The entire league is a circus. Dozens of players a year are arrested. Fights are a daily occurrence in training camp. Someone is always saying some crazy shit on espn or Fox sports. Do yourselves a favor. Watch the games and enjoy the entertainment. Don't worry about what the hacks in the papers report.
It really is a garbage way to go about your job. All about coming up with a snappy headline to generate clicks. Any Twitter hack can do that these days. Really what did these guys go to school for in the end? I won't say the team doesn't give them some gold in terms of side stories but not everyday that goes by deserves a front page headline.
Anybody else remember when Barcs was oncerned for the beat writers' safety on account of the mean things they were writing about the Jets?
brandon marshall tells local media he does not trust them with his words
“Coach asked us all to move forward, and I don’t want to be a distraction to the team and I want you guys to respect that,” he continued. “And I want to respect Coach’s wishes and just move forward and worry about my job and how I can make this team better and understand this role even better.”
Do you realize those stories only exist because you contribute to that garbage and help them make money? Why are you complaining? This is how they make their money, they need headlines, they have to sell something, get people to buy their paper. That's different from reporting the news. Those hacks are playing you and it's goes right over your head, you buy into it. The more you complain, the more upset you get, the more money they make, they more they take it further and further. This is like the first basic rule they teach you when it comes to entertainment. If you want this to stop then don't pay any attention to it. If you can't do that then don't complain.
When Rex was blaming Idzik last week he also said Woody wanted to fire Idzik and keep him (again) but the media wouldn't have it. May be some truth to it.....the Media does have some power to whip up the fan base leading to billboards and planes flying overhead. This is all hard for ownership to deal with and sometimes they make decisions based on it. So ya, the media taking an anti-this-player or anti-this-coach stand can get them fired.
Sorry the NY press is not piling on as the starter of this thread claims. Just look at the other NY team who has won 4 SBs & conducts there business in a very professional way & that is the difference between us & them & will continue to be until we learn how not to be a joke of a franchise & a bottom dweller in the NFL JMHO
oh plz...eli manning wanting to the be highest paid player comes out yesterday...where did ian rapport get that information? an inside source no? where's the big headlines of giants being dysfunctional organization for leaking this information or eli's agent being underhanded for giving this out? how many people made a big deal out jpp blowing his hand off not nearly as much as crap we got for richardson ya media piles on the nyj
I don't complain about the NY media much for two reasons. One is that I am used to them. The other is that I have to admit the Jets often give them plenty of things to write negative crap about. But then there's also always been the paranoia that some sizeable chunk of them are not only Giant fans, but Giant fans who hate the Jets. I think some of them in fact are Giant fans, but I think now that it is more subtle than that they hate the Jets. Here's the thing, in every other NFL market, the locals are mostly in with the one team in that market. You write about football in that town, and the local team is the main part of your beat. But in NY there are to be sure writers whose beat is the Jets, but then there are not only writers whose beat it the Giants, but also some who can choose what they want to write about. The latter tend to amplify the negative, because they in effect are not writing about hte Jets every day, following the nuts and bolts about the team, every day. Instead they get drawn to the big stories, which tend to be negative. It makes the market a different one than any other NFL market. You have writers whose basic disposition toward the team draws them to the negative. Oh well...
Unfortunately, football is only one day a week. It requires daily headlines and reporters will conflate stories to get them. Ignore most of what is said and written. The players do.
There are two ways to write for Giants fans in the NY media market: write good things about the Giants, trash the Jets. The crappy coverage of the Jets is based largely on the above. There's no market in the NY area for trashing the Giants. It happens now and then but there's no bottomless feeding frenzy for it. There's always a feeding frenzy for trashing the Jets.
And in oakland/san francisco you have the same thing you have here..the NFC team are the saints and the afc team is the will always be that way because they just can't bring themselves to ever forgive the AFL for forcing the merger..just the way it is.
Don La Greca says some interesting stuff on this topic. He's mentioned how other teams, for example Green Bay, mostly are supported by their local media, especially since it's the only team repping that state/area. I've never checked out GB's beat writers so I don't know how accurate that is. I guess he's saying that if it were just the Jets (no Giants), then the media would probably be kinder to the Jets.