maybe posted already, but: :lol:
And this is a VERY important distinction, Blair. If Mangini truly condoned this while with the Patriots, he would have brought it with him and set up his own system for doing it. So far and from what we know, he didn't. I think that speaks volumes for what he thought of the practice, so I still think it's unfair to say that he condoned it.
FROM BB: "Earlier this week, I spoke with Commissioner Goodell about a videotaping procedure during last Sunday's game and my interpretation of the rules. At this point, we have not been notified of the league's ruling. Although it remains a league matter, I want to apologize to everyone who has been affected, most of all ownership, staff and players. Following the league?s decision, I will have further comment.? I have to be honest with you...this statement shocks me. What doesnt shock me is that he left out the Jets..their fans...their coach..and their players. Exactly whos ownership staff and players is this scumbag talking about. He cant even say Im sorry correctly. "My interpretation of the rules". Im shocked to see him actually admitting guilt...albeit like a 5 year old talking in circles...already without even having the chance to lie directly to the commisioner in person.
Bottom line is this...and to all the troll patriot fans...I will throw you a bone. When the Yanks came back to beat the Red Sox in the playoffs thanks to Giambis 2 home runs, we later found out for sure that Giambi was juicing. As a Yankee fan...I have always looked back at that with a real crappy feeling. Thats what fans that are true to the sport do. How a Patriot fan cant look at this as one of the worst things a team could be caught doing...especially with their dynasty past now that will always be questioned...I mean...come on..look in the mirror and truly understand what a scumbag move this really is/was. It will always tarnish the just get used to it. You can come here and post all the "every team does it" bullshit you want...but the bottom line is the league came after you...IN A BIG WAY it seems after reading your leaders quote above.
What a smug bastard. If he thinks anyone believes he did not know the rules or the way Goodell has interpreted them he must think that we are all ignorant. Belichick is a scumbag. Pure and simple
:rofl: Seriously though..if you are going to even bother putting out a quote like that...DONT BOTHER. I predict the press will tear him apart even more. SNEAKY PIECE OF GARGBAGE EVEN AFTER HE GETS CAUGHT.
This dirtbag's statement doesn't surprise me, but I think it's pretty stupid, quite frankly, for him to say these things in this way. By expressing this apparent "apology" in this way, I really think he just caused the punishment to be more severe. Why? Because: (a) It's not a sincere apology (b) He doesn't direct it to the right parties (c) It's incomplete and lacks details (d) He refers to his "interpretation" of the rules, as if Goodell's rules haven't been clear enough, repeated often enough (he just clarified them this past summer) and are open to individual "interpretation." Read: total arrogance and disrespect for the NFL here. (e) He states that "following the league’s decision, I will have further comment." Supreme arrogance, as in, "I will have the last word." No, you won't, because when Goodell learns of this apology, he'll expect much more from you as an explanation. Goodell has no choice now but to severely punish his ass and make an example of this to every team. I'm quite happy with Belichick's statement (I won't even call it an apology) because he probably screwed himself considerably by issuing it. Stay tuned...
I think its a different situation. Giambi taking the roids when he did technically wasnt cheating. You dont know if he was on them or not when he hit those two home runs. What the pats did was against the rules, the knew they were doing it and they stopped only because they were caught. As a yankee fan, I never cared for Giambi and his problems. Until he gets caught as a yankee, it shouldnt be a yankee/red sox thing.
The NBA set a strong precedent for when organizations violate its rules in the Minnesota Timberwolves/Joe Smith scandle. The initially fined the team $3.5mil, but more importantly, 5 consecutive first round draft picks. After arbitration, Minessota was given back its draft pick in year 3. If the Patriots are found guilty, Goodell should take a page out of Stern's book and make the penalty just as severe. One first round pick or a couple later round picks are not enough of a deterent for some teams. I also believe you hit BB where it hurts...his ego. Granted a suspension would be embarressing, but if repeated offenses can be proven, he should receive a Pete Rose like ban from the Hall of Fame. In my opinion though, that should only happen if 'repeat' offenses are proven. If only this past game can be proven then I don't believe you can ban him.
Good points. I guess you hate giving fuel to the enemy...and steroids have done that for many players with records and wins...but I hear what you are saying.
This whole incident shows the complete arrogance of the Patriots, their coaches, their front office, Belicheck, and their fans. "His interpretation of the rules?" "Can we talk about the Chargers?" No you bastard, let's talk about your years of cheating the league, it's fans, and other teams. Video taping opponents' signals since the 90's, trying to circumvent the wavier system, the way he resigned from the Jets... it's all part of a pattern of shady behavior that's been going on for years. I've suspected something for a while, and given the events that have come to light, I wonder how long until stories about side deals with players to circumvent the salary cap come out? Why else would players take FAR below value to go/stay there? Every championship, every win, every score, EVERY PLAY the Patriots have made under Belicheck is now tainted. Just like Barry Bonds (who, incidentally has never been CAUGHT, unlike the Patriots), their achievements are now sullied in the court of public opinion. And it's totally justified. Add in things like forcing Ted Johnson to play injured, at the cost of his quality of life, and Belicheck has to be the biggest scumbag on the planet. Yet the organization and it's fans continue to look down their noses at other organizations and fans. Constant stories about how they don't run things the way other organizations do. Well, that's right. Other organizations don't cheat to win all the time. Stories about the "class" of the organization. Well guess what? Now it's time for the entire NFL and all football, no, all SPORTS fans to look down on them as the scumbag cheaters they are.
Totally agree..thats why Im shocked. The fact that he didnt direct his apology correctly is just BB being BB. I do agree..he either knows whats coming and knows he is screwed in a big way..or he put his foot in his mouth..which easily would explain why he rarely talks to the media...he has no idea how to do it.