ah the old lumping rationale.. I'm not against a good criticism of Rex, especially when it actually involves football. this doesn't necessarily relate to you, but my pet peeves on the subject: 1) overreacting to every little thing that comes out of his teams, then putting 'blame' on Rex as if it was some outrageous act, while ignoring the fact that the same thing happens all over the league. the Watkins thing is a good example of this. i don't think they have any locker room issues there, just as there weren't locker room problems here even when the team sucked. that is important.......a player saying something dumb is pretty standard, and not important as long as that locker room continues to buy into the coaching staff and each other. 2) pretending like games are won and lost in the media. you don't need to be boring and media adverse in order to win games. was really hoping Rex would win one here so coaches could finally stop trying to act like Belichick. what matters is what happens on game day, on the field. not what snippets the media runs with or 'headlines'.
Why do coaches like belichek seem to be successful? Maybe there is a method to their madness. Purely football. What has happened on game day? How does preparation or lack thereof affect you in game day? Sometimes talent is enough to overcome, sometimes it's not. What were Rex's results at the end of the day? Average record.
We lost to the Eagles, the Bills lost to the Giants. We're only a half game up on them and they already received an ass kicking from Belichick something we're most likely taking next week. We dominated the Colts but it was still a close game, they dominated the Colts and blew them out. I do think we're the better team and will make the playoffs while their on the outside looking in but I'd wait until the end of the season to talk too much shit because things change quickly in the NFL and we'll be neck and neck with them in the standings all year and it should come down to our head to head matchups. Rex is doing a fine job with the Bills so far.
i think Rex did a lot of good things on Sundays, and some not so good things. 2013 was probably his best year of coaching here. we also won 4 exciting road playoff games, including beating those fucktard P*ts on their own turf. it wasn't all terrible by any means. i believe Buff has improved as well, but we'll see how that plays out. it's a tough road to the playoffs as we know, and Rex does have some flaws. I agree with the preparation criticism. that would be my biggest criticism by far. his teams weren't as organized, prepared and well oiled as you'd want to see. not enough attention to detail and getting the players versed on situational football. especially when they got younger and less experienced, that showed even more. funny enough, i rarely see this mentioned amongst the circle jerk of bashing going on here, and it's the most valid point. in terms of Belichick, name another coach who takes deuchebaggery to that level, and is actually successful? his passive aggressive and media evasive approach is not why he wins, which is my point. Sundays matter, not the podium.
just saw where rex defended watkins, saying sammy is just frustrated he hasn't played and yada yada. what he should have said is he spoke to watkins and let him know that the coaches will coach and the players will play and any issues with the arrangement will be handled in house. but he didn't
Listen, a lot of Rex-bashers (myself included) have probably gone overboard with the Rex stuff. But, it's just so fun. I can't help it. He brings it on himself. My justification (or rationalization, if you prefer) for being so hard on him is that he says a lot of definitively absurd things, all of which prove that he is either: 1) Completely and utterly full of shit (i.e. a phony) OR 2) A delusional blowhard. If it's # 1, I don't feel bad because I don't like phonies. I hate fake and/or intellectually dishonest people who pretend to believe things that they know in their heart to be bullshit. If it's # 2, I don't feel bad because the guy has a preposterously inflated ego and needs to be taken down a notch. He talks like he's Walsh or Belichick. HE sounds like the guy who is wining the division every year. I don't know, maybe I'm old school, but I just find it incredibly annoying. Do your talking on the field and shut the fuck up off the field. Show some humility and humbleness when talking and let your teams show everything else. It always bothered me and I was highly critical of it from as early as the middle of the 2009 season.
lol get the violins out Mike Rodak @mikerodak 9m9 minutes ago Jerry Hughes says the Bills "know we're targeted by the league" on penalties. Why? "I don't know. I can't tell you."
Looks like Sanjay Lal is hard at work ruining their WR core as well. http://www.brobible.com/sports/article/sammy-watkins-biazrre-football-drill/
I gotta admit that about 3 years ago I was convinced Jets were targeted by the league re penalties. Now it either (a) Rex is targeted by the league or (b) his teams show chronic lack of discipline.
Win, loss, win, loss, win, loss. This Bills season look familiar? Maybe Rex is trying to break the record for alternating wins and losses to begin a season he set in 2013. Big win, emotional letdown. Lather, rinse, repeat. His teams are 2-17 the weeks following their last 19 wins. The Jets this year already have more sets of back to back wins (2) than they had in Rex's last 2 years here (1). Maybe he should get rid of "victory Monday".