To all the older lifelong fans, who was your favorite players you loved to watch?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsFan, May 26, 2020.

  1. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Yes they would - good catch.
  2. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Darrol Ray - wasn’t around very long but had some electrifying defensive returns. I think his 98 yard INT TD against the Bengals is still a post season record if I’m not mistaken ?.......
  3. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    In retrospect, maybe he was a bad influence on Joe, otherwise, they both enabled each other probably.

    Derek Sanderson was the best center at faceoffs at the time and he was considered one of the best defensive centers. If you aks any Bruin teammate at the time, they all will argue he had the potential to be even better than Bobby Or or Phil Esposito if not for the drugs, women, and alcohol. When he retired he possessed the highest number of shorthand goals for an NHL career.

    I am sorry for changing the subject, ADHD I guess. My point was Joe Namath even though a definite primadonna, was as toughest as they come as QB. At first, like many people, I thought he was an overhyped primadonna. But when you look at the shots he took, which would be game suspensions today, and came back for the next play, you had to respect his toughness.

    I remember in college he led Alabama almost to victory, being down by a couple of touchdowns, to win the Orange Bowl in the 2nd half. He was out of the 1st half due to a knee injury and he almost made a valiant effort for victory while playing on a bum knee. I mention this because he then enters the NFL with that bum knee and look what he did with that bum knee!

    You have to respect the dude in my opinion. As a Patriots fan, I can tell you he was the most feared QB and no lead was ever safe.

    I simply don't get why there is no love for Joe on this forum because I have had to defend him in the past. For those of you who are too young to know about him, for God sake if you call yourself a Jet fan, there is plenty of information about him. Why his name is not being mentioned more often on this question makes me wonder what bullshit the NY sports media has done vilifying one of the NFL greats. Remember I don't live in NY, so I don't get brainwashed by the NY sports media. When judging Joe, please don't use the politically correct standards of today because he played at a different era. There would be no NY Jets today probably if it were not for Joe, just my humble opinion here.
    jago and westiedog1 like this.
  4. eddie sec 126

    eddie sec 126 Active Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    Here is my list.
    Sack Exchange
    Marvin Jones
    Santana Moss
    Laveranues Coles
    Santana Moss
    Keyshawn Johnson
    Thomas Jones
    Alan Faneca
    Nick Mangold
    Braylon Edwards
    Lance Mehl
    Freeman McNeil
    Jamal Adams
    Kevin Mawae
    westiedog1 likes this.

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