The Offensive Line Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by HackettSuxTNG, Apr 28, 2023.


How confident are you that the offensive line, as currently constructed, can protect Rodgers?

  1. Extremely Confident

    6 vote(s)
  2. Somewhat Confident

    44 vote(s)
  3. Not so Confident

    45 vote(s)
  4. No Confidence Whatsoever

    20 vote(s)
  1. Nyjets4eva

    Nyjets4eva Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    not that surprising we do have a lot of depth and he’s not that good
  2. edray10

    edray10 Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    How many tackles can they carry on their 53? They already have 5 without Obguehi (Brown, Becton, Mitchell, Warren & Turner). I guess they could have kept him as insurance in the event that 2 of their tackles go down before the season starts, but I think they felt that he was very unlikely to make the team so this gives him an opportunity to get a roster spot somewhere else. He also might have asked to be released after they signed Turner.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  3. JetFanInNE

    JetFanInNE Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2022
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    I mean if I remember correctly the injury was bad enough that surgery was needed but he wanted to play through it. I remain hopeful that injury + new offensive scheme = mediocre season
  4. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I see that most of the responses were prior to the draft. Following the draft, my perspective is much more confident than before, even though we didn't get one of the top OTs. I loved the addition of Tippman, and Warren seems like a very good pick. Our depth is much better already than last year. Health is the key to the OL's success or lack thereof.

    I voted somewhat confident as well, but if Becton can stay healthy and play at the initial level of his rookie season, the needle moves to very confident for me.

    I agree that we're due for some luck with regards to injuries on the OL. Brown, even though coming off injury and older is still probably in the top half of LTs in the game, maybe top 10. AVT is a stud. Tomlinson had one of his worst seasons. He was clearly above average in SF. I hope that he can return to form this season. I think the injuries around him, constant change in starting lineups and relatively poor play by McGovern (even though it was one of his better seasons), all had a negative impact on Tomlinson. With Brown healthy and Tippman at C, I think we'll see a good season from Tomlinson. IMO if Becton stays healthy and plays anywhere near the level of his rookie season, I think our OL could become dominant and one of the top 10 OLs. Of course, that's a lot of ifs, but I believe they have the potential to be much better than just average.
    #84 NCJetsfan, May 12, 2023
    Last edited: May 12, 2023
    Nyjets4eva and KingRoach like this.
  5. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I disagree. It's sad to see what a darksider you have become. JD cannot help that some players got injured and some player played well before their previous level with other teams. The injuries, the players, the CS, the play calling, and Zach's struggles all played a part and share responsibility for the poor play of the OL. Blaming it on JD and saying it's a fireable offense is irrational imo. JD said in the Florio interview that they knew that there was a very good chance that they would miss out on the last of the top OTs. Moving from #13 to #15 was part of what it took to get the deal done. Besides, it's very likely that they would have passed on Broderick Jones anyway at #13 and taken Jamyr Gibbs if he was still on the board.

    JD has probably forgotten more than any of us ever knew about judging talent, building a team, what it takes to be successful in the NFL, etc. Luck also plays a part.
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  6. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Yes, it's in the $10-$11 million range, but if I'm not mistaken, the Jets would still save $8 million on the cap.
  7. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I disagree. I think it was an excellent signing. Tomlinson was very good in SF. He had an awful season last year, but that doesn't make it a terrible signing. The starting OL never played together before the season started, and the lineup changed from week-to-week. Brown was playing injured and even though McGovern had one of his better seasons, he was still pretty bad. I'm sure that had an impact on Tomlinson. In addition, Zach's struggles reading Ds and with accuracy, Hall's injury, and MLF's screwy play calling couldn't have helped. I expect to see Tomlinson play much better this season with a healthy Brown, and hopefully, Tippman starting at C.
  8. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    JD is smart and does learn from his mistakes. The problem with some Jets fans is that they expect the Jets' GM to be perfect and make no mistakes, and that's never going to happen.

    With regards to the bold, I assume that you're speaking about Becton as one of the injury prone guys, who was the other? Brown has been a very good LT and for the most part pretty healthy. I disagree that Becton is injury prone. He never missed a game in college. The knee injury his rookie season was a freak injury where a player rolled up on his leg. That left his knee weaker, especially at the weight he was carrying. It's not surprising that the knee got re-injured. I believe he also had a shoulder injury where he missed a game or two his rookie season. If he stays banged up this season or suffers another major injury, then I think one can call him injury-prone.

    I know that your post was pre-draft. We now know that JD added Tippman and Warren in the draft, then signed Billy Turner, but Ogbuehi was released. That still gives us 5 OTs (Brown, Becton, Warren, Mitchell, Turner), and there's also AVT who can play OT. Becton, Warren and Mitchell could play on either side, but I'd hope that Mitchell wouldn't play LT. At this point, I think he's better suited to be depth while he's still learning and developing. Supposedly Tippman could play OG, although I don't think he has. McGovern, Schweitzer and Colon can all play both C and OG. I think our OL depth is the best I've seen it in a while, and we potentially have a very solid, if not very good OL.
    Nyjets4eva likes this.
  9. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I was surprised initially, but I believe that he asked for his release. He was probably #6 on the OT depth chart. He had zero chance of making the team unless we lost an OT or two to injuries in preseason. We have Brown, Becton, Warren, Mitchell and Turner. There's also AVT who can play OT. I believe that we'll keep 4-5 of the OTs and only 3-4 IOL (AVT, Tippman, Schweitzer, Tomlinsondue to their ability to play numerous positions. Roster spots are going to be tough. I don't see us keeping 10 OL or 10 DL this season.
    Nyjets4eva likes this.
  10. KingRoach

    KingRoach Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
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    If he’s trash again this year, he’ll definitely be cut.

