Thomas Jones "blasts" Favre: Daily News Article

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by babyknight, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. rico college

    rico college Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I agree with TJ 100%

    Sh!t if I was TJ I would be pissed at Manjini too after not getting the ball in the Seahawk game.
  2. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    So one of the top rushers in the AFC is a clown?

    Perhaps we ended up with the same qb we got rid respect for the deep ball...teams playing against the run because they new eventually Favre would make a mistake. The only difference is the one we got rid of would never throw 3 interceptions. (for the record..I wouldnt want Pennington back for free...but them da facts baby).

    To blame a guy that won the respect from the entire team and carried this team offensively MOST of the games gives him the right to tell you/us the fans to STFU.

    I can think of 15 Jets that might be on my shit list...TJ isnt one of them.

    Im not into guys trashing teamates...thats not healthy. With that said, watching Favre on the sideline talking to only back up qb's the entire time while the season was going down the toilet...well...there is something to this.
  3. rhodesfan16

    rhodesfan16 New Member

    Feb 7, 2008
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    Like I have said this is good we need someone to publicly admit there are problems
  4. rillo

    rillo New Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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    I agree with everything he said. This team is a freaking JOKE!
  5. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Jones deserves a medal for this. Maybe this will convince the exhalted one to retire and give this franchise a chance to right itself and move on. Jones never utters a bad word about anybody. He took all those insults last year about his lack of production and TDs and said nothing about his awful OL. Then he came back and led the AFC in rushing and won the team MVP. That shows how he is respected in that locker room. If Favre was a problem, somebody had to speak up.

    As for Jones' production in the last game, he only had 10 carries. He also didn't fumble 3 times and miss open receivers another 10-15 times. How many games were there when he deserved more carries? 5 ? 10? The guy is a quiet warrior and I give him credit for speaking the truth.
  6. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Does this mean Jones won't be a jet next year????? LOL
  7. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    How many fumbles did TJ have? How many games did he lose for us?

    Not as many as Favre.

  8. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Can you just post for me for the next few weeks? :breakdance: :wink:
  9. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    TJ is acting like a poor team player by publicly going after teammates. Whether or not he is right in terms of what he thinks is not the point. The point is you don't do that to your team. Its case of poor judgment by TJ.

    Also TJ had a poor game - he got 23 measely yds on 10 carries. In contrast Leon got 60 yds and a TD on 10 carries. Leon was productive and TJ wasn't. What right does TJ have to start talking trash on others when he didn't walk the talk himself???

    To me TJ looks like a jerk for blaming others when he didn't produce when his team needed him to have a big game. I mean he had his worst game of the season and as soon as there is not gag order in place he runs out and gets on the hot 97 and starts talking shit about others? That is totally bush league. His stupid comments demonstrate exactly why having a gag order in place is a very very damn good idea.

    TJ seems to think he isn't responsible for his own bad job. He gets the rock to start the third quarter in a 14-9 game - what does he do with it? He gets stuffed for a 4 yd freaking loss. Was he talking about that on Hot 97??? Nope.

    The fact of the matter is that the Jets are a better team than the fins and the Jets had chances to win the game and they didn't not only because of Brett Farvre, but because as a team they failed to execute and because the coach was calling stupid plays at the wrong time. There is plenty of blame to go around and TJ is just as culpable as anybody else who played or coached poorly. TJ should apologize to Farvre and keep his damned mouth shut instead of trashing his teamates.
  10. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    The Jets should form one of those prayer circles at midfield but instead of praying they should point to the culprit. The problem with charachter guys is their charachter makes them better than their team mates and they all know it. When you get a team without charachter guys nobody points the finger because every one knows they are at fault.
    #70 winstonbiggs, Jan 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2009
  11. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    "TJ is acting like a poor team player by publicly going after teammates. Whether or not he is right in terms of what he thinks is not the point. The point is you don't do that to your team. Its case of poor judgment by TJ."

    Acutally, Jones was standing up for the team by trashing Favre, who obviously is the "poor team player." Jones didn't "do that" to his team, he did it to Favre, a toxic presence in the Jets lockerroom. And if you want "poor judgment", take a look at Favre's 22 INTs - he wrote the book on "poor judgment" this season.

