they're coming out with a black matte model with the same specs as my blue one. PE 3-6. Had I known I would have waited for that one.
Stop looking through the windows!! Those vids are great though. Helped me with the decision to go all in on SPJ.
Fishing freshwater this week in MO. Truman Res. is a bit muddy but overall, there's a horde of hungry spawning Gar terrifying everything with fins. Every fish we pull up has a piece missing. Carp are thick too. White Bass ocassionally pass thru. Crappie and Bluegill are doing their best to stay alive. Having fun though as I haven't fished freshwater in several years..
HA..... I'm not much of a "youtuber" but that was one of my Covid lockdown saturday night rituals.... and Brett Barley's videos (pro surfer from the OBX who loves fishing the surf isnt on) My buddies I fish with are all traditional / old school bait guys.... so theyre like "not the jigs again"... then I start catching fish Unfortunately I kept catching red snapper (which we cant keep) Let me know how that goes, and if it's worth the $$
My GooFish PE3 arrived yesterday. Nice rod but my AVET JX is too big for the reel seat to fit properly. Shouldn't have been a issue as the JX isn't that big a reel. My Saltist otoh, fit fine. Temple Reef still in transit as its delayed leaving Florida for whatever reason. The Goofish will fish a 100gm. jig whereas the Gravitate G2 lightest jig comes in a 150gm. Just spent time adding assist hooks to the slow pitch jigs so I should be ready when the Gravitate finally arrives. Perhaps this upcoming weekend weather permitting I'll take them out for a trial.
Being that you fish on headboats a bit, I can see the heavier jigs helping avoiding tangles and stuff (ideally You want to go as light as you can vertically get to bottom but....) Went fishing on a friends boat sunday. Troll was slloooooow, but on our 3rd spot we found plenty of big "endangered" red snappers.. (pushing 15-20#). Unlike last time when I got a snapper on every drop, I couldnt buy one with the jig, and my buddies soaking dead cigar minnows were catching some big ones..... Pretty wild to see some BIG sharks chomp a 20# snapper like a cracker.
Temple Reef G2 arrived today. Paired it with my Saltist and it couldn't have fit better. I was surprised it wasn't acid wrapped like the GooFish. Smaller in diameter but longer than the GooFish with similar specs. Will be taking them both out for a drop next weekend. At 1gm per foot of depth, I may be heavy for the typical depths I fish on headboats. Usually being under 150ft inshore I think I need to find some 100g jigs. Generally I can streamline my tackle to only bring jigs under 200g. I'll keep my bait rig on hand just in case jigs aren't working but I do plan on dedicating half the trip to SPJ if not more depending on how successful I am. Headed back to Gloucester, MA this Sept. for another run at the Pollock/Haddock and Cod up there. Will bring my SPJ tackle along with one power assist rig for both me and wifey.
You know it's fishing season when the convenience stores sell Nightcrawlers. I always thought that was the weirdest and most incongruous thing ever. We sell gas, beer, pretzels, milk, butter, Twinkies, eggs and . . . worms, haha.
What are you thinking smoking @Cman65 this year? I mean fish, of course. I mentioned this way earlier in the thread, but I love me some smoked trout, mackerel, and bluefish. The last two are very dark and oily, but smoked, they're so good! I think I also said this earlier in the thread (I'm too lazy to look it up), but my Mom used to make this Sicilian dish with mackerel, tomatoes, potatoes, and onions. We didn't have a lot of money, but she put amazing rustic dishes on the table for pennies on the dollar. Even funnier, chicken wings were considered dog meat for poor people at the time, it was the cheapest buy on the planet. Not anymore. She used to make another Sicilian classic with chicken wings and lemon and pepper, I can't even explain how good it was. Lots of bread dunking. Anyway, Sicilian Cuisine has a lot of African influence because they were conquered so many freaking times. Sardegna (Sardinia) is so high on my list it's not even funny. Why? Olives, and what else? SARDINES. Their food makes my mouth water, and I make a mean Fregola Sarda with . . . I'll tell you another time to keep you in suspense. ^And funny story about that. One time I was watching a cooking show and one of the mystery ingredients was Bottarga. The Chef had no idea what it was or what to do with it. I was all dude, you shave it, SHAVE IT. It is so incredibly salty that you'll be dehydrated for a month (it's cured fish roe). He ruined the dish, haha. Happy Fishing!
Haven't smoked anything yet Jeto. No Blues yet. Maybe with this new technique I'll get a few bonus blues my next trip.
the mailman came today... to feed my disease I seriously dont know what else I need (aside from a rod or two for guests) Does this make me an "alpha male"?