for greener pastures. Just takin' care of business because great teams are built from the lines out.

    Mangini made the right moves. Build the line first and draft the skill players next year when there's someone to block for them.
  19. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    This thread has one of the worst logics behind it, that I have ever seen on these boards. I know I dont post much, but I read a lot. Wow....

    So if we put a bunch of random undrafted FA's O-lineman in place of what we have now, but drafted those sexay picks. We would win no problem? I mean surely if we have big named atheletes from the draft, we are asured an instant win. Just because of their name? Please...

    You do realize teams only have so many draft picks to use, right? You do understand that it was impossible to build Rome in a day, correct? Same logic goes for any team in a slump, or in a rebuilding phase. Calm down, have some patience.
  20. VinnyAndTheJets88

    VinnyAndTheJets88 New Member

    Mar 27, 2006
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    games are won in the trenches, anyone who says differently obviously hasnt played football... and u have to think of it objectively, our most glaring need coming into this draft was o-line and we did the best we possibly could to fill that need - we got the best tackle and best center in the draft and we can pencil those 2 positions in for the next 10 years with no worries... i think we did well overall, i couldnt help but root for us to get bush but i'm glad we didnt over pay, it shows tangini cares more about building a quality team than giving up too much to get a big name... aside from bush, i thought ferguson was the best pick we could have made, as well as mangold and i'm glad we were able to get those guys as well as clemens (who jaws, one of the few espn guys i respect, says will be very good, better than leinart)... i was at the draft and most people wanted lendale at 35, which i wanted too, but we got great value with the trade and obviously white didnt have the type of character mangini was looking for... i would have liked to see eric smith maybe be darnell bing or ko simpson (who were both on the board) but maybe they know something i dont about smith... and i love the brad smith pick, he could be our randle el
    #40 VinnyAndTheJets88, Apr 30, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2005

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