The Geno Smith "Era" (Official Geno Thread) - All Geno Talk in here!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DarrelleRevis.Human?, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. nycztonee

    nycztonee Active Member

    Mar 10, 2003
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    I don't even know why people still bother making a concerted effort to respond to goldenshowers. It's like talking to a brick wall. Do you people like talking to brick walls?
  2. b.reyes16

    b.reyes16 Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Why the hell would anybody apologize to someone rooting for our team to fail?

    Geno Smith was an extremely productive player in the NCAA, you can shove that gimmick offense crap up your ass. The offense West Virginia runs may seem simple, but there is so many quick decisions and timing plays/routes that it is ridiculous. That is only going to play into the Jets hands as MM's offense runs a ton of timing plays. Everyone wants to point at how he wears his emotions on his sleeve, but has anybody ever watched the kid play? He gets angry, he doesn't sulk. Would you rather him clap and congratulate the defensive back/interceptor? How the hell do you want him to act?

    The nerve of some people....
  3. CasinoBlitz

    CasinoBlitz Member

    Jan 2, 2013
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    Just because you have a crap QB doesn't mean you force a square peg into a round hole.

    The fact of the matter is, no one saw any "franchise type QB's" in this draft. The Jets drafted Smith more out of need than value. If they or the league thought so highly of him, they would have taken him with one of their first two picks. Compared to Aaron Brooks by, not a franchise QB according to Mayock.

    4 years from now people are going to look back on it as a wasted pick where we stuck with a guy who clearly wasn't the solution for too long.
  4. b.reyes16

    b.reyes16 Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    C'mon man, we all know why you ACTUALLY want Geno to sit a year. Don't play that game.... :wink:
  5. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    these guys are not GM's for a reason, if they really knew talent a team would hire them

    A franchise QB is developed and Geno has the tools to be all that and more, just give him a chance
  6. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    I don't support what a lot of these guys are doing, nor am I saying that treating the jets like this is acceptable or okay because its what sells. I'm just acknowledging thats WHY they do it.

    The circus perception is any easy fix to write about, its easier to make a caricature supported by BS then a more nuanced subject with variables, positives,negatives and the personal acknowledgment of not knowing everything despite investment into the matter.

    (the whole media in general is like this if last elections any indication)

    I hate that they do this. I think its unprofessional,unproductive,and irresponsibly exploitive. Theres no excuse for this and I don't approve of this mentality.

    I just acknowledge that this is the reason. I don't think its a good thing and I won't accept it as "oh its just the media, this sells so its okay!". I think thats a cop out.

    Am I more clear now? (no snark, legitimate question)
  7. Unhappyjetsfan

    Unhappyjetsfan Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    That only makes it the 30th consecutive draft (at least) where a large portion of the fanbase declared that we should draft the highest rated QB if he's available.
  8. 94Abraham

    94Abraham Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    I feel sorry for any new QB coming to this team. The media here is downright atrocious and are nothing more then vultures looking to get a story. In any other city, this would be a non-story. Sad thing is, some of these articles draws in Sanchez lovers/Jet haters and they all gang up on him before he even has a chance to show what hes got. Its pretty sad....
  9. CasinoBlitz

    CasinoBlitz Member

    Jan 2, 2013
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    Disagree. Does not have the traits to develop into a franchise QB. Too inconsistent on deep and intermediate throws. Does not go through his progressions on an NFL-caliber level. From everything you read, multiple people say he lacks leadership and is so arrogant that he can't be coached/developed.

    Mark Sanchez has the "tools to develop into a franchise QB." How many times did we hear that?

    I understand you want Geno to be a franchise QB and want to be optimistic. I'm just being a realist.

    Four years out, I wouldn't be surprised at all if we're going to be sitting in the same position we are now with Sanchez 4 years removed from his draft.

    Kind of like how the Browns took Weeden because they "needed" a QB. He's not the real answer there. Anyone who saw him play had to have serious questions about him being a starter in the NFL. He's not what you ideally want to build around. But the Browns reached for need and tried to convince themselves he was what they needed. I feel the same way regarding Geno.
  10. Win4ever

    Win4ever New Member

    May 24, 2012
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    The media picks on the Jets because they are a weakling. The only way we can get back at the media is if we win, because they'll have to crawl back. I heard Kiper or some other idiot on ESPN declaring them a glorified expansion team. WTF? We missed the playoffs by like one game or so in '11 (even though the year sucked) and last year had a ton of injuries and an absolutely inept QB, yet still won some games. We should still have a very good defense, and an offense that atleast has a glimmer of hope. Expansion team? Look at the god damn Jags.

