Things people do that piss you off.

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by eyedea, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I always thought it was the left.
  2. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Happens to me all the time. And I still have dings ans scratches all over my new car FML
  3. Bricket-head

    Bricket-head Active Member

    Aug 1, 2005
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    The asshole that works in my building that gargles mouthwash at the main sink, instead of inside one of the stalls.

    The bicyclists in my town that absolutely refuse to use the bike path directly adjacent to the main road. These asswipes hold up traffic in a busy commercial area so they can ride on the fucking road.

    The slag-whore that lives 3 doors down whose dog shits on the sidewalk near my condo.
  4. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    You reminded me one:

    People who use the same word over and over again. The constant in my day to day experiences is using "swag" for everything or as a response to a question like
    "hey what time is it"
    "swag time"
    "ha yeah so what time"
    "time get on that watch swag"
  5. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Yep. The most basic fundamental rule of the road, is to stay right except to pass. Maybe it's just jersey and NYC, but it seems nobody has a clue about this. They don't really teach it in drivers Ed and cops never enforce it. They only enforce the improper passing tickets on the guy that is forced to pass them on the right when it is completely the other guy's fault for failing to stay right. This angers me to no end, especially in the winter when people are terrified of snow and drive in both lanes at the same time, blocking anybody from passing them. That is extremely selfish. I don't care if you are a little pansy who's afraid to break 25 in the snow. Stay right and you never have to worry about it. Don't take the entire road up because of your paranoid delusions... or better yet. Don't go out in the snow if you can't handle it.

    One other thing while we're talking about it. What's the deal with people using their hazard lights in the snow? I understand you are scared, but flashing your hazards isn't going to make me notice you any moreso than usual, unless we're talking blizzard or fog where you can't see anything. Gee, thanks for letting me know that it's snowing out, and that you are a complete incompetent driver in the snow. It will make me laugh as I pass you doing double your speed.
    #65 Barcs, Apr 8, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2013
  6. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    That irks me to no end. I have one of those phantom shitters in my neighborhood as well. I still can't figure out who it is, but they are either too lazy or too much of an asshole to clean up after their dog. I've almost stepped in a few of their landmines. Just because there is a stone walk way, doesn't mean people don't walk on the grass or kids don't play there. Show a little courtesy.
  7. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    The guy who dumps his chewing tobacco in the urinal. Someone has to clean that up you inconsiderate douchebag.
  8. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I hate people who say "It is what it is.."

    When the fuck did this enlightened philosophy become mainstream?!?! Might as well not bother doing anything in our society, or changing anything at all - "it is what it is."

    The next time I hear someone say that at my job - I will proceed to stab them. When I get arrested I'll just shrug my shoulders and say "I'm a murderer- It is what It is"
  9. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Thought of this thread today. Wanted to add: Hypothetical sports conversations that people go ON AND ON about for hours, despite the fact that they will never know the answer. Drives me nuts. Examples: Jordan or Lebron, who is better? If Peyton Manning was a Patriot and Tom Brady was a Colt, if Pens drafted Ovechkin and Caps drafted Crosby, etc. Such a waste of time.
  10. Angry Teste

    Angry Teste Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    People who can't appreciate Karma.

    I hate anyone who would own an animal called a "cockapoo", and even worse, think that is a dog.

    OK bitches, this thread is for me!

    A. If we are leaving the store and are walking thru a parking lot, how is it that I am the only one who has a sense of a direct path to the car? You annoy me so much that I will stop walking, and when you stop a few steps in front of me with that stupid look on your face, I will then have to cross behind you and walk quickly, because obviously you think a walk to the car in the parking lot is a random stroll...

    B. I hate the mother fuckers who cross the street with no sense of urgency. Last I checked, it was cars 43, human flesh zero. Pull your pants up and move it you stupid fuck, I am one dirty look away from killing someone.

    C. Coworkers that have to announce they are going to the break room, and are looking to recruit others to come along. Its not the fucking Oregon Trail, you can make it by yourself.

    D. Any checkout person who has any comment, in any way, about my purchase. Go fuck yourself. Yes, I am hungry AND I am stoned, so leave me and my softbatch cookies alone. Did I point out your lack of self esteem because your face is pierced? I mean, I would pretty much cum on any womans face, but you just became the first that I would say no to.

    E. Patriots fans.

    F. Major Network Executives. Seriously, another cop show? When other Networks have Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy, Devils Ride, Its Always Sunny, The League, think we need another fucking cop show? Fuck you and your network.

    G. The Geico cricket and Flo the insurance cunt.

    H. Women at work who blow in other women for what they r wearing. Let daddy have a bone...

    I. The Upsell. Not the cashiers fault, so my anger is directed at the manager. But annoys me either way. Just give me the 12 pack and the condoms, No I do not wish to donate momey, or leave change.

