-The New York Knicks 2013-2014 Season Thread-

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by displacedfan, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    From the sound of it his wife is a bitch. Straight up looks like the type of woman you need to avoid at all cost. So desperate to can him she ruined his money and hers.

    Yes he should of not had an unregistered gun according to recent reports but his wife did not have to rat him out to the NYPD knowing damn well it will ruin his nba career. They have recently been in a bit of some bitter arguments but damn did she have to do dude like this?

    It is just more clear you must choose very carefully who you choose to be around with/married to and that goes for both of them.

    If my wife tells me some shit like she going to rat me out on something she knows will destroy me, im leaving her in a split second. I need me one that always has my back and if she feels like we dont click anymore or in danger, just be smart enough to leave.

    UPDATE : one article I just read said he pointed it at her, if true, understandable to call right AFTER the incident.

    UPDATE 2 : Just read an updated CNN article she bought the GUN to the NYPD with her attorney friends and is a law school student. Bitch was planning this for months, bet. Set this fool up and probably figured this the only way she going to get something out that divorce.
    #881 mute, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
  2. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    That's too normal and sensical. That sort of logic doesn't fly in Dolanland, where when any rational business manager would conclude that it's time to fire an employee, he instead gives him an extension and makes a public statement of full confidence. Dolan is married to this loser just like he was to Isiah. He already said he's sticking with Woodson last year, so firing him now would make him look bad, because the team isn't making him look bad now (FUCKING MORON).
  3. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I mean from the idea of off the court problems. I'm reading stuff on Knicks sites and some people are happy about this or excited to see Felton possible not a PG on this team. I have said the same thing, I think Felton has played really bad this year and wanted him replaced. But I want him replaced for basketball reasons not because of off the court stuff. As much as I was annoyed, frustrated, angry with his play, seeing someone's career being potentially ruined is sad.

    Yes he made bad decisions leading to this situation, but for me it's still rough in this type of scenario to see someone potentially throw away their future career. This doesn't apply to every athlete in every scenario off the field/court, but in this situation, it's sad to me.
  4. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I totally here you GG...totally...but if he makes no moves at all to save the season, well..you know what..forget it. You are probably correct. I was just going to state how the Garden would be unbearable the last dozen home games but we are almost there. Moron fans would sell out that building if we were 10 and 60.

    You look at the underachievers on this team and its mind boggling.

    Chandler probably having his worst year as a pro
    Felton..if not for that horrible stint in Portland..the same.
    Smith...a few nice games recently but a bust this year.
    Prigs....nothing like last year.
    Bargs...never looked like a fit.
    Anthony..reverted back to a guy that holds the ball like no player I have ever seen in the NBA. I cant think of any player who holds the ball like he does..never.
    Amare..without a doubt the most consistent player on the team..but a shell of what he used to be.

    Take Amare and Anthony out of that mix and there is 6 players having horrible years..horrible. Nobody having a better year..thats almost impossible. Woodson always prided himself at getting the most out of players like Smith and Shumpert. Hey, of course its on the players but 10 games into the season many of us were screaminig how this defensive system was horrible. The switching...big men who despised it and guards who couldnt wait to give their guy up.

    Add to that getting a GM who has been invisible...totally invisible. You would think around the 40 game mark this team would have tried to do something at point guard. I mean what the F WAS THA TMOVE MADE FOR ANYWAY? Why did he fire the GM? So the next GM could sit around masterbating until we have room under the cap in 2 y ears? Is that what we are waiting for now?

    As long as that place continues to fill up...and Dolan continues to make the obscene money he makes with Cablevision, we have ourself a franchise nightmares are made out of.
  5. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Who knows with Dolan. This is the most patience he's ever shown, yet it's come at the exact wrong times for this team. At this point, nothing would surprise me from Woodson being fired to Woodson being extended.
  6. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I actually had a discussion about this on a Knicks site. MSG sells seats. The Knicks are the most valuable NBA franchise. If the Garden is empty for Knicks games, it doesn't matter if those seats have been paid for already. Enough seats will be paid for through corporations, tourists, and diehards. The Garden last night EXPLODED for a Melo 3 to tie the game. Knicks fans as a whole love the Knicks but hate the owner (generalizing here but I feel this is accurate). It's hard for people to leave them.

