The Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by FITM, May 26, 2006.

  1. Christian

    Christian Active Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    He think hes a really great wrestler he just didn't have the mic skills to get pushed to that main event level.
  2. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Exactly. Fantastic wrestler. Horrible talker. Boring and never really made an impact on the mic. To be succesful in the WWE, you need to have the charisma to make fans care about you. Nobody really ever did.
  3. Christian

    Christian Active Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    I hope for Shelton's sake he doesn't go to TNA. I think a place like RoH would do wonders for Shelton Benjamin. TNA is so overloaded on talent that they would never use him correctly.
  4. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Shelton vs RVD would be insane.
  5. Christian

    Christian Active Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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  6. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    They don't use the "talent" they do have correctly. AJ Styles needs to get the F outta there.
  7. Christian

    Christian Active Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Thats kinda what im saying. TNA was kinda decent before Hogan and Bischoff took over and now its a complete shithole.

    I even hear methhead Hardy is getting poor reviews for his matches and promos now. Not saying he was that good while he was in WWE but hes just gotten awful since joining TNA.

    I really think if Shelton had a heel gimmick similar to MVP's he could have gotten over as a Main Eventer. Mic skills are important in becoming a main eventer, but as long as Shelton could have made himself seem interesting to the fans then I think he really could have worked out as the champ for a little bit.

    A guy he kind of reminds me of was Chris Benoit. The guy had all the wrestling ability in the world but couldn't but a promo to save his life. He was really not that interesting but they still made him the World Heavyweight Champion for a few months.
  8. Ten

    Ten Active Member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    So true,I mean the guy has only been TNA champion for 8 months.So underused.
  9. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    He's currently involved in a fued with Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan, in which THEY get the most face time. Ya, he's deffinetly being used to his potential.

    And for the record nimrod, I never once said "underused". I said he wasn't being used correctly, which nobody could argue. The guy could be carrying this promotion on his back, and he was before Hulk joined. As soon as that stupid Karen Angle shit ended, he started being the face of TNA, and now Hulk Hogans ego is ruining the promotion.
    #1429 IATA, Apr 24, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2010
  10. Ten

    Ten Active Member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    You're saying that Shelton never worked out because he is horrible on the mic,AJ is pretty bad on the mic himself.The only time he is good on the mic is as arrogant heel or playing dumb.As a baby face he's pretty poor on the stick.

    If he were to get out of there and go to TNA then he'd just end up in the same situation as Shelton.Probably a tier or two away from the main event.TNA is very hit or miss but we are getting Anderson,Wolfe,Pope,AJ,Abyss and Beer Money involved in big fueds.If these guys were to get the hell out to WWE then they'd probably be mid to under card.
  11. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Do you honestly see guys like Abyss and Pope as main eventers? I mean Abyss is like a poor man's Kane, and a bad one at that. Looks like a guy they picked up in a bar and said, hey, put this mask on.
  12. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    So you just made my argument for me. AJ is a fucking great heel, and him being used the way he is currently is....dumb!!
  13. Ten

    Ten Active Member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    I'm not a big fan of Abyss,I prefer him in hardcore brawls and in the upper mid card.Pope is great,like what they've done with him.Despite what I think of them,they both have headlined the last several PPV.
  14. Ten

    Ten Active Member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    I wouldn't say he is a fucking great heel.He works better as a face because he is so incredible in the ring that you want to see him do his thing.I just feel he's better on the stick as a heel than babyface.But overall he's not great on the stick.At the moment,I think Anderson is the best Heel in TNA.

    The whole Flair V Hogan is a mixed bag,it's a good old fashioned Heel V Face fued but it's been very silly at times.At the end of the day though,AJ is a main eventer which is a good thing.It would be dumb to not use him there.I don't see why he should leave a company that he is main eventer for just because his character may not be the best.
  15. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    TBH, I just want to see AJ go somewhere he will get the recognition he deserves, where he wont be third fiddle to a 70+ year old and a 60+ year old. It's rediculous that they have him involved in that ludicrous fued.

    Abyss sucks. He always has. Pope is meh, I'm not a fan but I can't really comment much because I usually just turn the channel when he is on.

    I liked the 6-sided TNA, with guys like The Fallen Angel, Sanjay Dutt, etc...Hulk and Bischoff have turned it into WCW circa 1993 with the guys they've been bringing in. Theres a reason WCW and all of these guys failed. They're boring to watch and no one cares.
  16. Ten

    Ten Active Member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    I agree,AJ is my favourite wrestler but where i s he going to get more recognition?WWE don't care what you did previously and he'd probably end up midcard or lower,just like Shelton.All the while the WEE will push somebody who I don't care for such as Sheamus.

    TNA has been a mixed bag under Hogan and co.They've actually brought back heel versus face fueds instead of tweener v tweener.They've put a focus on the x-division by giving it story lines again.They've got a lot of tna originals involved in fueds.And they've brought in some big names with Flair,RVD,Hardy and Anderson.

    But they also brought in the Nasties (although they are gone now),they released Chris Daniels and Awesome Kong and they've turned the knockouts into the Divas.They're giving Rob Terry a push.Not to mention the main event from 2 PPVs ago was beyond silly.

    The biggest problem though was that TNA was actually pretty good before Hogan took over:we just had some great main events with Daniels V Joe V AJ 2 and Daniels V AJ and I liked the big heel stable of world elite.But Hogan suddenly dropped a lot of storylines and turned heels into faces(3D) and faces into heels(Beer Money).

    However they are getting more recognition now and are surving on Monday nights.The quality has been better but I think TNA is on it's way to growing.
  17. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    The ratings have dropped since the Monday night move. People cared for a few weeks, and then realised that it was, in fact, stupid.

    Sean Waltman and Razor Ramon or whatever he is called have no business getting a paycheck. All it does is fund their pill habit.

    Anderson, I wouldn't call him a "big name". He was cut from WWE because he consistantly hurt people, worked hard and wasn't great on the mic.

    Sheamus, I hate the fucker. But he is hated by everyone. A great heel. He's not terrible on the mic, but what he lacks there, he makes up for in rediculous actions that piss people off.

    TNA was a promising competition for awhile, but when they got Hulk, they got headstrong and have mae mistake after misake after mistake.

    I want to see ROH get a national TV deal. They could really make an impact on the scene.
  18. mj2sexay

    mj2sexay Active Member

    Oct 18, 2005
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    Ten, Pope sucks. He's shit in the ring and on the mic and he stole Morrison's sunglasses.
  19. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Which Morrison stole from sorority sluts around the country.
  20. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Well said and on the mark. TNA sold out the first night of the so called war. I mean it was name after name, and even I tuned in for a spell. Suprised to see Flair, the indicted Hardy, the past their prime Nasty Boys, and of course Waltman and Co. But they sold it out all at once, and it was over.

    They have a few decent wrestlers, but who the hell wants to watch 60 year old Flair in another match? I thought he was done at WM?

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