I've posted this type of thing before (which means I will probably be banned from the site) but it bears looking at again IMO. I understand the idea of merging threads...however, it can be taken to the extreme. The idea that ANY and EVERY thread about John Abraham should be part of one gigantic thread doesn't make any sense to me. At this writing, the John Abraham thread is up to 16 pages long. For me, I don't have the time to read all of the posts and find out what is new and where I left off...and quite frankly, threads that long are confusing and often lose focus from the original intent of the thread poster. So, I am asking that the moderators of this board allow the posters the freedom to post new threads as they see fit...with the exception of true repetition of stories or information. Please don't make this into one big blog of useless information. Please allow us to start new threads with what we think are individual takes or positions on what may seem like the same topic, yet the only similarity is the subject...not the story or thread or angle. Otherwise, we might as well have just one big thread on the JETS and merge everything under the same banner. After all, isn't our take and angle and originality - each of us as posters and members, what makes this board what it is? Sincerely, gg
I'd rather see them clumped into a great big heap, otherwise you get 150 Abe threads and everything else gets buried. I think that normally, when a news item isn't as popular it isn't a big deal to have 2-3 threads going about it. But in this case we have horde of juvenille posters starting a new thread everytime Abe has a bowel movement. That is the real problem. Everyone of them thinks they own space and want to scream their opinion from their very own hilltop. Ideally, with message board ettiquete, you are expected to make sure you aren't duplicating a thread already in existence. So yours may very well be unique, but when you let one poster have their own, you have to for the other 300 individuals. Creates a pretty messy room.
I agree with Green Guy, it is quite annoying trying to read through tons of pages of posts without knowing what's new and what's not. I think merging threads should only be used when the same exact thing, such as an article, is posted twice, or if it's someone's opinion that doesn't deserve it's own thread. But all updated Abe news is hard to follow if it's all in one thread.
As long as people here are going to abuse the liberty of posting threads for every little thought that goes through their minds, merging will still take place. I'd rather have one thread on Abraham than have 25 on him on page 1, and that's what happens if we let things slide.
My two cents When the merged threads get too big I don't even try to sort through them. Its too much. But I can see Jetzz point, I don't want to see an interesting thread buried because there are 10 Abe threads going.
http://forums.theganggreen.com/showthread.php?t=2700 I would have merged your Abe opinion thread as well GG. You alwasy have the need to make a topic on your opinion in a new thread rather than an existing one. It wouldn't be a big deal to merge what you think of Abe to someones allready existing topic. If everyone started a topic about what they think of Abe then the board would be flooded with Abe topics. Everyone is complaing about that.
Maybe there could be a HOT NEWS sub forum (like the BS Bowl) where if a topic becomes a lightning rod of activity all new posts will be directed to be posted there. Thus, instead of merging threads, they would just get moved on over. Not a perfect solution either. Ideally, 300 posters learning proper forum ettiquete would be the best fit scenario. But, I see what they have been posting - I'm not even going to try and educate them. :breakdance:
Just do us all a favor and don't bitch when the main board get cluttered with a zillion meaningless, closed threads on the exact same thing. You guys want to post every little thought in a new thread? Fine by me. Less work actually.
I'll throw my two cents into this. Generally speaking, I am pro-merge...especially when duplicitive info is being posted....but sometimes it gets a little crazy. The other night I logged onto the site, just after the Ramsey deal went down (and I had no idea it had happened). I saw the sticky post entitled: "The Official Ramsey is a Jet Thread!! Post your thoughts here.....". I went 8 pages into the thread before I finally gave up and went to ESPN.com. That thread was all about the Abraham/Schaub trade and then somehow it was morphed into a Ramsey thread. I never did get to read the first reactions of posters to a breaking event, because I didn't want to read through hundreds of posts that had nothing to do with Ramsey. Anyway, for the record....the mods do a great job here overall and make this a very pleasant place to discuss The Jets and just about anything else. DbJ
It's a good idea to merge the threads because I personally would get tired of reading 15 thread titles in a row on the Jets forum that say something about John Abraham. etc.
So the command is to lock duplicate threads, not merge them. Great!! Maybe we should start a John Abraham FORUM!!!!!!!!
I don't "Always" start a new thread...but IMO "Why I Don't Like John Abraham" should be a separate thread from the thread about the "Abraham Trade" news...don't you think? As DeathByJets said, I also skip entire merged threads when they are 6-8-10 pages long. It's too much to sort through...and I miss out on some good stuff. Jet Insider doesn't merge threads at all...and that is a mistake...but too much merging makes this into one big mess. As I've said before, there are different TAKES on the same topic, and some should stand alone. More important than the merge issue, is BANNING me for starting that Abraham thread. All I did was try and post my thoughts in a separate thread because I felt it didn't belong on the Abraham "News" thread. For that no one should be banned, even for a day!
What I try to do is merge certain threads with certain threads where some topics talk about the same stuff keeping the pages to about 2 thus having about two more merged therads instead of one. I think it works nicely.
I agree with Green Guy. Unless it's actually the same, they shouldn't be merged. I think there has been an excess merging of threads. I mean, a thread about Abraham being traded got merged with the Ramsey thread! What sense does that make?
Exactly. I had posted there and I wanted to see what happened, but I came back Saturday night, search was turned off, and I couldn't find where that thread went.
Please, feel free to start a new thread on any topic already beat to death at any time. It will only inconvience your fellow posters but who gives a damn about them as long as YOUR thought gets it's proper spotlight. We wouldn't want to hinder any individual from bogging down the board rewording and rehashing subjects already discussed ad nauseum. Every stray thought about everything deserves its own stage. So be it.. God forbid we restrict anyone. The needs of the many should always take a back seat to the needs of the few. At least in the view of some. So, have at it. Good night and good luck.