Actually no it wasn't it. This is my second response too. Tanny had given up on Saturday and was very close to bringing in another CB.
Ross Greenburg on WFAN. He said the cameras follow Rex/Woody to airport, and after they meet revis. they have film of somebody 'going off on revis agent' we are going to see clips of shit that they couldnt air in episode 2, and 3. also the Jets told HBO NOT to show them talking shit about the Patriots, and Ravens(prob other teams too) Rex, and Tanny are watching the final episode right now to see if there is shit they cant show for final episode. Rex also said he doesnt really care about the 'good, and bad' but others in Jets organization want to cut some shit.
tonight's episode should be the best Hard Knocks episode to date....including previous seasons. I can't wait.
If anyone is still doubting the value of Hard Knocks to the franchise, my wife has been drawn into watching it and has gone from someone with no interest in football, or indeed any sport, to last night saying that she wants to go to a Jets game. She has also become a huge fan of Sexy Rexy - the one black mark against her is that she also says she wants a Jason Taylor jersey because she fancies him. I have told her that she can have any jersey she likes except that one. If my experience is anything to go by, then, it has done a good job of bringing in new fans.
Sounds great, I always figured they had full control but obviously this confirms it. It'd be great if they released some kind of uncut version, I know it'll never happen but damn would that be interesting.
Like I said before, looks like Revis' agents almost completely dropped the ball on this one, like they have with VJ. They should thank their lucky stars that Rex had a shit fit and slapped all the parties into making some sense. If an intervention was needed to circumvent their influence on him, I think Revis can file a grievance to reduce their cut of his salary. Much like what happened between Arod and Boras.
Well, I'd question her logic in choosing any of those. She has decided that if she can't have a Taylor jersey then she wants LT's; I'm OK with that.
I agree completely too. I've been dating my girl for about 5 months right now. She's not a big football fan, but she loves watching Hard Knocks with me, and now she knows the players names and has an attachment to the team too.
Sucks this is going to end tonight. There has to be about 20hours of entertaining footage still worth watching.. I hope they add some cut scenes/add them to the DVD.
Ross Greenberg is a huge Jets fan, got to meet him a few months ago and he was looking forward tot his
Rex's tantrum will be worth getting HBO for. I hope it's him going off on revis' agents (I know it won't be, but it would be nice.)
Who knows, maybe they'll put everything back in for the DVD release, assuming that it happens after the season.
None of the other seasons are on Blu-Ray or DVD, at least not to my knowledge. They must have so much unused great footage too.
This ought to be a hell of an episode. I'm sure Rex and Woody on the plane will be in there, Rex's tantrum, Revis signing, all the final cuts, T-Rich. Talk about must-see TV for Jet fans, wow.
Rex was on the radio yesterday talking about that. It wasn't him going off at the agents as much as him going off in general at the process after their meeting. It was apparently a day later when he went on a rant after hearing the deal was still not done.
Also agree. My GF is a slowly converting Giants -> Jets fan. It's been a long, hard road, but HK has definitely helped the cause. Randomly, she'll ask me if certain guys got cut, made the team, are injured, etc. I'm always jaw-dropped when she says stuff like "are they bringing Coles back?" or "McKnight is no LW". hmy: