Yeah. I was not a fan, either. Too pompous, or maybe more accurately that faux avuncular attitude was annoying. We had a history before I got here from JI, and no doubt that carried over here. Oh well...
Winston and I had some great debates years ago. I was the one who decided ongoing arguments on the internet were a waste of time. But since our debates were more of a philosophical nature instead of flinging stats and insults back and forth, we did have a mutual respect, and actually became friends even outside of the board. There hasn't been any communication since he left the board, however. I never sent him any messages, since I figured he was too far into the fear of anybody on a message board entering into "real life" anymore. I dunno, maybe I should send him an email someday, see if he answers. He wasn't a tool, or pompous. He just had a way of speaking from experience and with strong conviction to back up his words. Nowhere near as bad as Junc, but I guess it could rub people the wrong way. As I'm sure he would say, "tough shit"
I'd trade Tommy, Blocker and any one of a half dozen canadian knuckleheads to be named later for Winston in a heartbeat.
Winston was hit or miss. He was always pumping up Jay Cutler, for a while called him a top five QB in the league.
He did the same thing with Carson Palmer. He would always complain that the QBs of today are much worse than the QBs of 30 years ago. Over the course of three years, he must have made that complaint about a dozen times. I had had enough one day and devoted a thread to the issue. WinstonBiggs never appeared in the thread. Perhaps he never saw it. I didn't think alerting him to it via private message was necessary. Looking back, maybe it was. At the time, though, I thought he was avoiding it because I presented pretty clear evidence that there were plenty of awful QBs playing in the mid to late 1970s.