Sorry, I’m not buying into the fear that firing Bowles is somehow going to make another coach, who wants to be a head coach, believes in Darnold, and has $90 million in free agent cash to spend in upgrades, not interested in the Jets job. That’s just fan insecurity.
That's illogical and makes no sense to just fire a coach with no clear direction mid-season unless there were expectations to make it deep in the playoffs. Youre not going to hire an interim coach from the outside, that makes zero sense. That definitely shows no organizational direction. That is same. Old jets. Instead just wait for the guy you want or if you feel there's a good shot you can get who you want. Otherwise you're just going to be repeating the same mistakes over and over. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Seems to have been an issue to plenty of coaches when the jets were hiring actually. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
It's not about getting fired mid-season, it's about being given the tools and time to do what they need to do to be successful. There were coaches who turned down interviews for that reason. The idea that someone is going to come in and suddenly make this poor roster better is silly. Im not saying any of these coaches are great but let's be realistic here, the grass isn't always greener. We don't know what's out there. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Bowles is not a good coach and history has shown there are great coaches out there just waiting to get their chance. I’m sure you aren’t arguing that there isn’t a potential coach that isn’t better than Bowles out there somewhere. Why keep a bad coach when you know there has to be not only a better coach but also the next great coach sonewhere. Identifying that coach is a risk but you can’t argue that he doesn’t exist. So it’s nothing more than continued fan insecurity to argue we are better off sticking with Bowles just because we don’t know what’s out there. No, you don’t stick with a proven failure of a coach just because you are afraid you may make the wrong decision with his replacement and end up with an even worse coach. The goal is to find a great coach and win Super Bowls, not just try to avoid being worse than you are if you are bad. Sorry, the risk of possibly going 2-12 is worth it if the alternative is the near certainty of only going 5-11.
Fair enough, I wouldn't say it's sinking tho, just poorly built from the start. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Would like to see the receivers get healthy and continue to get as much experience for Darnold as possible. I think this team still has a shot at 7 wins if they can get a decent bill of health for these receivers.
We don't disagree on there will be a coaching change. I just feel like I've seen this team hire enough coordinators who fail to fire one now and have no plan in place. Then here we are again 3 years later. Wait for the right guy is all im saying. We knew this wasn't a good team so im not surprised. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
I'm sure you can Google. It's been hard for this team to find GMs and coaches. That's why they did the consulting nonsense. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
No. I don't need to Google. You made the claim. If it's just a case of "everyone knows" that's not good enough. What coaches turned down the Jets?
Take a deep breath guys, after we beat the fish and the Bills , you’ll all be talking about the playoffs again
I disagree. There is never any certainty when hiring a new coach so you can’t eliminate the risk. The right guy only exists in retrospect. And if the person responsible for making those decisions isn’t able to both fire a failure of a coach and then identify a potential succesful replacement then that person needs to go too.
Out of curiosity, is there anyone you particularly want? I like Defillipo if they're going to make that leap for anyone Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
All for Darnold gaining experience, but as to the 7 wins, I just don’t know. While learning to win is obviously important, will it be enough to save Bowls job? Will it be enough to make Mac think that he doesn’t need to make any drastic changes to push the franchise forward? Those would be bad things in my opinion. So would losing out on a blue chip LT prospect in the draft. Personally, I think the D is a couple of players away from being very good. They’re being killed by a putrid offense right now and some boneheaded plays and decisions. They can’t stay off the field (which isn’t entirely their fault) and don’t have someone who can put consistent pressure on opposing QB’s. The offense is a different story all together. There’s no player besides Sam that’s untouchable. You can make a case for a few, but when you look at the free agents on offense, there really aren’t many that are a must to resign, aside of the fact that we have to because we need a full roster. Some may be worth it for the right contract, but the fact that we don’t have anyone on our own roster worth breaking the bank over is telling. I HATE when the Jets lose. Generally ruins my day. Used to ruin my week but I learned to separate from it It just gets old watching the same season over and over again, year after year. And that’s what it’s been outside of one winning season where they still managed to choke and miss the playoffs. If a complete collapse is what’s needed to change the entire direction of the franchise, then so be it. They’ve already purged the old vets. They have the cap space. Once the edge rusher is in place, the talent is there on defense to make that unit solid even if we bring in an offensive minded head coach, which is what the team desperately needs.
They all should go..plain and simple ..but none of us how power to do that ) The J's will make us suffer till the bitter end of season prob (I hope not) I can't italicize easy on this Comp sorry for the bold
Team is 3-5, but things can change after these next 3ish games, its not looking good, no doubt. Still want to see this team get healthy and make some plays. Under no circumstance, should anyone root for a collapse. After the season is over, the entire body of work for this regime would need to be evaluated. A lot of the things Bowles does has not improved over time and same with Mac. I want to see more Chris Herndon, him and Darnold are developing chemistry. Want to see more Q and Robby, hopefully they get healthy. From there, evaluate the positions and see what needs improvement outside of line and pass rusher.