Wilson is absolutely shyt yet we didn’t sign one capable backup who could easily take a talented team to the playoffs. It’s sad this keeps happening to us, but we also don’t plan for this shyt well at all. I’ve been a fan of JD but that and not getting better Oline has been a season killer for 2 seasons now
So Wilson trash tonight then will get destroyed by Dallas andddddd we have Boyle starting week 3….what a time to be a Jets fan.
Guess we should of seen this coming after the Giants prime time game. Maybe once we get our own stadium we can change our luck a little. A smart GM also would of had a better plan and this coaching staff
Didn’t take long for our tackles to get AR out of the game Didn’t take long for Zach to throw a stupid pick Can’t make this shit up
AR literally took 4 snaps…1 was a hand off and the other 3 he was pressured immediately and running for his life. Oline is death.
It was a glaring, obvious weakness that was ignored by a GM who was obsessed with collecting shiny toys.