If the Bills are going to be in position to take one of the big QB prospects this year, they're going to have to do it, even after giving Fitzpatrick all that money.
Apparently, they have until the 7th day of the 2012 Season before they have to shell out the majority of his season salary. I'll try and find the link.....
Geezus. Who knew the Ryan Fitzpatrick Tour of Greatness would end so...... well. All that time growing a cool Dan Fouts beard - wasted.
Right now we are picking 10th in the draft. If all goes perfect (huge longshot) we could be picking 4th. I just hope we can get ahead of the Fish and Skins as they will also likely be targeting one of the big 4 QB. We know the Colts will get Luck and the Browns will get whoever they like. The Skins have gotta beat the Vikings this week and we are ahead of them. I hope we can have a thread next August titled "Matt Barkley Tour of Greatness just one month away"
As stated a few posts ago, they can actually opt out of that contract once the offseason begins and just pay him 10 million for this year. If he is on the team next year he would be raping the Bills. I think it's about a 90% chance we take a QB in the first round. I wouldn't be upset if we got Courtney Upshaw if we are picking around 10-15 though if the big 4 QB'S are off the board.
Drafting a QB would be so dumb but I wouldnt put it past them. Bills got to stop drafting players and giving up on them if they aren't the SAVIOR. They are asking too much for one player. BILLS LONG TERM PLANS (last 10 years) 1.Draft a QB/RB : TOWN GOES CRAZY!!! He's the GREATEST.. He walks on water, let's give him the keys to the city and all of our houses!!! he can even stop over and see my wife when I'm at work! 2.... don't give them any pieces... or re-sign anyone good. : He's the savior.. why would we need defense/Special teams???? 3. 5-11, 6-10, 5-11... 4.Release/Trade that player : Riots ensue.HE's a BUM!!!!! Where's my axe! Let's Kill him!! 5.Rinse and repeat. Fitzpatrick just skipped the first part of step 1. but was still proclaimed the savior. He's in step 2/3 now but the writing is on the wall for number 4. Since he wasn't drafted but beat the Pats, his 4 step plan is progressing more rapidly.. Good Luck Matt Barkley!!! On a serious note, I'm hearing that the players were really pissed that Fitzpatrick got his deal when other more deserving guys (Fred Jackson mainly, Stevie Johnson) didnt. This is compounded with the fact that Jackson was told they don't negotiate during the season, yet shortly after they give Fitzpatrick the dollars. I don't think Fitzpatrick packed it in after the contract, I think his teammates did. When your recievers are coasting through their routes, the offensive line is caring less and you have to put up 35 points because the defense is tanking you are going to be pressing. And Fitzy is pressing way too much.
Barkley announcing that he is going back to USC next year is a definite blow to both the Bills and the Dolphins. Naturally, this makes me very happy.