    Hopefully, Jones' perceptive and accurate comments will encourage other players to come out publicly and trash Favre for the selfish washed-up has been that he is. I'm also kind of hoping that the $13 Million bust does return to the Jets next season. I think it will be fun watching him make a complete fool of himself for one final season, even if the team's interests are once again sacrificed. What the hell, these are the Jets, that ain't winning jack shit anytime soon anyway. Might as well enjoy the Soap Opera.

    I also think Favre will have a legitimate chance to add one more entry to his record book: Richard Todd's 30 INTs.
  12. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    "Acutally, Jones was standing up for the team by trashing Favre, who obviously is the "poor team player." Jones didn't "do that" to his team, he did it to Favre, a toxic presence in the Jets lockerroom. And if you want "poor judgment", take a look at Favre's 22 INTs - he wrote the book on "poor judgment" this season."

    HUH???? you don't stand up for your team by going on Hot 97 and trashing your team captain. How the hell do you know who is a toxic presence in the locker room? They guy was voted to be freaking captain of the team by his freaking teammates. If he was so toxic, why did they all vote for him????

    I have no problem with TJ speaking with Farvre about what is on his mind or with raising his concerns in the context of a team meeting - perfectly fine with that. The problem is the dude goes on Hot 97 and starts talking shit about his teammate. That is not standing up for the team that is being a jerk.

    Anyone who thinks players should come out publicly and attack their own teammates is clueless as to how you instill a winning team philosphy. Hint: You don't do it by trashing your teamates on Hot 97.

    Hopefully Tannenbaum has immediately called TJ on the carpet for his stupid comments and hopefully he has reinstated the Gag Order to prevent any other dummies from publicly trash talking the organization and each other.

    You want to talk trash about somebody TJ - trash yourself for your own piss poor performance against the fins. 23 freaking yds and you want to trash others.....if you live in a glass house you don't throw stones. :rolleyes:
  13. fltflo

    fltflo Active Member

    Mar 6, 2008
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    Folks if I may,

    To all you folks who are all of a sudden looking to hang TJ for speaking up, were many of you not the same folks who were demanding some kind of explanation to what went on for the last 5 or six games.

    An could it not be possiable that by saying what he said, TJ, was not looking to as the papers are all saying, Blast, bitch slap, or bad mouth Brett. After all what did he say, to paraphase, "if you play like shit you get to sit". This is what has been going on for every professional football team any any other pro team in this country for years. Look at McNabb this year, and Lowery, Keller, on the Jets, they got to sit for awhile! So folks, it was not like TJ said anything that dragged BF out on the carpet. What an asshole he must be to think that no one is above the team. Do you folks think if it was Chad throwing all those picks this year, he would not have been warming the pine. An honestly were not many of you, myself included, calling for Pennington to do that last year when it was happening to him?

    An if Brett was really that hurt and the injury was affecting his ability to deliver the ball the way he felt he should be able to, should he have not been the one to sit his own ass down and allow the team to move forward.

    Folks I like Brett Farve, I have been a fan of his for many years. I was not too thrilled when the Jets first brought him in, but I hope for the best and looked forward to seeing what he could bring to the table. Yet, as the year has evolved I see what many people feel were the issuses with the man. He is a bit of a one man show with the spotlight clearly focused on him and for any team this is not a good thing. This goes double for the Jets , why, because Mangini created a situation where nothing and no one was above the team.

    Ask yourselves this, How many players in hindsight are bad mouthing Mangini? I have not heard too many say anything but positives about our former coach. So now I as a 43 year fan have to ask myself, was there more going on here the meets the eye. Who in the Jets really wanted Brett Farve here and what was the long term and seasonal effects on the ball club. One thing is for certain the ball club is in a total mess at this point, and in July there was nothing but promise....

    To those who would say it was Mangini's job to bench Brett if he was not living up to what was expected of him, I would agree. Yet, after the presser the other day and Woody large pat on the back for Brett and the even larger "Oh of course we want him back speech" , you have to wonder if Mangini even had the control to sit Brett. Was this discussed among the HC/GM/and owner and word from on high was sent down in no uncertain terms that that should not happen, I wonder ? Is this not the same coach who sat #10 down last year without so much as a, kiss my ass I am in charge ?

