The Geno Smith "Era" (Official Geno Thread) - All Geno Talk in here!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DarrelleRevis.Human?, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    things get messy when you make love to cartoon.

    thats all that jets are to many, a cartoon character.

    cartoons make stupid decisions beyond logic all the time.

    they can't handle a serious conversation, its too damn convenient to treat them like some daft caricature, its too sexy to pass up giving outsiders who don't know much beyond the perception a bit of red meat.

    actual bad moves and negative results only add fuel to the fire.
  2. Axel3419

    Axel3419 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
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  3. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Its blatantly obvious that the anonymous sources were Geno's former agent. Geno made them look bad by leaving them (for the reasons above listed by Axel) and this is the Agents way of retaliation. Its funny that the anonymous source questions Geno's character, yet look who its coming from.

    Its kind of sickening that a 2nd round pick could garner so much attention. Did Kaepernick or Dalton ever receive this much negative attention? People just love to hate on the Jets. Geno was consistently commended on his work ethic and ability, and was the consensus #1 QB by most scouts and analysts. Yet when the Jets pick him in the 2nd, he's not really that good, and his character is a huge concern, and it was a bad pick. Smh.

    It would be so great if we actually did well this year, with Geno leading us, and shut up everyone who has shit on us.
  4. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I will say this. Geno Smith fires his agents, so hes a douchebag.

    Revis, holds out twice, and keeps douchebag agents while angling for a third holdout the Jets are a mess.

    The sports media is at least consistent.

    Its why Id love Idzik to huddle with Geno, tell him he is sitting, at least this year, then fuck over the media, by announcing it publicly.

    No circus stories to write. Youll have more sports media types jumping out windows, than stockbrokers in 1929.
  5. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Are you kidding?

    If Idzik announced Geno was sitting then BOOM no more heavy QB competition in camp.

    The press would immediately jump on the "coddling Sanchez" storyline again. They'd jump on the "Geno was a bad pick" storyline. They'd jump on the "Rex runs the whole show" storyline.

    I can't think of anything worse that Idzik could do right now than prematurely rule out one of his potential starting QB's before the guy was even allowed to compete for the job.
  6. cambam71

    cambam71 Member

    Sep 7, 2009
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    Uhhh..why would anyone ever do this? If Idzik did this at this point and time..I would stop rooting for the Jets with that idiot at the helm.

    When you're in a position as he is, you don't make "go eff yourself" moves like that to the media, especially at the potential expense of a multi-million dollar franchise.
  7. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Is it me or this is supporting the press view because of our bad draft? Oh wait...are you actually saying the media is right because their world is a cartoon that sells? with no resemblance to facts I might add?
  8. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Rewind the clock to the second round, if any other team but the Jets would have picked
    Geno, the Pats, the Steelers, the Giants, the Bucks, you name it...they would have heralded as having mastered the steal of the draft. But this is the Jets, and NY, and shoddy media, and everybody seem to like to pile it on, because controversy sells and with the NYJ controversy abounds even if most of it is created by the media.

    I must say before the draft I was not a big fan of Geno at all. Did not think he would be a good fit, but now, I hope he absolutely proves the non believers wrong and kicks ass. Guaranteed that the media and many of the negative fans will be holding his dick with both hands and praise his virtues.
  9. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Jets Fans Need to Stop the Geno Smith Bashing

    I posted this in another thread, but I thought it merits some attention:

    I've been a Jets fan since 1966 and I have never ever seen any team treated as badly and negatively as the Jets have been treated the past two years. This is a team that won 14 games the past two seasons, which is mediocre, but not terrible. The media treats the Jets as if they went 0-32. Everything the Jets do is criticized and every decision is wrong.

    Some of this was concededly brought on by the Jets themselves. Going on Hard Knocks was the start of this treatment, the Mehta articles at the end of 2011 fanned the flames, the owner seeking headlines kept it going, and the Tebow trade (which, given the circumstances, was the worst move in Jets history) made the Jets a media circus.

    Br4dw4ySux, who is one of the most knowledgeable posters on this board is right. The media in 2013 is over the top in its search for negative stories or any story. Throw in that the print media is on life support and you get sensationalism and not reporting.

    Now that Tebow is gone and Idzik appears to have shut down the leaks and the feeding of the press, it appears that the media is going after Geno Smith because there are "stories" there. The Jets draft Smith in the second round, and it is criticized because the Jets are a "mess" and have "too many QBs." If another team had drafted Smith in the second round - Philly or Arizona or God forbid the Pats - the pick would have been praised to no end as the steal of the draft. But the Jets, with the worst QB situation in the league, get knocked for picking him. And now the media is going after this kid. And Jets fans are playing into the media's hands by going along with this BS.

    I am pissed with the way Jets fans are handling the drafting of this kid. The negativity from the fans is incredibly troubling and puzzling. Why go after this kid? Why label him a bust and question everything he does after one week as a Jet??

    None of us know what kind of a person or player Smith will turn out to be. But as Jets fans, we have a strong common desire to see the franchise succeed. Today's NFL is a QB driven league and the Jets just drafted a player with tremendous potential - a player many thought would be a first round pick or a top 10 pick at pick 39. We should all hope and pray that the pick ends up being a steal and that he is the franchise QB this team has been looking for and needs.

