Its mostly Sanchez's fault really but the expectations shouldn't have been high from the getgo. You can expect this guy to watch film of every game he played in this season and really work on cutting down his mistakes. Ive never felt as good about a quarterback as I do with Sanchez.
I like Sanchez as well. But the "finger pointing" has to be at Schotty and Sanchez... I can give Sanchez a pass... But Schotty? What the hell is so special about him? Pennington here he was so-so. Goes to Miami plays well. Favre here he was average at best...Leaves? And he's having a great season. Schottenheimer HAS to go.
no not at all. i don't care about the 1991 eagles. i care about sustaining a great defense for years to come. i think if we can draft a key playmaking OLB or safety first round, with MUCH hope for sanchez to progress next year, we'll be a good team.
I would give Sanchez a pass as well but the majority of the blame this season is on his shoulders. You could make the case that Schotty was throwing Sanchez to the wolves. I agree this man has to go and I also agree that the play calling was very questionable at times. Sanchez was the one making bad decisions in these close games we lost though.
we're perhaps 1 or 2 players away from having that phenomenal defense. the fact that you're getting on rex despite the success the defense has had this year is ridiculous. everyone knew that our record should be around 8-8 with a rookie QB. the fast start made fans delusional.
Week 2 didn't shut down Brady and Co. to hold onto the game? Thursday night against Buffalo didn't seal the game? Look they're inconsistent, and who the F is saying they're elite? The defense is good, not great...With Jenkins back and a Rex draft for what he needs, I expect a great defense next season.
I want to be hopeful. I will be hopeful. However, other than hope what indication do we have that next year will be different other than the fact that Sanchez is seeing more snaps. Shouldn't he have made at least some progress, not regressed? I really don't understand where the disconnect is occurring, and I'm not convinced the Jets know either. It's just disheartening. Rex is not his dad, that has nothing to do with anything. Just like Brian is not his father. Chris Simms is not Phil Simms...just having a family link is a special interest statistic and that's it.
and yes we could very well be 12-2 right now, but with a rookie QB you're going to lose some close games. he will have to progress next season for us to be successful.
Oh trust me I was pissed at the close games we lost as well but you just have to give this coaching staff and team time to grow.
exactly. to say rex hasn't been less than exceptional in his first year as a head coach is plain ignorant. translating our team into the best statistical defense without completing implementing his personnel is scary for next year to say the least.
whoa whoa whoa. what. our schedule was a joke this year. we have 3 teams that are good outside of division (indy cincy nola) last year we had san diego ariz and tenn(10-0) same shit
While I agree....schotty sucks...I wouldnt be so fast to pull the trigger that in Rexs case, the apple didnt fall far from the tree. I was afraid of that..but so far..the only thing that backs that up is that they are both very good defensive minds. Buddy was a control freak. Buddy was stubborn and wouldnt change for anyone. Buddy showed no ability to grow into a head coach. He was a born and raised DC and would never show any signs be it temperament etc that he could ever be number 1. Rex on the other hand has changed already. You can see it in his press conferences. He goes out of his way to praise the other team and their coaches. He no longer gushes over a 0 touchdown 4 interception day by his rookie qb. He no longer praises stupidity. Rex has shown decent gameday management. Some former OC or DC's are never even able to perfect that side of the ball when they become an HC. Rex has the number 1 defense (at least statistically) in his first year. Im very confident he is on his way.
going into this year we had the 5th toughest schedule. teams like atl and carolina have underperformed, but it is still a tough schedule nonetheless.
You're very ignorant. Last year we didnt have a rookie qb. Im pretty sure the guy we had was very experienced at what he does and he was STILL making rookie mistakes. This year we actually HAVE a rookie making rookie mistakes. Theres a big difference between the experience that Sanchez and Favre have. Sorry for stating the obvious but its true. Schedule has nothing to do with it. The Steelers won the Superbowl and had one of the easiest schedules in the league and now they're fighting for a wildcard spot.
is rex ryan the defensive coordinator for this team. i wouldnt say jack shit about him if he was the d coord. he is the head coach aaand his team sucks. holy shit guys, bill parcells went 8-8 with ray lucas(started 1-6). this team has gotten worse since week 3 (how much of that is missing jenkins? not much i guess since d is #1) we lost to buffalo. i was at that game. same shit, cant handle the snap on FGs. get a holder. the head coach loses a game and talks about how RAD his D played.
The attitude around here is beyond pathetic. I expected an 8-8 sason. They have played good enough to be a 10-6 team if not for some bad breaks.
so i say schedule has nothing to do with it in response to another poster you say im ignorant then you say schedule has nothing to do with it. THATS SO AWESOME. you should go into politics