    The fans that bash are for various reasons. Some are self proclaimed GMs who want their own "sleeper" players and when that doesn't happen, feel like the team is just a failure. People are also fed by the media, I mean lets be honest, not like any of us have inside connections to Jet's information. If the media spins someone firing an agent as bad, there is a good amount of the population that is going to see it as bad, it's natural. Then there are a bunch of losers who are probably fans of other teams that pretend to be Jets fan so they can troll without being banned. It's easy to spot them, when most of their posts are backhanded compliments or discussions that are slanted to go against the Jets. This is just a fact of life on message boards and in life. There are always people out there that enjoy trying to make other people miserable, most likely to compensate for their short comings in life.

    People aren't going to support Geno, because everyone is entrenched in their opinion. And if you argue against it, they'll just post articles by the media confirming their dissent towards Geno. This won't go away until they start playing, and playing well.

    As for Geno himself, the hate game is certainly on from the media. If these guys knew all of these flaws from Geno, why was he ranked so high? If he wasn't that good, WHY was it a national story that he didn't get picked in the first round? No one turned on Geno UNTIL the Eagles passed on him. And the Eagles passed on him, because they already invested a high pick on a QB in Foles, so they had other needs on offense, especially with Vick there already. They could wait to pick off whoever fell. The Chiefs passed on Geno because they sent their second to the 49ers. The Browns just spent a first on a QB last year. The Raiders traded for Matt Flynn with his money, so they needed to wait as well. These teams were longshots to pick Geno in the first two rounds. And it's not "Oh, I'm sure the value was too good to pass up", because these teams are picking high for a reason: They all have a ton of holes. If you have newly invested at a position, you then go and look elsewhere and fill other holes first. It would be similar to say us signing Nick Mangold to an extension, and then picking a center in the first round. Yeah, if you need depth, you try to find one later in the draft, but when you have invested money at the position already, you look elsewhere, and find depth later.

    So who's left? Arizona. They traded for Palmer in the offseason, and had quite possibly one of the worst offensive lines in the game. And they only picked once before Geno was picked. Oakland only picked once. Chiefs only picked once.

    Which leaves us one team. The Jags. They were the one team that were legitimately a threat to pick a QB because it was obvious their QB sucks. But they blew a top 10 pick on Gabbert just two drafts ago. They almost have to wait it out one more year and hope he makes some kind of improvement. 2 years might be too early to pass on a QB no matter how horrible he looks. But since he looked so horrible, atleast I could've understood if they did make the pick.

    The Bills overplayed their hand by picking Manuel, but you could see what they were thinking. They bought into the notion that teams were going to trade up into the latter part of the first round for QBs, hence the Manuel pick. Now, they had a pick between Manuel and Geno, and they picked Manuel, which was certainly a surprise pick. But again, the 49ers picked Alex Smith over Rogers.

    It almost sucks to be a fan when half your fellow fans hate the players on their own team. Do we have to be the only lunatics that go to the draft just to boo our own picks? I almost wish they hold the draft elsewhere just so half of these nitwits don't have to embarrasses the fanbase.

    Is Geno a perfect prospect? Absolutely not. He has his questions and could either be a stud or a bust, but so can any pick. His upside is high enough that we should atleast let the guy play and then judge. Then we wonder why some free agents might not want to come here if money is equal, because half of our retarded fans and most of our media are out trying to find anything negative as possible on any new player. DeAndre Hopkins went ahead of Geno Smith, after shitting all over his hotel room and being a complete retard. It was a story for 5 mins, and people moved on. Geno Smith being upset that he was dropping in the draft is a worse offense? Slyvester Williams (The Broncos pick in the first) self admittedly had a GPA BELOW 1.0 in high school, yet we call Geno Smith a retard? The guy ran one of the most complex offenses out there incredibly well for two years. We see Tom Brady run a hurry up, pass happy offense, and everyone applauds him for his football acumen. Geno does the same thing in college, and it's because he's an idiot, as opposed to all the geniuses that get to hand off the ball to their RBs every play.

