This team has taken a step back...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Mr Electric, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. mj2sexay

    mj2sexay Active Member

    Oct 18, 2005
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    Stop hijacking what has been by far and away the best thread in this muck of awfulness with your fucking bullshit.

    Sanchez is a third year quarterback that came out as a junior and had 16 college starts behind him. How are the other third year quarterbacks in the league doing? Freeman looks fucking awful. Stafford is hit or miss and he's made of glass. Not to mention he has the best weapon out of either of the three. There are no Megatrons on the Bucs or Jets.

    Do you know what Aaron Rodgers was doing when he was at the point where Sanchez is now? Pulling splinters out of his ass from the bench. Drew Brees was considered a fucking bust by his third year. So shut up, because you don't have a clue as far as what the fuck you're talking about. Sanchez has a ton of room to grow, but the experience he's already garnered is going to do nothing but help.

    Couldn't agree more as far as the needs on this team. The front office is very lucky to be walking into a draft that has top heavy talent in terms of pass-rushers and is flat out STACKED at wideout. But even then as you said, one draft class will NOT fix the problems currently facing the Jets. The front 7 is slow. Pouha and Devito are rotational players currently masquerading as starters. Eric Smith is the bane of our existence as Jets fans. BT is sorely missed, but he's in his 30's coming off of a major injury, so he can't be relied on going forward. I shutter to think about what Bart Scott is going to look like next year.

    There's a young core in place with D'Brick, Mangold, Sanchez, Revis, Holmes, Wilson, Wilkerson, etc. But the front office needs to get its head out of its ass, stop worrying about the big splash and fix the leaks that have sprung because they're falling asleep at the wheel.
  2. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    The problem with this team is a combo of the talent and the coaching.

    The defense played a great first half until the Sanchez timeout and then once again the offense puts them in a bad position just like the Mcknight fumble and the tipped interception. No defense is going to stop Tom Brady if you give him enough possessions.

    The Steelers and to a lesser extent the Giants kept Brady off the field using their offense.

    The Jets offense and special teams kept Brady on the field. A missed field goal and a muffed punt against the Pats is exactly what you can't do against the Pats.

    The coaching last night was pretty strange. Jets are basically moving the ball at will from base formations and then Schotty goes to empty formations with two tackles who are getting abused. Why not just stay in the base personnel and move the skill players around? The Pats defense last night was so vanilla all the the jets had to do was slowly move the ball and not get impatient.

    For Rex/Pettine/Thurman to have a defense come out after a timeout totally unprepared for a play is mind boggling.

    Every week we have personal fouls, Mulligan holding, 12 men on defense. It's the same crap week after week. Even when the Jets are the far superior team they somehow make the game a lot more difficult then it needs to be because of all the mental mistakes.

    The Patriots have a plan for how to win the division. Never give up big plays, win the turnover battle, minimize penalties and most teams in the NFL will eventually beat themselves. It obviously helps to have Brady but the concept works.

    Meanwhile the Jets who I think most people think are the on same level talent wise as the Patriots at this point continue to find ways to make every game as challenging as possible for them.

    I do think the Jets are lacking in talent at safety and at linebacker and Hunter is not a long term solution. Every single team in the NFL could use a major upgrade at some position. You can't have above average players all over your roster, it just doesn't work.

    When this team plays clean football they are a nightmare for any team in the NFL. Is any NFL defense going to stop Brady possession after possession? Absolutely not.

    My point is the game plan against the Pats isn't so much about how to stop Brady, but how to keep him off of the field as much possible. That may have been the Jets goal yesterday but it certainly didn't work that way.
  3. The Grim Revis

    The Grim Revis New Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    I wanted Morgan Burnett so badly in 2010. Imagine if we had taken him over Ducasse, he's a pretty good young safety.

    LaRon Landry definitely won't hit FA. Tyvon Branch would be our best signing IMO. He has played both safety positions and would be a nice fit.
  4. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Totally agree. I thought we were weaker going into the season. My main problem with this team right now is the play calling(or audibles). I don't care whos doing it,sanchez or schotteheimer. They need to stop trying to be a passing team and get back to the run. That is what pissed me off last night. So many downs they threw and i couldn't believe it.
  5. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Everything electric said I've said numerous times.

    This team is an indictment on the front office's stance that they thought they were at a luxury to "skate" by with what they had. Let's blow draft picks on an 18th running back and a project OL who we could get in the 5th but take him in the 2nd.

    The fact is Rex's scheme requires versatile players. Right now, opposing offenses can read the what the defense is thinking if certain players like Bart Scott are on the field.

    Then they go into no huddle to keep them on the field and we are fucked.
  6. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    This defense is fucked when Ryan gets into sub-package mode. We don't have enough every-down defenders and switching personnel so often creates confusion on OUR sideline, not our opponents'. It's obvious what's up when certain players are on and off the field. Tom Brady exploited it in the second half last night.