    I think Carmelo is having one of his best years of his career actually, and Amare has played like garbage even with his offensive improvement. No matter what Woodson does, Amare finds a way to be part of the lineup that goes negative within a game. Put Amare and THJ on the floor at the same time, and as Chris Herring noted on twitter, the Knicks get outscored at a ridiculous pace. Amare is good for 10-15 minutes game right now, and not for important stretches of the game. He shouldn't be ISOed in the post because he rarely passes. He needs to be in the PnR or as a secondary outlet for his jumper with action on the other side of the court. If you throw him in the post, even with Hakeem's teachings, he rarely passes and usually makes a bad decision. Amare is -11.5 this year for the team! The team plays 11 points worst than the opponent with him on the floor. It really comes down to defense and rebounding. It's how even with no offensive game, Shump is part of our best lineups and the Knicks play worse overall with him off the floor. Even though it looks like has 0 confidence in his shot, he rebounds the ball and plays enough D to make up for everyone else's terrible D. That's enough to be a positive on a team with Melo. Another player who played a lot of minutes and the Knicks are better with on the floor, KMART. Same thing as Shump too, he fits perfectly with Melo and how this team refuses to play defense. Sorry I'm ranting, it's not at you, it's directed at Woodson and more specifically Dolan who I think is controlling things behind the scenes.

    Even Cole Aldrich came in yesterday, stood in the right spot on defense, adjusted a couple shots, and rebounded the ball and the Knicks went on a run. It's really simple strategy, but it means playing our 100 million dollar man and our newly acquired expensive man (Bargs) less minutes. Dolan won't have that nonsense.

    The GM is, again my guess, a yes man to Dolan. He was around during the Isiah scandal fiasco and he's back because he's buddy buddy with Dolan. The Knicks had two options at the trade deadline, blow it up or try to push for the playoffs. Considering they reportedly turned down a trade for Lowery because Dolan was worried about his image earlier in the year, the Knicks were a lot closer to blow it up mode. This would require trading Chandler, which it sounds like the Knicks didn't even entertain. This required trading Shump to OKC for a 1st rounder, which the Knicks turned down. This required unloading Felton's contract to LAC with Shump, which ended because they played Shump and he got hurt the night before the trade deadline. Trading Chandler sounds crazy, but around the league his value was high. Many teams reportedly though he looked worse than he really is because of the Knicks surrounding him. Same theory with Shump (OKC was gonna give up a 1st for Shump, that's high value on Iman). Trading Chandler could gotten the Knicks an expiring contract, picks, or young players. They still would be over the cap this coming offseaosn I believe, but it would be a plan and they would be able to add young players to the team.

    Overall what I'm saying is that the persona surrounding Melo has gotten wicked positive from other fans and writers who usually would criticize Melo. His stock has risen this year even though the Knicks stink and primarily because the rest of the Knicks stink. Amare is a negative to this team because Woodson can't find a way to play him where his deficiencies can be hidden and his offensive game can shine. And of course Amare's contract which goes back to the stupid resign Billups then waste your amnesty on Billups.

    Where do the Knicks go from here? They have two open rosters spots. Jimmer just got bought out, I would be interested in claiming him if we could. I just need them to go young players and for Woodson to play them. I also want no Chris Smith on this team.
  7. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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  8. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I try to blur that person from my memory. The greatest trick Isiah pulled was convincing Dolan to befriend him.
  9. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Isiah knows dolans dark secrets
  10. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    It would be nice if some investigative reporters started digging into his life, like which crossdressing hookers he frequents or what his narcotics of choice are. Maybe shame him into backing out of the spotlight a little bit
  11. DemoIsland

    DemoIsland Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Don't think Felton will serve time for this. NYC gun laws are very harsh but there is some information we still do not know. All we know right now is that his soon to be ex-wife gave the police a gun claiming it belonged to Felton. He has been charged and processed (standard procedure). I am sure some of you are well aware that gun licenses are state to state. Lets assume he had this gun registered in N.C. Legally, in order to have it in New York, he would have to file a separate registration form for the State of New York. For this reason he may be in trouble. BUT, prosecution have to prove that actually possessed the gun. We don't know that yet, all we know is this woman brought the gun in. Plaxico could not fight that because he literally shot himself, Felton may have a viable defense here. Also, when Plaxico got in trouble, the then Mayor was pushing for the State to prosecute him. The then Mayor played a big role in the battle on guns and cleaning the city up.