    J. The mother fucker who doesnt pull up to the front gas pump. Its right in front of you! Now when I pull around and get my car in, and I am gonna snug it right up to your bumper, so you can fucking jump through hoops to leave. And BTW, I said "dumb fuck" loud enough for you to hear, cuz again, I am still one look away from killing someone.

    K. I gotta throw this in, but this is a fucking winery! Why am I being served red wine in a white wine glass? If there is one place on earth where it actually matters, its here!

    L. Jets Media. You recognize we have a quarterback problem, but when we agree with your assessment, and work to correct it, how does your mouth still criticize? We took the highest rated quarteback in the 2nd round, get on your knees and ask Idzik if you can tickle his balls while you are down there. Whether we keep Sanchez for one more year or get rid of him now, you are gonna have something fucking smarmy to say. Go fuck yourself.

    M. Bartenders that don't realize they work for tips. Regulars that don't tip.

    N. Drive thru...stop giving me the fucking recepit! I have a pile of them on my floor, I just want my Dunkion Donuts coffee. If 95% say "no receipt please" your new fucking poilicy should be to ask me if I WANT one!

    O. Its a fucking Dunkin Donuts drive thru, and we are all trying to get to work. Go inside if your order is greater than 5 dollars.

    P. People who come in my office, and have to make a remark about how messy my desk is. I have a shit-ton of work and make 3 times the money you do, when you can take a small corner of this shit and do it yourself, I will give you a raise!

    Q. All other drivers but myself.

    R. That tattoo on your face was a genius move. Go fuck yourself.

    S. Super-texter. Turn the alert sound off. I am so close to grabbing that phone out of your hand and beating you down with it, you have no clue. Call the person and say what you gotta say,...too late, I hate you already.

    T. People who use facebook apps. If you fucking request me for one more thing, I will rip your eyes out.

    U. Women who tan all year long. Don't you realize you look like shit? Have fun aging 5 times faster than the rest of the your tits look like raisins!

    V. Radio commercials. Seriously, change up the ad for your product or give them a rotation of commercials to pick from. It's driving me nuts, and now I will never buy your product.

    W. DVD wrap. You can't design it to remove like cigarette wrappers?

    X. Servers who ask yo a question deliberately right when you put food in your mouth. Did you learn your conversational ettiquette from my dentist? Yeah pal, you can stop the small talk too, I can't fucking answer, you prick.

    Y. Girls who fuck up their eyebrows. Leave them alone, a miniscule trim around the edge, 4 inches between your brows makes you look stupid.

  11. silent scream

    silent scream Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2004
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    God dam it man where have you been?
  12. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Lol I hate this too.

    It reminded me of a similar situation at work. I went in the bathroom to take a shit so I went down to the very last stall in a row of 5. Some guy came in and went in the stall right next to me and starts taking a shit. I'm like come on dude pick any of the others...don't come shit right next to me.
  13. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    One of my biggest pet peeves is when you are driving and you let someone go (make the left, enter off a side street, etc..) and they don't wave or acknowledge it. Pisses me off beyond belief.
  14. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Yeah I need "the wave"
  15. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I usually give them the finger just to confuse them.
  16. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    lol. On the other hand I do hate getting waved out when it makes it a nuisance for me or holds up traffic. Sometimes it is easier for people just to follow traffic rules instead of being mr nice guy
  17. Cappy

    Cappy Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I let a guy make a left turn in front of me on a notoriously congested main road. He must have been sitting there for quite a while, because I didn't get a wave. He pointed at me and gave me a double fist pump, then pointed again. All while screaming what I believe to be, "Fuck yeah!"

    This is now how I acknowledge all kind traffic gestures.
  18. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    Flo, has gotten really annoying
  19. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Was this mentioned?

    I'm a NY'er but now live in NJ. One thing I noticed is NY'ers don not move to the right, they have a "Fuck you go around me" attitude on the road so I know asa I see the Orange plate he won't move.

    I test this theory out EVERY time on the road and it's 90-95% accurate, try it you'll love it.

    Now, that said...

    When the guy in the left lane decides he is going to go the speed limit and so does everyone else except when you move to the right and attempt to pass them, they now speed up!!

    I also hate people who constantly say "Now, that said"
  20. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Gotta admit tee - i drive the left - mostly on northern state parkway here on the island - and routinely go around 70-80 mph...

    its mostly a 2 lane parkway where i use it so keeping the left lane for passing only is hard to follow...

    when someone is up my ass at 75MPH i usually do not move over. they can pass me on the right.

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