thank GOD i have NFL SUNDAY TICKET so i dont have to watch this horror show the rest of the season!!!! i can see it now first round pick D-LINEMAN!!!!!!!
Both Gruden Grinders tonight are the Practice Squad guards for Arizona that beat out our main man Mo Wilkerson all game long.
I'd put in Petty from this point on. Or at least give him some reps against the Ravens. This season is a ---- show.
Don't leave the OC out, either. Gailey's evidently lost whatever football smarts he had and has gone senile.
Why wasn't I born in Bahston? I could pahrk my cahr in Hahrvard yahrd, and root for Tahmmy. Nah. Never mind. That would suck. I'll keep what I got. Go Jets!
You think in a league that makes 4 billion dollars.... you'd be able to overlook that figure. Esp. when your as bad as we are.
That's not Mac's call. That's Woody's call and I'm hoping that little shithead owner of ours grows some balls and erupts on this team publically.
just stay dormant as a sleeper cell Jets fan and when they finally have some success claim the team like real NY'ers who didn't suffer with the team would do
First off, capitalizing lol makes you look more immature than Geno Smith could ever possibly look. So please stop doing that. Second, my point was that if you don't like seeing a jet player get fired up, then you must like the alternative which is a jet player not getting fired up.
Hey man, I know tempers are running because this team sucks, but you have to come up with something better than this.
There is zero reason to start Geno It's time to watch Petty struggle on a team that's already quit. At least he'll get experience the hard way.
and that us how STUPID Todd Bowles really is--pronouncing last year that if Fitzpatrick comes back. he WILL be our starter--Take away all leverage you team has in negotiations by saying that for a journeyman QB who is some 37 games under .500 as a starter.
And really, you can knock that 17 down to 10 since it was a fluke TD on a fumble recovery when everyone else stopped playing. So basically, we've been scoring 7 points a game after the Bills game. Is that low? That sounds really low to me.
Can't win in the NFL or at any level with that little of production. Doesn't matter what the defense does if you can't even score 10 points.