Ultimately, football is all about entertainment with a goal of being THE best. Anything short of being THE best is failure, but it is still possible to be 'entertained' and teased along the way. Once again we failed, but so did/will 31 others, but we got a whole lot closer this season, which none of us saw coming. :grin:
Certainly this year was more enjoyable then the Kotex years & quite honestly IMHO that was rather quite silly question Well I hope the karma is coming next year since the SB is being played only a 3 hour car ride from me. In looking at the team however unless we get PRs to make the secondary better or get better DBF players next year again will not be year since the Peytons of the world will still be playing. JMHO
It took Cowher 15 years to win that one big trophy. According to your standard, Cowher is, by the year 14, a total failure as well.
Jesus, Champ, just suck-start a 9mm already. It's a fucking football team that you don't even play for.
Yes I agree that this season was more entertaining then others in the past but just like the 40 years before this season it ended unsuccessfully
I live in Edinboro Pennsylvaina. Name the Date and Time and I'll meet you at The Empty Keg. One of the 4 bars on in town. You can easily find travle directions on the internet and there is a hotel right off the highway you can stay at. I'm not stupid enough to give a random internet tough guy my info though. That siad, according to your views of sucess you are a complete failuer. You have never been the best on the planet at anything. Everything you have ever tried is nothinig but waste because you are not the best at it. If everything behind being number one is a waste, then your whole life is. Thats how you view the Jets and your just pissy that I turned it on your ear. .....so any time you want to meet at a bar up here and try to enlighten me on your way of thinking feel free.
Well if the HOF decides he qualifies what can I say about it but the reality is except for his 1 ring all the remaining years were unsuccessful
Well thanks for posting ur confirmation that U have never met me so everything U posted about me is total utter made up BS by U.
Thanks for conifrming you have never been #1 in anything. Post a pic. A news paper article or anything else where you finished first in the world at something. Anything will do. If not by your defenition of success you are a complete failuer. That must be an awful way to view yourself.
The flies have trapped themselves in the spider's web. Now it's just a matter of the gleeful spider crawling across the web and nailing them one at a time.
lol yes exactly. Just think if champ was a Lions fan..... he'd feel the exact same way about them as he does the Jets. We must be no better than them because we are not SB winners. :breakdance:
Im sure Bill doesn't feel that way. My guess he probably feels that all those "failures" were building blocks to put him into place for the ultimate goal. And he treated each as a learning opportunity more valuable than actually winning. His lowly 1 ring was an accumulation of all the blood sweat and tears he put into over the years to get that one. All the time not spent with his family, his daughters, chasing a stupid dream. That lowly 1 ring as you put it probably means more to him than anything in your patethic life ever could. I'm sure him and his chin would enlighten you to that fact in a closed door meeting in his office, after which you would walk out of with shit stained tighty whities, and a new perspective on life.
he put some good teams on the field some could had won it all but sometimes u have to put the blame on the players not the front office