Yeah they did, but did you see David Harris' and Calvin Pace's ratings for this game? Rediculous. And our punter is rated a 38? I've never seen a player below a 55.
i have been playing on all pro with nice success. i think that all pro will be my standard difficulty when the game comes out. i cannot wait to get the full game to mess with the sliders. hopefully i can make the cpu a bit more aggressive. i have noticed a few times that the cpu backs miss wide open holes that a blind man could see. same thing with the passing game, i have allowed fitz and boldin to get deep with a few steps on their man with single coverage and have seen warner check down to te or rb when he had a sure td if he went deep. this doesn't happen that often, but i want the cpu to make me pay for my mistakes.
i don't even know who our punter is so the fact that we even have one in the game is good. the point is nobody has seen a player below 55. what the did was make everyone play the same. all the teams felt basically the same because all the players were rated in the same range. pretty much all players were between 70-99. this is not a big enough drop in skill from elite to scrub. now people who are actually scrubs are rated like it. i have seen the jets ratings and i think they are consistent with the rest of the teams ratings. everyone is just going to have to get used to the fact that being rated in the 70's does not mean a player sucks anymore.
Finally getting the hang of it. I was playing last night and was winning 21-3 at half. Was exhausted and went to sleep. Holmes is a beast and Polamalu is BEYOND good. Makes me think the Jets D will be sick with Rhodes & Revis on the right side.
well my dumbass bought madden 09 last year and i just checked the box for that. 09 had support for 1080p so hopefully that stays the same.
it has support for 1080p but it runs native at 720p. So it's actually better to run it at 720p than 1080p.
I believe the best is 720p for sports video games. What position do you guys control on defense? (Or what do you feel is the best?) I switch from S to LB, so that'll mean I'll be user picking people with Leonhard and hit sticking with Bart. (hopefully) I love the demo so far; my friend on the other hand hates it, because he can't cheat and throw bombs all day to Roy Williams. GT: JT MON3YBAGS FR me, and maybe we can get a TGG NFL Madden 10 Online League!
i usually just stick with the d-lineman. i have never had the desire to practice another position enough to not get burned all the time.
played the demo for ps3, game looks like it's gonna be ridiculous i can't wait to get it the graphics are phenomonal
Same here, tried it today. Looks good. Just hope they cleared up all the glitches that players exploit online.
i feel that will be impossible. they may have gotten rid of the old glitches, but when you have a large amount of people all looking for even the smallest exploit some will be found.
I agree and unfortunately I think you are right. It is frustrating at times trying to find a good game online as people lab plays for days trying to find that unstoppable combo and I am only a once in awhile player. I am decent, but looking for better challenges you run into cheesers online who exploit these glitches making the game unrealistic. For example, I played online recently and decided to use the TB playbook. It is a fun playbook, but the other dude, when he saw me go to it, just as the game was about to load, switched to TB as his team. Well, I guess that worked because every play his blitzes were perfect as I had about 2 seconds each time to get a play off, even with max protect, shifting , rollouts, didn't matter. The key here being if that anyone uses TBs playbook, just switch to that team and wham, game over. That was just one example but I am sure people are tired of the "hurry up" crowd that get you in a certain D and run the same play over and over again. Or the "drop back 30 yards" and wing it for a TD crowd. There are just way too many cheese players out there worried about their ranking than playing a good solid straight game. But every year it sucks me back in.