    The subs also lead to a ton of unnecessary penalties.
  7. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho Trolls

    Jan 16, 2010
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    Yeah I definitely see what you are saying.. I think Pouha is really good at what he does, and DeVito to a lesser extent.. the problem is having 2 very 1 dimensional guys play so many snaps at the same time limits the defense, which is becoming more and more evident. In Baltimore Rex always had the 1 big run stuffer (Kelly Gregg, and guys like Siragusa before that) and complimented that with guys who can move around up front like Ngata, Suggs, Adalius Thomas and Trevor Pryce.

    On this defense we have our run stuffer/middle clogger in Pouha, and kind of have our Thomas in Pace as the guy who does a little bit of everything for the defense. I think Rex's hope is to have Wilkerson fill the Pryce role and Ellis be a poor man's version of Ngata (which is not an insult of course, Ngata is a superstar).

    I'd love to see more of Ellis down the stretch this year to see what we have in him. Obviously he's a bit of a project player and the team is going to be patient with him, but I definitely think they have very high hopes for him to be that versatile force up front with Wilkerson for the next 5+ years. I agree with the premise we need an upgrade up front, but I think that upgrade is going to have to come from within instead of spending a high draft choice on the line.. I think speed at linebacker and a versatile safety are much more pressing needs.
  8. DimsAllmighty

    DimsAllmighty Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2011
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    You sir are fucking right on the money. There are many problems that this organization refused to address and now we are paying for it. Give this man a beer.

  9. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho Trolls

    Jan 16, 2010
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    This is something I was saying with friends while watching the game.. Brady got the Jets sub package in there that he wanted, went to the hurry up and exploited the shit out of it so we couldn't make any changes. It was brutal.

    It's so clear what the Jets are trying to do just based on who is in the game.. Pouha and Devito in there, Brady switches to a pass. He sees Dixon in there at tackle with 6 or 7 d backs, he's gonna run it down our throats. We really only have a few every-down players on our defense..

    DL- Wilkerson and that's it. We badly need Ellis to progress and become a disruptor inside to get pressure up the middle the way Jenkins used to.

    LB- Harris and Pace, and Pace ends up playing most of the time as a down lineman when we play teams like the Pats. So Harris is the only guy in the front 7 we can even hope to rely on in coverage.

    Too many 1-dimensional players.. we can get by with that often times, but not against a team like the Pats, and a coach/QB combo like Belichick and Brady. They'll pick it apart every time. A big reason the Giants and Steelers were able to do so well against the Pats recently is those guys they have up front on both those teams stuff the run and play the pass equally well so they don't have to worry about the constant subs.

    On the other side, we see a lot of this with the offense, but for a difference reason (because Shotty is just predictable and not a good coordinator). Even Phil Simms made a comment last week about Patrick Turner being in and how it was clearly going to be a run. On offense it's just Shotty getting cute, on defense I think it's more a lack of talent up front and it needs to be addressed.
  10. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Or better yet, most of the defense personnel are not quite every down defenders. Pace, Harris, Revis and Cro qualify. Outside the 4, maybe Leonhard and MAYBE Eric Smith. That's it. This means this defense can account for about 50% of personnel with every-down defender on any given down. That's scarily bad.

    Here's hoping that Mo Wilk and Kenrick Ellis develops into every down linemen - that will alleviate a lot of problems.
  11. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    No, they're not.

    Eric Smith is a special teamer that should get about ten or so defensive reps a game in certain packages. He has no business starting in this league.

    Jimmy Leonhard's a smart player, but he's easily taken advantage of.

    It's time to get better at the safety position.

    Also, Mo Wilkerson is an every down lineman. He can play 34 end and 43 tackle. He's done a very good job this year and he'll only get better.
  12. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    I said 'maybe' because of that. And I didn't quite count Mo Wilk in yet simply because he was a rookie - no knock against him.

    So if we take both safeties out, then even with Mo Wilk in the count, we are below 50% mark in terms of every down defender. This speaks volumes about the state of the defense - it means this defense is in need of some serious talent infusion. Like I keep saying, you cannot win the Kentucky Derby on a donkey.

    And then there is br4d's argument kicking in: Tannenbaum keeps trading picks away, making it even harder to restock the depleted squad. Wheeling and dealing must stop at one point.
  13. JCotchrocket

    JCotchrocket Active Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    I was certain that Braylon Edwards and Santonio Holmes both needed to be re-signed in the off-season. If you had told me we were going to lose Jerricho Cotchery, I would have screamed it from the rooftops.

    We fucked Mark Sanchez this off-season, pure and simple. I can't emphasize this enough- this is the ultimate team sport. I know everyone knocks the "chemistry" thing as if I was talking about voodoo or lucky charms, but any quarterback needs time to develop a rapport with his receivers.

    If you don't believe me, take a good look at how well Tom Brady and Chad Ochocinco are playing together. Now take a good look at Aaron Rodgers and a corp of receivers that have been playing together for years. Aaron Rodgers is great- he's better than Sanchez on his worst day- but knowing your receiving corps makes every quarterback better.

