It may mean nothing, but last week we passed a WWE truck on I-85 that had Edge and Cristian painted together on one side. It didn't look like a very old trailer, so I thought that was an odd pairing unless a reunion might be in the future. Or it could mean jack.
Well looks like Christian is staying on ECW for the time being. Would love to see an E+C reunion in the near future though.
E&C would have no one to compete with. This Era is WAY different than the Attitude Era where you had the Best tag team division in wrestling history
:rofl: Best Tag Team Division in wrestling history? Are you going to explain how Ultimate Warrior is the greatest wrestler in history too? Was there any doubt?
Here, I'll ruin the suspense....Jericho will win the Elimination Chamber and become champ...and he'll face Edge at WM.
Wish I had been able to find a working live stream. Would have loved to see Edge come back and win it.
Douchebaggery aside, there was an era where the tag division was comprised of teams like the Heart Foundation, Demolition, and the Road Warriors. Oh, and who the f**k are you?
the same era that included the Killer Bees, Strike Force, The Dream Team (Valentine & Beefcake) and my personal favorite...the British Bulldogs.
Midnight Express Brain Busters Rockers. But let me guess pal you probably think the days of E and C, Hardys and Dudleys are the days of the "greatest tag teams" ever. Nah. The list only goes 5 deep because you can throw Harlem Heat and Outsiders on there but late 80's tag team scene kicked fucking ass. Oh and who in the blue hell are you?
I rest my case. To think the Attitude Era had better tag teams then the 80's-Early 90's is just out right retarded. They left out the Bushwackers (not the best workers but def fun to watch and incredibly over,) the Fabulous Freebirds, Can Am Express, Doom, Power and Glory and the Nasty Boys. Let me guess, your wrestling history book starts at the Monday Night Wars...
^ wow. As for the rumble last night, for the most part I really liked it. I think instead of waisting time with that ridiculous shit with Cryme Time and Great Khali they could've had Christian cut a promo about still retaining his title. But no instead we see that fucking douche Rajan Singh bouncing up and down to who let the dogs out. And Khali can't speak English. Seriously.
I didn't get to see the rumble but it sounds like they keep wasting time with these people who are really uninteresting and can't even put on decent matches. Personally, I would love to see the Great Douche Khali released as soon as possible.