And to add, dude you need to stop being such a Darksider seriously, were on the cusp of the greatest Jet generation EVER, you should be happy and appreciative that this franchise is finally on the right track, yeah it took a while, but good things come to those who wait, fuck I hate waiting too and I hate when my Giant friends talk about how many rings their fucking franchise has, I do know one thing, we will win one this decade, if we don't win one this decade then something is terribly wrong and God hates us The wait alone will make a SB victory that much more glorifying and sweet
Don't say I didn't warn you all. This is the master you're dealing with. The man is a fucking genius. You're all going to be posting in this thread now for the next 40 days and 40 nights. Pure purgatory, I'm telling you.
Im not saying we are the best. Im just saying the organization as whole as opposed to the overall win loss record. If we put teams in order, Pats would be first, then Steelers, Colts, Eagles and Giants. Those are my top 5. After that, its really a matter of opinion and I would put the Jets around 10, or as low as 12 I would think. So yeah, the Jets are a top 16 to say the least. Not many teams have reached the playoffs as many times as Jets have in that time span.
I haven't bought a PSL, I have been going back and forth about it but I have decided to pass. I gave up my season tickets 2 years ago but I still go to all the games and get the tickets alot cheaper. had we gotten the NYC Stadium I would have paid for a PSL but b/c we are still in NJ and sharing w/ the Giants I decided against it. 2 teams should be able to handle the cost of one building. I might wake up in the next couple of months as they keep hounding me about PSLs and change my mind but as of now I'm passing and I'll be getting tickets the same way I have the past couple of seasons.
Atleast we'd be closer to the Draft day ay? Nothing like a healthy debate eating up a whole work day!
If the Cowboys can handle $1.3 billion with one team in the Dallas area, sure enough, they can handle the cost of the stadium with two teams and in New York city. What is the cost of the new stadium anyways?
I was pretty much agreeing with what you were saying, I agree I say a def top 12 team in the past decade not saying much, but it's a huge improvement, only 3 losing seasons is pretty legit though I must say, I'm impressed, we could of made the playoffs so many times if not were dumb mistakes but this franchise is going up, i'm proud to be honest of this franchise, it's good to be outta the NFLs laughing stock though in the 90s and 80s we can give that to the Lions
Haha...Champ. I'm surprised people still give a crap about the shit he says. He's like the old racist grandfather no one ever calls out for having horrible opinions. Usually, I just pass over them and think about soup when I come across them.
^Definitely! This Jets team is no joke. Our losing seasons came in injury riddled season, such as the 2005 and 03 seasons. Could have very easily made the playoffs with Favre as well. Love you avatar btw. Awesome picture!
I think it costs $1.5 billion or something like that, regardless the 2 teams should have been able to take care of it w/o fleecing us for PSLs.
The failure to understand how a team is built up to make a run is ruined on a particular poster on the 1st page. Its sad really.
Hahah thanks dude I love this picture as well I prob will never change it, Rhodes, Sanchez and Cotchery after beating the Pats it just looks fucking cool as hell hahah But hey man speaking of avatars yours has got some great ASSETS I must say But for all you Darksiders maybe if you concentrated half that energy into something positive, or how about you guys just enjoy this ride as being one of the up and coming teams in the NFL that could reign supreme, stop living in the past and look forward to the future ... I hate negativity especially after a great season and so much more to look forward to For some reason (maybe it's my madden franchise) but I just see the Jets giving the NFL a big fuck you and just serve revenge on every franchise that doubted us, but thats prob just me ... More like Karma