    I believe the original convo was with someone who wanted him gone this year or next regardless of how he plays.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  11. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I agree that if he's bad again this year, he's a goner. You're correct about the original convo.
    KingRoach likes this.
  12. BleedJetsGreen1981

    BleedJetsGreen1981 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2010
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    Ogbuehi is certainly not a loss. It's just weird when a few months ago the Jets were so desperate to fortify the line. Now they are in a position to trim the fat because they have bolstered the Offensive Line with a mix of veterans and rookies.
  13. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    starting line is likely
    OT Brown, Becton
    OC McGovern
    OG AVT, tomlinson

    that leaves 4-5 depth spots. I assume mitchell, Tippman, and warren are locks. that only leaves 1-2 spots left. maybe Turner and and schweitzer
  14. KingRoach

    KingRoach Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Doing some light digging, it looks like most teams had 9 OL on their 53 last year with the Jets only having 8 and the Ravens using 11.

    IDK much about Schweitzer but Hack brought Turner from GB to Denver and from Denver to here so I think he’s a lock.
  15. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Fant was the other. Both Fant and Becton were injury risks. My post was after first or even second day, and since then JD added both Warren and Turner, precisely because he is a smart guy and he knew we could not go into the season with what we had. Ogbuehi I am not even counting. He is a practice squad guy and played terribly for us last year. If he had to play again, Rodgers is in deep trouble. Whether he was released or not is largely irrelevant.

    I liked Warren pick, because Warren can pass protect. Worst comes to worst, running game may suffer with him, but I think he will protect Rodgers. Turner also is no chopped liver. Rodgers is our biggest asset this season, and really the best player we've had in the past few decades. Which is why I was really hoping we could get a good line to protect him. Now, I do think we have very good interior. But while OT spot is not nearly as bad since JD addressed it since the post you referenced, a lot of it will depend on Becton. If Becton can come in and play all season and play-offs, I think we will have a very good oline. Between Brown, Mitchell, and Turner, chance are one will be decent.

    But what happens if Becton gets hurt again? This is what worries me. Brown is old. Played bad last year too, and I am not sure if it is just due to injury or because he also declined. Now he is a year older. If Becton gets hurt, we will need two of Brown, Mitchell, and Turner to play well. That's a lot to ask. Or move AVT to tackle, which I think is not his ideal spot. I am praying for Becton to stay healthy this year. This will solve a lot of problems and can actually make our line one of the better ones in NFL.
  16. Borat

    Borat Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    We do need a lot of luck when it comes to injuries at OT. Literally every single tackle we have on the roster right now had a serious injury last year. Warren missed almost entire year in College. Brown was on IR and then played with torn shoulder. Turner also was not healthy all year, in and out of line up. Becton missed two years in a row. And Mitchell was on IR, came off, then was out for the season with blood clots. So, yeah, we need A LOT of luck at OT, given the guys we have on the roster are not exactly iron men. Brown was, but not any more as he is old now, and not sure what to expect from him. He could be back to Pro Bowl form or could be a scrub he was last year.
  17. DetroitRed

    DetroitRed Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
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    Good thing AVT can play T
  18. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I admit I know very little about OL play. For me it's like driving a car: you get in behind the wheel, turn the key expect the engine to start and run without having to know the details of internal combustion engines. That said, even as an ignorant driver I know when there's something wrong with the engine or its components, even if I don't know exactly what (hell, even trained mechanics these days need a computer to diagnose problems!). And there is something wrong with how the Jets are using OL, whether it's the training, the blocking schemes (combined with the body types of the players they're asking to execute those schemes), the turf they play on, or some combination of all of that, but it isn't just bad luck or coincidence IMO.

    I think the Jets need to do a "deep dive" into these factors (and any others I'm unaware of), and figure out why their OL is suffering so many critical injuries. If they don't have a dependable OL, even having Rodgers won't save them. Douglas has been in charge for 4 full seasons, and he's certainly not ignored the OL both in FA and the draft, so either he doesn't know shit about acquiring good OL - even though he himself played there in college, and has over 20 years in player evaluation - or there's something else going on that produces all these injuries. I really hope Douglas and the Jets are looking into this because I really don't want to see another season lost because we couldn't protect our key players.
    SOJAZ and NCJetsfan like this.
  19. Jojo

    Jojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2021
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    Carter Warren IS our future RT. HES GONNA BE GOOOD. He just needs some refinement. SOLID pick.
    KingRoach and NCJetsfan like this.
  20. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Do you think McG starts at C over Tippman? I was assuming Tippman is the day 1 starter at C…first C off the board and I heard a lot of pre-draft hype about him and the other Schwatz kid as well, thinking they were starters from the go.

    Maybe a training camp battle?

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