    I'm glad we've got Holmes locked up and I'm glad we drafted Kerley. This should be the core of our WR group moving forward. Trouble is, People are going to start calling for Sanchez's head pretty soon without recognizing the fact that personnel changes and inferior coaching are not his shortcomings, but the organization's.
  14. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    I agree completely. At least 75% of fans are ready to ditch Sanchez and would rather have Chad Henne because he threw for more yards on the Pats defense. It's just sickening. Chemistry is completely overlooked and must be taken into account while evaluating any QB, sadly, many of this fan base is overlooking this major fact.
  15. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Give me a fucking break with that "chemistry" bullshit.

    How much chemistry is needed to toss a simple check down to your HOF bound running back without giving up 6 pts.?
  16. I partially agree with the original post, but I kind of have a different way of viewing it. I see this as a "transition year". Yes we replaced alot of valuable veteran pieces..but these were players who were on their last leg anyway and many of the players replacing them are GOOD players..but they're also first year starters and are still learning the game. Want examples?

    -Wilkerson replaces Ellis- He gets better with every game and just watch, next year he's gonna be getting off blocks and with that wingspan, in THIS defense? Look out

    -Wilson replaces Coleman- First of all he's a major upgrade, secondly he's only gonna get better. He could start as early as next year as the ideal #2..then you can use Cromartie's athleticism all over the field.

    Conner replaces Richardson- He's rough around the edges with his ability to reach the second level..but when he and Greene get going, they are Devastating. Only a 2nd year player

    Kerley over Mason/Cotchery- He's not on J-co's level but J-co wanted out & was starting to break down physically. Kerley at the very least is a chain mover with the potential to be quite good after the catch.

    Additionally we've seen young players like Mcknight,Westerman,Dixon and Mauga all step up into role players with upside.

    Kenrick Ellis & Vlad Ducasse have high ceilings in the trenches. I stand by my opinion that Vlad Ducasse will eventually be a very good starter for this team...and he'll force Hunter to return to where he is best fit: Back up swing tackle.

    We're young and still growing at alot of positions,including at QB whether we want to admit it or not. Does Tannenbaum have some work to do? Of course he does. Team needs a rangy safety with size to counter the Pats Te's,More speed in the front 7, and some long term chemistry builders in the WR corps(among other things)..but you take this current roster and fast forward one year post this season...and this could be a whole different team ready to do some major damage.

    The precursor to all this optimism is these guys need some time to learn consistency. Consistency, the ability to make plays and eliminate mental errors takes some time.You can cry out "What have you done for me lately" " Forty somehing years and counting..". And in some ways you are right. But this is how Tannenbaum/Ryan decided to address the reality of an aging roster that was showing signs as early as 09.
  17. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    We're severely lacking in the "My Quarterback" games by Mark Sanchez department. That thread was bumped at least 5 times last season.
  18. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    It's not, but when santonio runs a fly route and Sanchez thinks he's running a curl isn't, or the 1st 6 games when him and plax couldnt complete a 10 yards slant? Look at the big picture and realize he's had at least 2 new receivers every year of his career.
  19. JCotchrocket

    JCotchrocket Active Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    Dude, you just don't get it, do you?

    First of all, we're not talking about wide receivers, not LaDainian Tomlinson. But unless you count Shonn Greene, LT, at a year and a half, is the second longest tenured pass catcher Sanchez has.

    That's fucking crazy.

    But since you brought it up, you actually highlighted a perfect example. Rather than release the pass to his third down back instinctively, Sanchez stuttered on that throw. He hitched his throw because he wasn't entirely sure where LT was going to be.

    That's an example of a quarterback and a receiver simply not working together long enough to make a throw like that second nature. Or in short... underdeveloped chemistry.
  20. MyFavoriteMartin5

    MyFavoriteMartin5 New Member

    May 7, 2007
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    I get all the points of this thread and I think most Jets fans agree with most of them. The question I have is are you saying Rex and the Front Office have made more bad moves than good ones?

    I can't go that far, but if our expectations were too high that might be true, but hey there are still 7 games left and this is a weak AFC.

    This team in the playoffs would most likely get a game against an AFC west or AFC south team. I definitely feel the Jets could beat anyone of those teams.

    I think overall you have to be at the very least pleased by the Jets draft over the years. Other than 2008 I think every draft since 2006 has really yielded multiple contributors and 3 pro bowlers/all pro type players (I do think David Harris should have gone to 1 pro bowl though in 2009).

    It takes time for a team to get loaded up. They aren't there yet, but I still feel this team is on a good track. It just may take another year or two to get to that feeling where this team feels dominant. In that time the pats reign will be in its twilight I feel.

    Let's at least stay a little positive, this team has a chance to go to the playoffs for a third straight year which is something that has never happened before. If this team can win a playoff game as well you have to really look at Rex as a very good head coach even if he hasn't won a superbowl yet. Three straight years with playoff wins and multiple championship game appearances is something a lot of teams would sign up for.

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