Can anyone provide me with a link(s) so I can watch every episode of The Office? After watching it last night, I knew I should have watched this show when it first aired.
Creed rules. I always look forward to his words of wisdom. Here's a site with just a few of his memorable lines.
yep, Creed is the funniest character. My favorite line was in Gay Witch Hunt when he said he wouldn't judge Oscar for being gay because: "In the 60's I made love to many, many women - often outdoors, in the mud and the rain... and it's possible a man slipped in. There'd be no way of knowing." him going around stealing things and stuff is also somewhat entertaining.
More Creed. I loved the episode where Kelly stood on a chair and Michael wanted people to say nice things about her. Michael: Say something that you like about Kelly. Phyillis: I like her nails, her finger nails. Creed: Great ass!
I'm watching the most recent episode right now in the library and I had to pause it and walk away, it's so hard to not literally laugh out loud watching this, it's killing me. By far my favorite episode.
the relaxation scene that included Michael saying Stanley liked chocolate ice cream because blacks can't have any other flavor was also funny. Ugh, another quote of the false statistic "50% of marriages end in divorce." It's actually about 40%. "I've got to make sure YouTube comes down to tape this."
I am such a big fan of Creed. The whole show is the funniest thing on TV and Creed is the funniest part of the show. Another Creed favorite: Kevin: "Did you hear about Jim and Pam?" Creed: "Niiice!.....Which one is Pam?"
the scene with Kevin still taunting Oscar in the break room shows the still-empty vending machine in the background. LOL. Finally finished Sunday's. Watching Thursday's soon.
"Would a liar bring Mini Mounds bars?" and classic Michael flipping at out Karen being pregnant and trying to make both her and Pam as uncomfortable as possible.
When he tried to be young was classic Creed to ryan : Hey BRA, been meaning to ask you. Can we get some red bull in this thing? Cause sometimes a guys gotta ride the bull. Am i right? Later Skater Ryan looks in utter confusion
Stanley's "Are you out of your DAMN MIND?" rants are always good. "...or a sperm machine that did this to you?" "Yes, Michael, my husband impregnated me. His name is Dan." ====== Creed: "This is how I got Squeaky Fromme. No small talk, just show her who's the boss, just go right in and kiss her." Andy: "Okay, sounds risky." Creed: "Have I ever steered you wrong, Jim?" ======== and then he followed Creed's advice. bwahahahaha Side note: I think The Office has exceeded its quota of socially inept people. Creed, Michael, Dwight, Andy, Kevin, etc.
I have a new respect for the Nard put the moves on a client like that...baahahahahaa!! priceless!
nope. It had George W. Bush's face on it. I figured Creed would try to steal the money like the stunt he pulled with the get well cards a while ago. Nothing beats Jim's look at the camera after dealing with moments like that.
Michael: " is not my fault you bought a house to impress Pam. That is why carnations exist." Creed: (under his breath) "That's not why." ==== also great when Michael figured if he put them in separate boxes they wouldn't go to the same company.