This Fire Idzik crap needs to stop

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jetfannerd, Dec 11, 2014.

  1. jcass10

    jcass10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    New GM, HC, and QB.

    Idzik was put in a bad situation, and did nothing to help his cause. Everyone has turned on him, he has to go.

    Rex Ryan was put in a bad situation and did nothing to help his cause. He isnt surviving a second GM firing.

    Geno isnt good enough to start, and may not even warrant a roster spot next year.
    fireidzik_billboard and IDFjet like this.
  2. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Holy shit this hurts just to read.

    Motherfucker, such a deep draft at positions we really needed to upgrade.

  3. FlaJet

    FlaJet Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Feel sorry for Idzick. Hell NO.. Let him panhandle for all I care. Heck I might even throw a buck or two into his jar.
    He'll be great for a company looking to downsize as long as they keep him away from hiring personal. These are my feelings as a very long (suffering) time Jet fan.
    fireidzik_billboard likes this.
  4. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    He will land on his feet, and may not even lose a job within the Jets organization.
  5. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The Fire Idzik nuts are trying to take Woody Johnson down. Idzik is just the first salvo. Just wait and see.
    MikeSLTJ23 likes this.
  6. fireidzik_billboard

    fireidzik_billboard Active Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    lol.. "Nuts"… do u know anything about deez? (had to… too easy)
  7. Jets1035

    Jets1035 Active Member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    John Idzik makes more money per year then 10 of us put together. He is paid to put together a team that competes. Not this.
    He is not a normal guy, he has a very high profile job in a big city, and is paid very well for it. He can survive.

    If you don't like it, then pound salt.

    FlaJet and LIJetsFan like this.
  8. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I'm pretty sure I saw an item somewhere about Woody's next a week or two ago. I'm going to have to go looking for it now. Probably just one of the loose cannons in your crowd.

    And BTW, what you're doing is embarrassing to all Jets fans as well as to the organization. You are humiliating a good man who got caught in a bad situation with very few outs. You're doing this with a gleeful attitude that speaks poorly of Jets fans everywhere.

    You're doing this without much thought for the potential consequences a few years down the road.

    The Brooklyn Dodgers moved to LA. The NY Giants moved to SF. The Baltimore Colts moved to Indy. The Cleveland Browns moved to Baltimore.

    I wouldn't be getting into a pissing contest trying to humiliate the owner of the team you profess to love. There's no percentage in doing that at this point.

    Both LA and London are real things right now.
    YOYOYO, rockyusmc2003, LAJet and 2 others like this.
  9. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    The majority of those 12 picks are still in the NFL on active rosters, IR or practice squads. And the reason we have 12 is because of supplemental picks awarded to the Jets. These are high round non tradable selections. In other words guys who were not slam dunks to make the team, anyways. Right after the draft experts gave the Jets average grades.
    Pocket Jet and MikeSLTJ23 like this.
  10. fireidzik_billboard

    fireidzik_billboard Active Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    We said that IF Woody does not hear our message and make the changes that are so painfully obvious to ALMOST everybody else (short of a few people who are too stubborn to admit that they are wrong) that we would focus our attention on Woody next.

    You thinking that the Jets are considering moving because of what we are doing is the funniest thing I have ever read in my life. Literally.
  11. Innocenti

    Innocenti Active Member

    May 11, 2014
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    I don't like the idea of funding a billboard to get someone (who isn't a politican) fired. But if you're worried about his family then c'mon...C'MON...C'MON...I mean C'MON. You see my point now?


    In all seriousness, what about the guy who is more deserving who is struggling because John Idzik is doing a job for which he is unqualified.
  12. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    I think the number of people who don't support you are bigger than you think. I'm on the fence about whether Idzik should stay or go, but even if I thought he should go, I'm just a fan and not the owner of the team. I have no business telling someone else how to spend their money. Neither do you. This isn't politics. It's a game, and you don't get to vote who's in and who's out. Watch American Idol instead if that's what you want.

    Additionally, if you'd post your name and where you work for all to see, I'd like to swing by to check on how well you're performing your job. If you're not doing very well, I'll probably send a mass email to your company reporting the deficiencies I'm finding in your work, accentuating the fact that you either don't deserve your job or are at the very least overpaid for what you do. If you are doing a good job, I'll be sure to wait until you do screw up and then publicize your screw-up, calling for your head.

