The US government has at least 3 parties at this point. The Tea Party are going to snuff the Republicans in one of these elections coming up. The Whigs thought they were still a party too in 1851 just before the Republican minority that dominated their political conversations found it's standard bearers who turned into the Whigs pallbearers in the process. Read history and read carefully between the lines and you'll understand that the Republicans are a zombie tottering towards their funeral pyre. Populist movements often get started by big interests that then lose control of them. That's what happened here.
Dude, you've been doomsaying the Republican party for over a decade. And now that we have a Democrat in office that is basically acting like a Republican, the elephants are going to go extinct? Get real. If anything, the Dems have completely lost their identity, aside from that whole tax raising agenda. Oh yeah, and guns, lol.
Flames of War: ISIS propaganda movie (55 min)
What needs to be done is to take one of the ISIS militants, slather him in sausage grease and force feed him pork and then behead him. Video it and send it to their media outlets in the middle east. They get by with this stuff because they know we have to play by the rules of the UN, NATO, Geneva convention etc..... Bring the heat and they will back off.
ISIS made a video game, its a complete ripoff of GTA.
I think you should head on over and deliver the message personally, coming from someone of your stature I am sure they would immediately convert to Judaism and cease all hostilities.
This sounds exactly like something @Cman55 would say about some problem posters on tgg. It should also work well for handling a gang of murderers attempting to commit genocide though.
I think so too. The Democrats and Republicans have both become the party of big government, although they prioritize very differently - with Democrats wanting to tax and spend and Republicans wanting to borrow and spend. I prefer the former because at least we know where the books stand and a wave election could shut things down if need be. The Tea Party does not believe in big government and doesn't want to tax or borrow to finance it. That at least gives us a healthy argument that is made each election as opposed to the lip service that the Republican establishment gives to small government before they inevitably acquiesce to more of the same.
Nah I'm in semiretirement. I'm done for now, but who knows, if a threat arises again, I'll just throw the suit on and do what I do best. But again for now I am away from the big city life, I'm relaxing and just chilling out.
Done for now?…..throw the suit on and do what you do best? Done from exactly what and, what is it that you're 'best' at? This should be good. : )
The Tea Party fools are all talk when it comes to spending. It's all bullshit they are using to divide this nation. They could have one of their biggest disciples elected President and he would spend just as frivolous as the president before him.. and nobody in power really wants smaller government that's such a hack. They are just attacking the liberal left at virtually any angle they can and the less spending / small government angle is one in which is the most attractive from an outsider's view so they are going with it. The only difference between these tea party jackasses and regular republicans are that they are more aggressive with their rhetoric.. but they are also destructive. They are the opposite of statesmen and simply want to get elected so they can get their piece of the pie. Their divisive, stubborn and politically aggressive tactics have ruined congress and if in the off chance they do gain the white house in the future I sure hope they don't cry when an aggressive liberal faction of the democratic party takes hold in response. (both of which I hope doesn't happen)
Actually I read the other day that terrorists are not covered under the Geneva Convention.... food for thought
There are multiple reasons why the terrorists would not be covered by the Geneva Convention but they would still be covered by other treatise that would keep them safe if captured. That just means we need to bomb the fuck out of them so we don't need to worry about keeping them safe.
The Geneva Convention only covers combatants fighting on the behalf of a signatory to the treaty or on behalf of a country that has acknowledged the treaty and agreed to let it's provisions effect the conflict in question. That's why spies not in uniform got shot all the time even during WWII. It's why Vietcong got shot all the time in Vietnam. There's actually nothing in the Geneva Convention that would prevent ISIS fighters from being shot after they were captured by any regular forces of any country fighting them that managed to capture them. This would be appropriate given the methods that ISIS has displayed at this point. US and other allied military personnel would have to be very careful in applying this policy because executions found to be unlawful, as in when an innocent civilian was mistaken for a combatant and executed, would constitute a war crime and under the Geneva Convention the US and allied forces would be obligated to turn the offenders over to international authorities for trial. If ISIS could find a signatory country to claim them then they would be afforded the protections of the Geneva Convention. That's not going to happen. The treaties in the Geneva Conventions only afford protections to civilians and surrendered uniformed military personnel of a signatory or acknowledging country. There are no treaties that protect non-uniformed combatants. The Iraqi's may well have laws that protect individuals in Iraq from summary execution. They'd be barred from just executing ISIS fighters if this were the case, but not by any international treaty. Other forces fighting in Iraq and Syria are only barred from killing non-uniformed combatants by their agreements with the country that they are fighting in/for/against.
This poor bloke is ACTING for his life. 'IS' want to USE him to make this mini series look well crafted. well documented and well presented and at the same time all convincing. This guy has rehearsed this script over and over. You can see that. Poor sod's probably thinking 'If I pull this off they might spare me longer'.