More vampire sex just before 10 P.M. EST Coles being cut, Pace injury, Kellen not being cut and taking a paycut.....
hell yeah thats the best part. turn on HBO 10 minutes before hard knocks starts, and your guaranteed to see some bloody vamp sex. or vamps running around with superman speed..whats up with that by the way? they use the same CGI/effect on the vamp speed that superman had!
After his play last game I'm gonna be paying close attention to Mark. His expressions, body language, his comments. What I've taken away from the hard knocks series the most is how insecure, overly sensitive, and unconfident Sanchez appears to be. Maybe it's just me. Anyway, I can't wait for the show. It's been good tv.
Last time I turned HBO on it was GAY vampire sex... now I don't mean to sound close minded but... I mean... come on!!! Really?!?
Not going to criticize your lifestyle choice, but watching gay vampires make out with each other before Hard Knocks isn't exactly my thing.
I believe he likes gay vampires with super speed actually. There is plenty if titty too!! But last week I think it was the super fast butt sex scene or something like that, that was on leading into Hard Knocks.
that black side line reporter was awful. i also normally like theisman but he was pretty annoying as a redskin homer.
You guys think there is any correlation to two gay vampires fucking on HBO and JfaulkNYJ's twitter account being dormant?
i didnt see any gay guy vampires last time i threw on hbo 10 mins before hard knocks. you tuning in to see these vampires blow each other/?
Turned on HBO 20 to 10, and got some black vampire chick banging some white dude, Seems par for the course on wed.