Also: Smith was an english major who enjoyed Reading, drawing and writing. Might it be that he's just a bit introverted rather than a 'Diva'?
They are setting him up in a "can't win" scenario. If he fights them tooth and nail (which he hasn't yet) they say he's too sensitive and doesn't have what it takes, if he doesn't fight them at all they say his silence on the matter proves that the accusations are true and who knows what else. Here he is just responding and denying what critics are saying...and they lump him under that fighting tooth and nail type scenario I mentioned earlier. I mean, really, what do they want from him? They put out information from anonymous sources that attach him and then regardless of if/how he responds they are going to find a way to turn it against him? That's not even remotely journalism. I still don't like the pick but honestly don't let this character assassination attempt being completed entirely by the media.
This is only a big deal because the media is making it out to be. so many numb nuts are eating this all up. Hes barely said anything, and barely done anything damning. I feel as though no matter what he does, there will be a negative spin in tow. Its beyond pathetic.
i can hear it now in the opposing stadiums.... geeeeeee-no geeeeeee-no we may even hear that when he is NOT on the field.
up to a point - if he approaches anything like cam newton/andy dalton/kapernick, especially his first year, NY and the media will slobber over themselves for him. he just has to perform - and then he can chirp about it.
Well, he is young, and he was hurt by the remarks. He is not some big city slicker. So he will have to learn. But the treatment of this kid has been abominable. Scurrilous. I think the team should help him with this, but who can he go to: Rex, Woody?
Nobody wants a QB who chirps well. The place to chirp is in the ads you agree to do for lots of money. When football is the topic, in the locker room, on the sideline, when caught alone in a public venue, nobody wants to hear a QB use the words "I" and "me". QB's use the words "we" and "us". That's why Geno can't win the war of words right now. All he has to fight with is "I" and "me". He hasn't even hit camp yet so he doesn't have his team around him to talk about. Really he shouldn't be doing much talking at all until the games start and he has a few under his belt. At that point he'll be really surprised at how fast the "You" accusations fade when he starts doing the QB's job in the media and talking about "we" and "us". Don't fight a land war in Asia.
I'm not going to have any hope for Geno until he proves himself on the field, and then handles that success well. Until then, he's a second round quarterback that isn't ready for the NY media. And if that happens, then I will be waiting for him to falter, because that initial surge of success is relatively meaningless without consistency. I'm tired of shitty quarterbacks and false hopes.
And another ...
To succeed in NY you need to be tough and have thick skin. If Geno is bothered by the NY media then he should just stay home. That goes for any player on the team.
The problem later on with this media blitz is that, the odds are stacked against Geno. With the Izdik connection and how he fell, the media is going to paint it as a bitter disappointment if Geno doesn't set the world on fire. What happened with Wilson was extremely rare, but that's not how the media is going to spin it. We have one guy who was a projected top 5 pick fall like a rock into the second round because A) He sucked in his last game. And B) Got caught in the most public case of cat-fishing revealing himself to be a retard. Barely hear about him after he got drafted. He was invited to the Green Room, and declined. Yet, no one cares. Another guy that got trashed for pooping all over his hotel room in Hopkins, yet no one cares about it. No one out there trying to lessen his accomplishments by talking about the spread system he played in or a pass happy system with a dynamic WR on the other side as well.
This is an extremely well-written article. Wow. I'm gonna have to start reading more of Mike Tanier, whoever he is.
I understand that, but it's so much worse now. Just what has this kid done to deserve this scrutiny? Has he killed anyone? Been popped for drugs? Got a DUI? Beat up his girlfriend? Started a brawl? Seriously, he's a good kid and he is just getting ABUSED by a local press that just wants to stir up controversy and bullshit because they are too lazy to really do any reporting. As Jet fans, we shouldn't put up with this, but we listen to Fatty and read Manish and Cimini, and next thing you know, we start spewing the same BS here, in this forum. The kid is barely through his first mini-camp and many have written him off because he was tweeting and fired his agents! Oh dear. Who are the first ones who are going to boo him in preseason? Those same idiots who are lapping up Fatty, Rich, and Manish's vomit. Just say no Jets fans. Support your team.