    So although this is done in hinesight, I have to ask myself was bring in Brett Farve more dustructive to this club then any of the positive moves that were made in earlier ?
    Would we not have won one or two more with Chad under center knowing this offense front to back in his sleep? We must all remember that Brett had to learn this offense, who could forget the words, " It's easier for one guy to get on board then ten others to relearn for the one". Yet, in the end that is just what happen, Schotty started doing things that Brett wanted and felt comfortable with instead of running his offense. An if with Chad, we did have a 11 win season and make the playoffs would they have not extended Mangini ? Now this is no excuse for the defense which roared like a barnfire only to sputter out like a ungassed pilot light. Yet, we all know that Sutton would have been history after this year and a guy that Mangini really wanted and was not just stuck with would have been brought in. I am thinking Romeo Crennel would have brought in and next year with the talent we have we would have been lined up for a real run. If we see Mangini go to the Browns and make them an 11 win team I can assure you many on this board will feel the Jets curse lives and heartbreak is just a way of life for the Jet fan.

    So before anyone starts bad mouthing TJ let the whole story unfold because as I said earlier I believe there is more here then meets the eye. I think this club was more divided this season then anyone could image and it was Mangini that was the glue holding it all together. Again 20/20 but as much as many of us wanted Mangini gone and as quickly as other clubs want to interveiw him I have to think we were to quick to pull the tigger on his firing..
  14. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    i don't really see this as blasting. he spoke the truth.... the obvious truth at that. sometimes the truth hurts but maybe this is the dose of reality favre needs to realize he actually is done.

    its sad how much my opinion of favre has changed since august. i was excited for him to be here, i had visions of greatness and instead got one of the most mediocre qb performances i could have ever managed. i never thought i would be hoping for him to retire after the first year but thats what im doing now, and it sucks.
  15. gillyman

    gillyman New Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Don't remember anyone blaming TJ for the losses last year? What.. one rushing TD ? He should keep his mouth shut. Talking to the media like that is a sign of a bad teammate.
    Favre has at least earned the respect not to be talked to like a clown.
  16. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    TJ has no business going on Hot 97 and trashing his teammates whether its a bona fide superstar HOFer like Brett or whether its a special teams guy. Its the wrong thing to do and it shows very poor judgment and poor leadership by TJ. Frankly I expect better from a good player like Jones who is an 8 yr vet and is being paid $4M a yr - he should know better. Brett is the QB, the team wins as a team and loses as a team.

    You don't go on the radio and trash individual players for having a bad game - espeically when you yourself played like crap too. It shows no class, poor judgment and a lack of prefessionalism and leadership. TJ made a mistake.

    I probably agree with everything he said - BUT - that doesn't mean he should have said it on Hot 97 or on any other public media forum. TJ should apologize for some of his comments and show some class.
  17. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    If Mangini didn't have the "balls" to bench Favre when he started throwing the season away, then he should have been fired. Was Mangini made a scapegoat for ownership's and management's disastorous decision to bring Favre to town? Probably. But then again, what did you expect? Shit flows downward.

    This was Woody's way of trying to save face (and PSL sales) after fucking up the team by bringing such a destructive force to the team. If the Jets would have won, everyone would have looked past Favre's prima donna bullshit. But the fact of the matter is that they lost, and his poor play was the main contributing factor.

    I never believed in players having Gag Orders. I think they should be able to speak their mind (like TJ did) and let the chips fall where the may. Freedom of speech is a lot healthier than censorship - in any situation. These are grown men making big money. If they can't take criticism from their own teammates, then they should go live in a plastic bubble.
  18. Wolfe Tone

    Wolfe Tone New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    bwahhahahaha, thats awesome, great post
  19. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    "I probably agree with everything he said - BUT - that doesn't mean he should have said it on Hot 97 or on any other public media forum. TJ should apologize for some of his comments and show some class."

    So you want TJ to apologize for telling the truth??? What kind of example are you setting there??? Would you tell your child to apologize for telling the truth??? I guess that's what happens to people when they live in a society infested with "politically correct" liars. We reward liars and cheaters and punish and demand apologies from those who tell the truth. Pathetic!
  20. Jaded Green

    Jaded Green New Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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