I understand the first fuck up. How the hell do you fuck up twice and release the hottest phone of the summer/fall?
Apple has a inferior product and had no answers for Samsungs phones, until Samsung went ahead and fucked up shit themselves. Literally saved Apple tons of money on advertising. Word of mouth alone will take Samsung phone users to iPhones.
Right! Nobody did die...yet. Sounds like you're saying we should just wait until someone does and if the event turns catastrophic, them's the breaks. All parties concerned have now recognized the potentially catastrophic failure possibility - how would you have handled it differently?
No they arent. They found most people who used android keep android. They don't move between. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
Simple, keep selling your producr until you get confirmed product defect. You didnt see them pull the hoverboards off the market. The only reasom Samsung doesn't care is because the more powerful galaxy s8 is due out in a few months. Its funny there isnt this exploding phone epidemic in other parts of thw world.....hmmmm barely over 100 complaints and is the same phone as the s7 edge except with a better screen? Why arent they exploding? Samsung knows this isnt an epidemic. They just dont care because they churn out a newer better phone every year anyway Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
Yeah om sorry, youre the businees mogul. Keep telling yourself that. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
Samsung is not some startup building hoverboards in an old garage, they're a multinational giant. How much damage do you think this debacle ha caused their bottom line? How much more would it cost to shrug it off as only a hundred or so, only in the US?
Yeah do your homework. Damn near all the complaints came from the us. The only place that didn't receive the same battery was China. Theyll be ok. Most people arent even returning the phones. Like i said, they s8 will be out in March or April, so its nothing to them to just move on. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
$17,000,000,000! Yes, that's Billion - with a "B" http://www.reuters.com/article/us-samsung-elec-smartphones-costs-idUSKCN12B0FX
Could.....but hasnt. Theyll never lose 17 billion. Thats a speculatory article and theyre very rarely close People will just get the s7 or s8 on a few months. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
You could be right. They might only lose twelve billion - pure speculation. They had a bunch of washing machines catch on fire a few years ago, too, you know. There comes a time when, right or wrong, a company's products get a reputation for problems that they can never recover from. The economic loss will go well beyond the Note 7.
You obviously dont undertand the smartphone market. People are very loyal to brands. If it were the iphone id be saying the same thing. You know the only difference between a note 7 and s7 is a screen and a pen. The price tag isn't much different. Theres a reason they churn new phones out yearly and i bet the person who wrote that article doesnt know about the s8 or s8 plus. Theyll lose some money but not much and theyll make it back with the s8 Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
New phones come out all the time and a few hundred technogeeks camping out overnight to get them first don't change the laws of economics. Enjoy that incendiary device in your pocket; I just hope when it blows up you don't hurt anyone else with it or damage their property.
Few hundred????? Sold 2.5 million. Haha you're such an idiot. You don't understand the science behind what's going on. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk