Why the fuck were the Jets placed as a bottom 10 league to start the power rankings anyhow? 17-20 seemed more understandable.
Yet I can't stop myself from reading them every single week. I agree with you 100%, they are stupid and reactionary, and rarely, if ever, take the big picture into account, but I read them on website after website every single week... *sigh*
I'm pretty much the same. I think they are meaningless but get pissed off when my team is ranked low and kind of proud when my team is up high (which is rare...in any sport).
Yup. Power rankings are pretty much the reporters following trends in the NFL and nothing more. Every time a team wins they go up. If they lose, they go down. It's not like they're actually predicting anything. Jets starting at 22nd was a joke, however, they finished at 8-8, which is mediocre. They should have started at 16th, but all the negativity from the reporters based on a lie made them go lower.
The JETS start will be a hoax to the media until we beat what they consider a good team. And not one but two or more AT LEAST before any DECENT press is given.
which is fine with me, and the later the press starts to hype up the jets the better. Because then you get players thinking they're god's gift to sports and start slacking off
If the players slack because they're getting good press then they don't deserve to make the playoffs. That said, let the negative press keep coming. Fuel for the fire.