i like it alot. your giants friend is a gay [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z-X00gy1yk&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL[/YOUTUBE]
As long as that football keeps crossing the plane into the endzone, I don't give a damn what celebratory activities we engage in. Tell your Giants fans friends to run into a brick wall.
If Giant fans hate the Jet connection dance(Which I thought it was), then how can they enjoy a 350 DT do the "Don't taze me bro" and shaking himself up and down.....? (Though I admit that shit was funny)
Can I vote for Fatman & Robins gay Ryan Reynolds avatar as the gayest thing that has ever gayed before in the history of gay?
I totally forgot about the Giants balling/jump shot celebration. Giants fans can't talk about gay celebrations.
It's goes along with the name of the team. Jets have wings. It fits. I think if you score you've earned your (scoring) wings. Sanchez gets to do it cause he threw it. Thumbs up.
Taking Giants fans outta the mix for a sec, it's weak. Act like a man. Pump your fist and walk to the sidelines and stop with the nonsense.
I like it..It means we scored....Hey, If they keep scoring means more wins (We only had 9 last year already at 8) You can be sure to see this airplane celebration in Madden 12
I love it.....mostly becaus it means we scored, and it represents the TEAM and isn't some bullshit individual thing......AND because they are all picking up on it...not just MS and Holmes.... Just another subtle message that this team is just that...a TEAM. Giants are just pissed off because they cant get GIANT when they score....which is getting scarce anyway :up:
Haha Sanchez just said on TMKS that the airplane celebration is "the coolest thing in the world." Love it or hate it it's staying around.
I like it a lot. Just read a thread where a writer says that Santonio and Braylon are calling themselves the Flight Boys and have T-shirts made up with it etc. I thought it was a Take-off on "Play Like a Jet", perhaps it is. But I like. In fact I sunk a birdie putt today and did the flight for my Giants friend and chanted Play Like a Jet ...