The Official 2019-20 Mike MacCagnan thread..

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Cman69, Dec 9, 2018.

  1. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Secondary or not it’s still a reason. One that could be compelling enough for someone like Johnson to keep Mac.

    Personally, I’d like a house cleaning but I’m not going into the offseason expecting it. The CS are the ones that are staring down the barrel of the gun.
  2. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    It remains to be seen if he got the QB question right. So far it looks pretty good but the kid's only had a few good games so it's an incomplete overall.

    Player development? They have more guys that aren't even on an NFL roster from his 4 drafts than any other team in the league or at least in the top 3. You can't say those guys would be better in a different system or with a different HC when they couldn't even make another NFL roster.

    You can only judge him off his body of work not some future hope. Based on what he's done so far he has gotten a way below average grade in terms of drafting. He's whiffed way too many times to be deserving of any more chances. 4 drafts is more than adequate to grade his performance and it's not good. There is no reason to believe he is all of a sudden going to get much better at evaluating talent. He just doesn't have "it".
    tomdeb and ColoradoContrails like this.
  3. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Bowles and Mac are inexorably linked. They came in together and they should be gone together. The Johnsons will be making another in a long line of bad moves by not cleaning house completely.
    tomdeb and NYJetsO12 like this.
  4. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Are you really willing to bet the Jets' future on "maybe"?
    tomdeb likes this.
  5. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Imagine if the Browns had taken Darnold and Mac chose Rosen over Mayfield...
    JetsNation06 and NYJetsO12 like this.
  6. Big Cat

    Big Cat Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    No, but ownership is going to, so I’ll look for the bright side
    FJF and NCJetsfan like this.
  7. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    MacCagnan's "team building strategy is fundamentally sound"?? Are you serious?? You call drafting a grand total of two offensive lineman in 4 years and both in round five team building??
    NYJetsO12 and JetsNation06 like this.
  8. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    And then what? Seriously. Do you then begin a search for a General Manager and when you get him on board he gets to select a coach? Or do you once again hire a coach and GM individually who each are responsible to only the owners? While all this is going on, of course, the pool of Head Coach applicants will be being drained by all the other teams that need one.
    Leicester Jet and JohnnyP123456 like this.
  9. PolygamyWinsChampionships

    PolygamyWinsChampionships Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    Alright like a swallow to capistrano I feel my time has come as a Jets fan. Does anybody know how much it costs to get a fire Maccagnan billboard near the stadium? I'll put up something towards it and make a Kickstarter or something. Let's go anyone want to help me make this happen? Let's at least start a website Organize Jets fans unite! Let's get this POS out of here!
    JetsNation06 likes this.
  10. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Being Ahead of the curve would have helped here...something the Johnsons know nothing about

    TBH based on past performance Bowles and Mac should never have been extended last Spring

    There was NO evidence to do that especially with Toilets record....the owners were euphoric over Mac grabbing SDso that was his saving grace

    if instead they were canned we would of had months more time to interview candidates...but do the Johnsons know how to do that?? Imo they maintain the status quo because they are clueless clueless and clueless

    Fast forward to today..Sam is struggling without a supporting cast and a dumb Coach

    Better late than never matter how difficult..put in new management NOW
  11. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    (It’s not a date. It’s Mike McCagnens draft record)

    That wouldn’t be a very expensive billboard.
  12. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    What do you mean "and then what?" The jets would not be the first team to can their GM and their coach at the end of a year. In fact, the jets did it that way themselves post 1996 when they fired Kotite. They also did it close to that way in 1989 when they hired Steinberg as GM about this time of year (a game or two left in 1989 season) and he fired Walton 2 days after the season finale. MacCagnan has a terrible history of personnel decisions, especially idiotic draft choices like drafting 4 defensive backs and three receivers in ONE draft (2017) but ZERO offensive lineman and defensive lineman in that draft (the game is not just played outside the numbers, Mike). IMO, a team should never keep one of their two incompetents like either Bowles or MacCagnan just because "it is too much work to replace them both." As to the "search" for a GM that you reference, the jets WAY overcomplicated that in 2015 with their stupid search advisory committee. Most sports franchises (and I don't mean just football) have a coach/manager who reports to the GM, and a GM who reports to the owner(s). I think the jets could make this work, it is really not that difficult. However, it takes owner(s) who have a brain and I am not sure the lucky sperm brothers pass that litmus test. Again, and only in my opinion, I thought it was insane to extend Bowles and McIdiot last year after consecutive 5-11 seasons. THAT sends a message to all that as an owner you are fine with your team losing more than 2 of every 3 games, and with a GM and coach producing such results. Fire both Bowles and MacCagnan on black Monday or sooner...there is plenty of time to get more competent people in place, and I am sure plenty of applicants out there. There is no salary cap on GMs or coaches, and the jets as a franchise are worth over a billion dollars. At best, this will our third consecutive 5-11 season (and possibly 4-12 this year). The status quo is just not working (GM or coach).
  13. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Each day that passes without Macc and Bowles being terminated is a day wasted for this team's chances of becoming a winning franchise.
    NYJetsO12, zace, Jets81 and 3 others like this.
  14. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Today would give a two week head start. Bye week would have given a two month head start. Bye week last year would have...

    Waiting until Black Monday just delays the process and reduces the pool of applicants; replacing two people takes longer than replacing one. Who is making these changes, anyway? The same guy who did it in 2014 and the time before that? His brother?
  15. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    I agree with you. The sooner the changes are made, the better, and should have been made before now. But it is never too late to do the right thing.
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  16. forevercursed

    forevercursed Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I'm no Mac fanboy but one question I'd have is how much influence (if any) did Todd Bowles have over player personnel?

    Remember the arrangement between Bowles and Mac was a bit different(though not unprecedented) Mac isn't Bowles boss. He didn't hire him.

    Bowles for whatever reason was very well liked within the Jets organization and had a good deal of power at one point I'd assume. Is it possible that he was allowed to make a few calls on draft choices and was able to overrule Mac on a few players that he pounded the table for? And that Woody/Chris let him?

    Maybe it was Bowles insisting on M.I.A Maye, or Mauldin, or Stewart

    Not trying to make excuses for Mac, but this isn't so outlandish.
  17. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    As you said, we have no way knowing if there is a germ of truth in this or a truckload, or even none at all but it perfectly illustrates the problems that are almost inevitable when no one is in a position to mediate in such disagreements and two guys are allegedly equals in the hierarchy. The owners are apparently neither inclined nor equipped to perform that function so it goes undone. We don't even know who makes the final decision but MacCagnan is the face of the team on draft day.

    The biggest problem here is that the Jets are doomed to repeat these things until someone emerges who is clearly in charge; if not a head of football operations a clear reporting path and chain of responsibility is a necessity. Not even the slightest hint has come from the Jets that a football ops guy is in the plans so the GM must have sway over the coach and must have that supported by the absentee ownership.
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  18. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Idk where I am on the Macc scale anymore.

  19. statjeff22

    statjeff22 2008 Green Guy "Most Knowledgeable" Award Winner

    Jun 4, 2005
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    What were these people saying about Stewart, Hansen, Hackenberg, Smith, Mauldin, and Petty - all second to fourth round picks, all useless? And if we're going to congratulate him about Herndon this year, how about how Shepherd has been invisible all year? Impressive cherry picking by them!

    The case against Maccagnan is to me less obvious than the one against Bowles, but to act like he's been anything but mediocre at best is ridiculous.
  20. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Idzik drafted Enunwa and signed Ivory and Decker. And Richardson made the Pro Bowl. Rehire that beast!

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