    Time and information will tell.
  12. DemoIsland

    DemoIsland Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    But back to the Knicks. I read somewhere in an earlier post where someone mentioned Carmelo as being a ball stopper/holder...Carmelo is having the best season of his career, offensively and defensively. I mean, did you not watch that sequence yesterday where he grabbed 2 offensive boards, made the correct pass only for his teammates to miss, but then he finally got the ball and hit a big 3 pointer. The guy is battling, hes been making the pass, players around him can't shoot.
  13. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    that would be an interesting defense. "your honor, the gun belonged to my client, but he did not posses it in New York. As far as he was aware, it was still in state X where it was registered. But his soon to be ex-wife clearly had possession of it and brought it to New York to frame him. And while we maybe cannot prove her intent, what we can prove is that the only evidence of possession of this gun is, in fact, her, and she should be prosecuted for possessing the weapon within the city."

    that would be a hysterical turn of events.
  14. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Pretty stupid
    Good point, they have to prove that it is his gun which is difficult, and they have to prove the wife didn't bring the gun from a different state. He didnt actually posses it, it seems to me he wont get any jail time, this will likely turn into either plea bargain or he is going to win the case. This could turn quickly on the wife to, especially if he wins the case. She technically had possession of an illegal gun, in NY, she might end up on trial.
  15. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    NYC gun laws are interesting to me, I am just learning about them.

    What if someone just ends up getting the gun in their possession by accident...mandatory sentence? Thats not right. What if someone finds a gun in their possession and wants to alert the police that they would like to turn a gun over because they found it. They get jail sentence for giving that immediately to the police?
  16. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    is New York a joint ownership state? If Felton bought a couch, it belongs to both he and his wife if so. If he buys a gun, same thing. it is both their property. the type of product it is shouldn't change that dynamic.

    if she knew the gun was there, and as a partial owner of it never turned it in until now, it could be argued she was equally in possession of the gun for the time it was in the city. just because she turned it in now doesn't change that she owned and jointly possessed a gun within the city, which is equally a crime. how do you differentiate him as the sole owner, and thus sole possessor of the gun simply because (maybe) he purchased it when she knew it was there and equally owned it, and thus possessed it within her residence, just like a couch.

    it is going to be interesting to see how they prove he possessed the gun himself when the only person who is known for a fact to have possession of it may equally be an owner of the gun who maintained possession of it in the past while she was with him.
  17. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Wow these are all some pretty interesting points that I never thought of. Also, isn't the wife a law student? Wouldn't she have thought about these scenarios? Imagine if she gets effed lol
  18. NYGalPal

    NYGalPal Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2006
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    If she just turned him in to be spiteful & vindictive then she was wrong. Him having guns must have not been new to her. If he was waving around the gun aggressively like this article suggests then her actions are still questionable. Not for turning him in, because I would have gotten the police involved also. For how she supposedly did it. A normal reaction would have been to call the police as soon as she possibly could. Not later on going to the police with you lawyer and turning over the weapons. There are so many conflicting reports about what happened. So all this is just speculation.

  19. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    She made a huge mistake bringing it to the police, she should have had them come to the house. For all I know this could be a complete setup, anyone can obtain a gun and claim it belongs to someone else and go to the police about. Felton may have never even seen the gun before, she coulda went to someone over the last couple days and purchased the gun herself and is now claiming it belongs to him. Do I think she did this to set him up? IDK, but the defense can claim this is a complete setup and the prosecution would have to prove that it isnt. They are going to need him on record saying that it is his gun, perhaps they have texts? fingerprints? or the seller under oath testifying that he sold it to Felton? if not, her bringing it to the police will likely get the case thrown out in court. It was not recovered in the house of Felton so we cannot assume it had resided in his possession ever.

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