it's pathetic...people reacting to points and total yards in a first preseason game in which there was no gameplan and nothin complex... guys, when watching preseason you judge players...your depth guys...ESPECIALLY the first game....and from that I am extremely pleased with what I saw.. if you are concerned with total points and total yards you are just plain retarded... you want to nitpick how the offensive unit looks, the third game is the time to do it...but even still, not enough to proclaim we are screwed... give it a rest kiddies.
I think the most troubling thing was the fact that Pace, Scott and Thomas were all on the field at the same time. I went back and watched the 1s again. The 3 big chunk plays in the passing game came against Pace and Scott (the 4th came against Harris on 3rd and 6th). This was a major problem last year -- speed of the LBs.
True but you gotta remember last night we didnt let our starting safeties get alot of action They were playing very vanilla roles, id imagine them alot more active during a real game
That goes without saying yet we can watch as other NFL QB's with their lack of game plan and totally vanilla packages move down the field every week during the preseason and wonder, will this team ever have a starting offensive team that can simply line up and beat their opponents?
Who marched up and down the field? Rodgers, Brady, Brees, Manning, Manning, etc etc all played so so and their offenses didn't do much like our first offense. I don't know how many of those offenses didn't have their #1 or #3 wide receiver either. I might have misread your post, but are you saying that other NFL QB's walked up and down the field without gameplans in the preseason?... because a lot didn't. If you want to compare in the AFC East, the Pats and Phins put up 7 total points and the Jets and Bills put up 6. We are right on pace for our division if you want to judge our offense based on preseason week 1.
I yearn for the day this team lines up weekly on the opening possession and drives 80 yards and scores a touchdown.
I'm saying that most of the first units moved the ball our's didn't do squat which normally wouldn't bother me in the least except that it's earily familiar to how we actually played down the stretch last year. You would think our first string O would like to spit the taste of dirt out of their mouths and line up and move the ball a little. Failure is a mindset and the Jets O has an awful lot of players who have to reverse that right now. Not scoring and not moving the ball aren't the same thing. Mistakes in preseason kill points they shouldn't keep you from getting a few yards and moving the ball.
A- it is the first game of pre season B: adjustments will be made an teams scouted during the pre season. Lets not cut our throats just yet
ESPN's Rich Cimini noted his "three up, three down" for the Jets first preseason game. Quinton Coples makes an obvious appearance in Rich's "three up" section. He also has Bart Scott and Calvin Pace among his "three down" section. I thought Bart Scott in particular really struggled covering BenJarvis Green-Ellis. He looked slow. Green-Ellis is not a burner by any measure, but he was able to get a step and a half on Scott. Teams are going to try to get Scott matched up on RBs all season.
The biggest thing about this game is that, there were no major injuries. Complaining about this game is similar to dissecting a pitcher after watching warm up throws. They certainly have work to do, but I wouldn't get worried unless this persists until the 3rd game of the preseason with no improvements. About the game: The offensive line looked like in mid season form, and that's wasn't a good thing. Sanchez seemed rushed whenever he went back to pass. The game plan was about vanilla as you can get. The defense for the most part looked really good. Even when the Bengals scored against the defense, their WR (I believe it was Tate) made some amazing catches. I was impressed by Coples. He seemed to disrupt a lot of plays, and almost had that sack/strip.
I guess so, but it doesn't change the fact that everyone who watched the Jets last year noted that the speed at LB was a major problem. Now the LBs are a year older. And I don't want anyone to come back with Maybin and Davis. Maybin is a one-trick pony and Davis is a rookie out of a FCS school. Let's be realistic with our expectations of the two.
That's cool...And those QB's that you are likely referencing e.g. Gabbert, RG - III etc will not be doing so come regular season play. So let them be preseason champs... If you have any experience watching football you know you've seen teams look smooth in preseason that stumble in regular season play. I'm willing to be that teams that go 4 - 0 or 0 - 4 in preseason play has absolutely zero coorelation to their regular season record. None, zip, nada. Don't get caught up in what you are looking at...It's irrelevant, especially what you are seeing from first team units.
Sometimes seems that way for sure. In some ways you're better off being kinda bad in the preseason so you can work on your issues in practice at that point and not think everything is fine and dandy and then start struggling when the games matter and have to try and figure out how to fix the problems. That being said I'd obviously prefer to win the preseason games but just saying it's not the end of the world if we lose a few of these games. Hell, even if we lose all of them I won't give a shit as long as we see improvements in HOW we play the game between game one and game four.