    Unfortunately I'm resigned to the fact that none of this will go away, until we win. Until we can consistently contend, the BS will be there. The Raiders, Jags, and others may have terrible teams, but we'll be the leader in horrible headline news because the media has formed us into a punching bag, and half of our nitwit fans seem to follow along because they want to be in the majority when kicking a team that is down. I'm not even asking for people to kiss every player's ass like the next coming of Montana, just give the players a chance before deciding your opinion. Mark Sanchez? Hate him all you want, I completely understand. He had his chance. But let the new guys atleast sink or swim before throwing darts at them.
  11. Burnz

    Burnz Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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  12. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    all of this you got from reporters stirring the pot, Geno is nothing like any of that

    Sanchez lacked the mental aspect

    How are we not being realist when we say things like; he needs to develop some more, he might not be ready week 1 but the kid loves the game. You read articles to get your view on him, I watch his interviews and do thorough research, also

    Geno is not Mark, Idzik is not Tanny

    I think you forget that Tanny did a horrible job with Mark after 2011, Idzik's first order of business was getting him a strong O-Line and run game

    this conversation is over
  13. DimsAllmighty

    DimsAllmighty Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2011
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  14. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    I like that even though JWWS said he's been a fan since '66, he was still looked at as a young idiot fan.

    Joe Willie everything you said in that post was dead on, and I was thinking the very same thing about fans being ridiculous for booing the pick while AT the draft. Support your team damnit.
  15. Ben Had

    Ben Had Active Member

    Nov 19, 2011
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    Not sure if Rotoworld is one to trust but:

    Several NFL executives who spent "extensive time" with Jets rookie Geno Smith before the draft believe Smith faces significant NFL roadblocks because he's "tuned out" and fails to realize he doesn't know everything.

    "I'm not sure he knows how to take instruction because he pretty much wouldn't listen or talk to our coaches," said one exec. "... You can't tell him anything right now. He's tuned out because he thinks he's got it all down." Another NFL exec questioned Smith's leadership. "He doesn't have much presence, not much of a leader. I don't think he's a bad person, but that's not enough to be a quarterback in this league." Per Yahoo's Jason Cole, Smith spent "much of his time on his cell phone" during pre-draft visits. "All these other players were talking to coaches, trying to get to know people and he was over there by himself," one source said. "That's not what you want out of your quarterback."

  16. Tony

    Tony Bipedal, Reformed

    Aug 27, 2002
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    2 has it in an article here:

    I don't like what I read in here. Not at all. We'll have to see how it goes, and if he doesn't work out it isn't like we blew a high draft pick on him. But bad attitude in the NFL is a very, very bad thing. I hope he leaves it at the door when he walks into practice....
  17. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    I can't believe the person in Jon Gruden's QB camp video and the person that's been savaged left and right in the papers are the same dude. Clearly one or the other is a narrative. Unfortunately with our luck it was probably the 20-minute TV apperance with Gruden that's the narrative and this kid's really the diva he's been portrayed. He doesn't help his own cause firing his agents for no good reason.
  18. themorey

    themorey Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2008
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    Greg Rosenthal,, sums it up pretty well:

    "Some of the criticisms about Smith's leadership style -- and how that style affected his draft stock -- could have merit. But Smith made a business decision to fire his agents, and he's getting punished for it in petty, unprofessional ways.

    Clearly, his former agents have a score to settle."

    Its also being reported now that Smith wanted to play in the Senior Bowl and his agent talked him out of it. Not playing allegedly hurt his draft stock. And Smith allegedly did not believe his agent(s) did enough to counter the negative pre-draft criticisms and scouting reports.

    If you are paying someone a lot of money for a service and you don't believe they are giving you good service its entirely your right to fire them.
  19. talisaynon

    talisaynon Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2008
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    So much talk about our second round draft pick and there's nothing on the board about Richardson or our first pick Milliner :rofl2:

  20. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    The most amazing thing I see is that the idiots on this site really believe they know more than Idzik and the dozens of scouts and talent appraisers that do this stuff for a living. Sure, not every pick is a home run but I will still take their opinion over any opinion I see here.

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