Still laughing at how it's supposedly a HUGE RISK to go into the season with Petty at #2 now that Fitz is the starter but it was no big deal when Geno was. What a farce.
That is not confirmed yet. Petty I think should be the first QB off the bench against the Giants, if he can outplay Geno then I think the Jets can move on. It will take more than lighting up a bunch of camp bodies to convince me. I am sure Bowles feels the same way
I agree completely! FO's job before the season starts is to decide if Petty in fact better than Geno. To do this, they have to play Petty with 2nd team. I believe Fitz will be in for about 2.5 quarters against the Giants. Then it'll be Petty and last couple of series is Geno. This should give Petty taste of how higher level feels like. And for the record, I expect him to play just well enough to warrant another try. The last PS game will be the money game. Petty plays for half with second team, decision is made a couple of days later.
In words of the legendary sage, Tom Moore: "If 18 goes down, we are fucked anyway. And we don't practice [fucked.]" If Geno does not show improvement - or present the team with developmental value [which he doesn't] - then he doesn't belong. That he has starting experience means NOTHING.
yea - and Bowles refusing to directly answer the question of who's coming in as QB 2 Saturday pretty much says it's Petty. In the past he's been very explicit about it and now is answer is "we have a plan we're not going to reveal". lol - ok Todd.
From Cimini: "Second-year QB Bryce Petty was the Jets' star last Friday against the Redskins, but he was outplayed by Geno Smith in the two ensuing practices. Unofficially, Smith completed 23 of 38 with no INTs. In significantly fewer reps, Petty went 7-for-13 with one INT. From all indications, Smith remains the No. 2 even though Todd Bowles sidestepped the question. As for rookie Christian Hackenberg, his practice reps have increased, but the efficiency hasn't. He was 9-for-25, two INTs on Sunday and Monday. No practice today." But isnt that the thing with Geno? Looks good in practices, but when he gets in the game he loses his shite.
I am not sure how crazy our defense is allowed to get when it comes to rushing and hitting the QB in practice. I am sure that the game looks very different in the pocket when opposing defenders are literally trying to kill you. Geno Smith could be Johnny Unitas in practice but if he can not perform when the chips are down we have no use for the guy.
As a college tennis player I can say you're right about how hard it is to overhaul your mechanics. Actually it's so hard that if Hack's mechanics are as bad as they seem to be it was a big reach taking him in the second round.
Bear in mind that he appeared to have good mechanics prior to his idiot head coach screwing with them his sophomore year. If his mechanics were good then, then it shouldn't be nearly as hard to fix them.
I think that it's because team expectations play big part in things. If Fitz was not re-signed team expectations would have been much lower. No one would be discussing playoffs. Then the narrative would have been Geno starts this season until the youngsters are ready to takeover and the whole year would be chalked up to development. Now that Fitz is in the fold the expectations are that we are competing for a playoff berth. Not that the narrative should matter but this is ny where it does. It's probably irresponsible to put the weight of QB'ing a playoff team on Petty's shoulders if he were thrust into action. At that point is our CS game planning for Petty's long-term success or for the teams short-term? Is the ny media questioning whether or not Geno could have gotten it done? I know Petty is a big boy but failing in NY seems to take a heavy toll on young athletes. Carrying 4 qb's puts a squeeze on the roster and a talented young player may be lost because of it. To me that is the opportunity cost of protecting Bryce Petty. *disclaimer* This is all based on my assumption that Petty will struggle big time adjusting to being the number 1 QB. If I'm wrong about that then obviously my whole viewpoint is wrong Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Hack is a brilliant kid. To think he is some salvage project is non-sense. He was ordered to do things outside his comfort zone. Hack needs some work just like any other rookie QB.
I am both awestruck, sad and deeply disappointed by the profoundly alarming decline in the quality (or should I say the nearly total abject absence of quality therein) of our media in general and the sports media in particular. The overwhelming majority of them are sorely lacking in knowledge and expertise but are either blissfully unaware of the fact or just don't care. Most reporters these days seem more preoccupied with stirring the pot when projectile vomiting their baseless, idiotic opinions or by raising transparently intentional incendiary questions just like your common, everyday, basement-dwelling, internet troll just for the sake of: 1.) trying to generate controversy (where often none truly exists) 2.) "getting hits," or perhaps, 3.) just to be hated as I suppose it's often better to be "hated" than ignored in this business. A good many of the online media working for the major news outlets are shockingly poor writers with a stunning lack of command of the English language reflected by their weak grammar and even weak spelling on occasion. When I do read some of their articles, I often ask myself in amazement whether they even bother to proofread their own work. Are they too lazy or just simply that stupid? I also can't and won't listen to any of the popular radio and TV personalities/talking heads, regardless of the format, be they a duo, group or a single voice spewing (for me at least) more moronic and painfully indigestible nonsense than I can bear. I guess this sad state of affairs is just a reflective by-product of the "dumbing down" of America which, if I take the time to think about it, depresses me to no end. OTOH, maybe I've just become too old and out-of-step with modern culture and the world of today.
That's the frustrating thing about Smith. The physical tools are there. How long do you give him to translate those tools into NFL success? Will he ever?
You would think that a 4 year pro facing off against other teams second and third-team defenses would light it up. Right? So not sure why the second year QB's progress would be criticized because he only did it against walk-ons.
Exactly the problem. It's frustrating to see many flashes of brilliance mixed with complete brain farts that not even a rookie should make. It's like he is unable to keep his concentration over the course of a game. When he does he is spot on, but then he drifts into a black hole like he is not even aware of what is going on around him.
What game were you watching? he was blitz frequently and the 1st TD he was hit right after hhe threw the ball.
Bingo! One more point the NYmedia RC in general likes to stir the pot and his evaluation are meaningless.