    There is no benefit to Jets fans labeling him a bust or saying he will fold under the pressure of NY. Let's welcome him to the team and the NY area and get behind him, not give him a hard time. What does that do for the Jets or for Smith?

    As for his decision to fire his agents, why do we as Jets fans care so long as it doesn't make him harder to sign? As for Smith's expectations in the draft, he is rightfully disappointed in his draft position. Mock drafts had him going as high as the 4th pick to Philly right up to the day of the draft. So his expectations were justified and I for one am glad he is pissed. I hope he carries a huge chip on his shoulder and sets out to prove everyone wrong.

    Again, that is good for the Jets and that is all that matters. I want to see a winning team built over the next 2-3 years and Smith panning out makes that more likely. The Jets got a potential steal here with a talented players at the most important position drafted a round later than projected. Seeing Jets fans upset at the pick, rooting for him to fail, and knocking the kid for everything from his play to his off the field actions is baffling.

    Like it or not, Smith is a Jet. We should ALL hope he turns out to be one of the best picks in Jets history. Any fan who hopes otherwise is an idiot and simply does not want the team to win. Any fan who hopes otherwise is nothing more than a selfish asshole who would rather point to a post they made this week three years from now and say "i told you so" than see the Jets succeed. What the hell is wrong with you people?? Don't you want the team to win? Or are you just happy being miserable about the team and content to continue losing, but right about your own perceived ability to judge talent?
  10. hobgoblin

    hobgoblin Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2010
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    I couldn't agree more, it's great to see other fans staying positive instead of huffing and puffing about how we didn't draft a wide receiver, safety, or tight end.

    The truth is we have absolutely no idea how Geno is gonna be in the NFL. What we do know is that Sanchez has a limited upside that he most likely won 't ever reach. If nothing else, at least Geno makes this season more fun and exciting than it would have otherwise been. Try looking on the bright side, for once. We all just want to see the team do well.
  11. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Good post and i agree.

    We as Jet fans need to stop feeding at the media trough.

    A little encouragement for these rooks wouldn't hurt.
    Smith has not played a snap yet.
    Same for Milliner and Richardson. They won't be Revis and Sapp year 1, and probably not ever. It doesn't mean they won't have a big contribution to the future of this team though.
    Patience and less media feeding is needed.
  12. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    This has train-wreck written all over it.
  13. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    i dont care, i didnt want Geno Smith, and we Traded Revis for Richardson basically, so im not happy with the current state of the Jets and where we are headed. Geno Smith isnt the answer either is Shelden Richardson, you cant expect people to not be mad if they werent Geno fans and what we got out f the Revis trade. Reality is gonna hit home on opening day when we see Revis on the oppisite team in a Bucs jersey and Shelden Richardson on the sidelines watching being useless
    #773 LongIslandBlitz, May 1, 2013
    Last edited: May 1, 2013
  14. Lehtonen

    Lehtonen New Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Completely agree. It was really upsetting to see some racism come from some members of the fanbase (do I have to mention the site?). It was truly pathetic and made me absolutely embarrassed to be a Jets fan.
  15. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    I cant wait t see what happens this season and how things play out . I can see Geno throwing a fit if he doesnt get to start right away and being a diva adding to the distractions
  16. NFL

    NFL Active Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    So you'd rather see Revis in a Jet uniform this year and then watch as he waves goodbye to us fans when he goes to the biggest bidder? Open your eyes man. He was going to walk no matter what. He's trying to make himself look like the victim, but the truth is he was holding this team hostage. I love Revis when he's on the field locking opposing receivers down, but its not worth $16 mil a year.

    As to other Jet fans, I agree. Those fans are who are feeding the media. They are the ones who don't let the circus image go. I can't think of any other team who bashes their teams new rookie QB, especially when that rookie has all the tools to be a very successful quarterback. The guy threw 36 more touchdowns than interceptions, give him a fucking shot.

    And by the way NYJetsRevis24, you sound like a little bitch the way you started your paragraph.
  17. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    unfortunately, you are wrong. just look at the fucktards declaring Smith a bust or clamoring for him and Rex to fail so we can get some QB that they prefer or a new coach they would rather have.

    that isn't about wanting the Jets to succeed, it is about idiots who couldn't put together a winning football team if they had no salary cap and unlimited resources wanting to be right about players and coaches, wanting to be right about their player evaluations. they are saying it over and over -- they want the Jets to lose if it validates their opinion.

    that is why none of them are saying they would love for nothing more than Smith be rookie of the year next year -- they don't want it to happen because it would reveal them to be the blowhards they are. they need the Jets to lose and want the Jets to lose. fuck them.
  18. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    skepticism and caution is fine but the nitpicking at trivial details has to stop.

    Its like people are looking for excuses to make him look bad, he hasn't played and will need to learn as he goes into the season. relax.
  19. Unhappyjetsfan

    Unhappyjetsfan Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    You must be a young fan; it's not even in the top 25. Hell, I might be able to come up with 50 dumber moves off the top of my head.
  20. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    off the top in recent memory

    Trade for Doug Jolley
    Draft a kicker in round 2
    Sanchez extension
    Vernon Gholston

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