    Typing on a message board is one thing. Putting up a billboard publicly humiliating someone is embarrassing for him and for you. But too bad you hide behind the internet because I'm sure you wouldn't have the balls to say anything to Idzik's or Woody's face.
    LIJetsFan likes this.
  13. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    If Woody wants to fire him, then fine. I just hope that pressure from the fan base is not the reason. It should be pressure to win. If he thinks Idzik is the guy to help, then who the hell are we to have any say in it. It's his team, his money. I hear all the PSL BS, but you don't have to be a Jet fan and you don't have to go to the games, but you choose to. And he can choose whatever the hell he wants to do with the team. If people wanted to stop paying, that's their prerogative. At this point, I almost want to see Idzik as a GM somewhere else light it up (similar to how people felt about Sanchez when he was shown the door).
  14. GangGreenBlues

    GangGreenBlues Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Meh, these billboard guys should have a right to waste their money as they see fit, even if they are embarassing our fanbase. I just hope Woody is not stupid enough to listen to them, but if he is, it will be poetic justice, since the next GM (assuming they can even find one after this debacle) will do it the Knicks way, being afraid to rebuild and get the Idzik treatment, and then these bums can get another 40 years without a championship.
    Pocket Jet, Zombies and LIJetsFan like this.
  15. fireidzik_billboard

    fireidzik_billboard Active Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Sorry buddy.. I own my company - so I have some pretty solid job security.. If my company was failing to produce, I would certainly hear about it on places like yelp from my customers. We have 100% positive feedback and I am very good at my job - so I have nothing to worry about. I will not post my company because that would be a lose/lose for me personally. People would either say that I am trying to make money by publicizing my company - or they would write fake bad reviews for my company out of spite… What I do for a living has nothing to do with what we are doing here.
  16. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Bitch you guesssssin WOO!
  17. Geno007

    Geno007 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    Show me where Rex told him that? Please don't say he said he don't great CB's to make his D work. Because it not like he going to say to the media that Idzik fucked up and didn't get me any CB's. We heard reports that Rex was pissed he didn't sign DRC.
  18. JetFanInPA

    JetFanInPA Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    That's an interesting thought and perhaps he could be useful in a different position within the FO. His draft choices and player acquisitions as a whole have been extremely underwhelming, but one thing he's done well is manage the cap (yes, he cheaped out at CB and left 20 million in unspent money). He didn't give out bad contracts and guys who have underperformed or have questionable futures with the team such as Percy Harvin, Calvin Pace, Chris Johnson and Jeff Cumberland can be cut without any real cap issues. He didn't give out any Jeff Ireland-esque contracts. I'll also say that the spiraling-out-of-control at the CB position was not entirely his fault as arguably the top three got hurt/went missing. Now given the injury history of those guys, he did partially bring it on himself, but if even two of these guys stayed healthy, it's a very different position and perhaps the team is in a better spot as a whole. He did also get a very high quality back in Ivory at a steal of a price.

    All that being said, I don't think I trust this guy going forward. He's a build-through-the-draft guy, which is fantastic, but the little hangup there is that he's been terrible in the draft... Many of these guys enter the league and looked terrible initially (Milliner, Geno, Winters, Pryor, Shaq Evans, Jalen Saunders, etc) and perhaps beyond. I am not a billboard proponent nor do I feel this guy has been as bad as some say, but I can't express much confidence in his plan anymore. With all this cap room, some decent talent at various positions, and a high draft pick, this GM job will be MUCH more attractive than it was two year and thus should attract some much better candidates.
  19. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    Anyone that would write fake reviews about your company out of spite would be doing something that's just as childish as what you're doing here. Just my opinion, and clearly I'm in the minority, but I think it's foolish.
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Who the fuck are you to threaten the owner of the NY Jets? I mean seriously, get over yourself.

    You know how easy it is to get together and put up a billboard and get some free attention in the process? Any fan base in America could do this. In most places they'd get hooted out of the process and everybody would forget about them in short order. In NY because of the toxic media environment it has been easy to do what you did. It will be easy for the next group that decides they don't like x, y or z to do the same thing.

    The Jets haven't been lousy for 15 years. They aren't a terrible organization that never wins. That's just what the media is selling right now because they have a bone to pick with the newly quiet Jets organization that doesn't spoonfeed them controversy on a regular basis. You guys are the idiots who are spoonfeeding the media right now and you're doing it in a way that harms the Jets and ultimately the fans.

    You really think it's going to be a good thing if Woody Johnson punts on his GM choice of 2 years ago because a lousy season happened? You really think what comes next is likely to be better than following the Idzik plan for another year and seeing if the Jets can straighten things out with a more unified management team?

    Let's say you're not wild about his next GM choice. Is that more billboards and more chaos just so you can feel like you're doing something proactive, a something that is virtually certain to fail in achieving the objectives you want to achieve? Unless those objectives are more billboards, more publicity and more chaos.

    Your 15 minutes is up. Go away before you cause some real harm.
    soh_vet and joe like this.

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