Why is he making himself apart of the Jets story every damn week it seems? He needs attention that much since no one cares about him anymore?
OH I DONT CARE ABOUT THE JETS I JUST WANT TO KISS YOU, Oh man we all remember that one. OK Joe enough.
Are you honestly comparing Joe Namath to OJ and Taylor? Really? Joe is far from a saint, but he has never come close to being involved in what those guys were. Insult? THAT'S a fucking insult. As for your age comment - yea, I'm older, I've seen way more football than you, and I saw the man play, so when it comes to Namath, I do know more than you.
Sadly, evertime I think of Namath, that comes to mind first. Good on him for overcoming his issues, but he could stop taking jabs at the Jets all the time, he is starting to remind me of a much older Tiki Barber.
holy shit give it a break man. we all get it you're older. congrats to you. i too am sick of this im older than you so im better bullshit. people like you give the older crowd a bad rep.
i gotta defend guiness here. That bolded part just proved that you might be older, but you have the argumentative skills of a six year old. and not for nothing, but its a fact that namath does all this talking to keep his name relevant. its also been shown that he has zero issue blasting the franchise that made him what he is to keep his name relevant. so, unless you chug namath's baby batter on the regular, there is really no reason to get that defensive for the guy, especially since he is clearly in the wrong. is it blown out of proportion, yes. but old kooks like you who come here with that back in my day type bullshit need to step back and look at this objectively before acting like a fool.
You know for all the name calling and other $hit being said here I think that was the lowest point in his life. I pray I never reach that point ever. Not sure how true this is but I heard he was drinking for 12 hours and the begged him not to go on the air. All this stuff now does not really matter so much.
Namath is the best Jet ever and it's not even close. And the main reason, is the position he played: Quarterback !!!!
I don't know why you youngens get so mad at these Namath fossils. Who cares, the only thing they accurately remember is to remove the plastic that protects the adhesive on their depends so they can get to their shuffleboard get together's feeling dry. The good old days before electricity, yippee.
Personally I'm sick of hearing about Namath and his BS! Ok you won the Jets only super bowl 42 years ago, thanks but now go away. I don't know what gives him a right to constantly criticize and comment. Namath outside of your super bowl win your career wasnt shit. Get a life and get lost!
Waste of time. It was a light hearted crack and an attempt to be funny but in no way a shot at Rex. Move on.
Joe Namath didn't win a superbowl. The Jets won a superbowl he was just a part of the team albeit a large part of the team. I dont really care what he says but people here calling him the best Jet ever is just silly. He is not. I don't care if he won a superbowl, lots of people have won superbowls. If anyone should be a hero for winning the Superbowl more then Namath it should be Ewbank. Just like people want to say theres more to a team than the QB position when people say Sanchez sucks. Its the same if you win the SB.
I agree, the crack at Ryan is no big deal, who cares. I just am tired of reading about namath and his comments in the paper all the time.
wahoo....it was a joke post. jeezusss. I pointed out it was sarcasm two posts after it. i get it...ur older than me. Im 34...ill go sit at the kid's table
When I called your opinion retarded a while back, that wasn't was a cheap shot either. It was a fact.