The Geno Smith "Era" (Official Geno Thread) - All Geno Talk in here!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DarrelleRevis.Human?, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    If a cool, calm personality and the ability to maintain composure was the main ingredient in a great QB then Dan Marino would have been selling cars from 1983 onwards.

    I hear what you are saying and I'll admit I've had my yips about Geno Smith's demeanor through this whole process but I think it would have taken a self-effacing saint to come through this process without blowing off some steam.

    Basically he was a wide-open target from day one and the options available to him weren't wonderful. It would have behooved his representation to sit down with him and explain what was happening and also explain that 90% of the natural reactions that he might have to the assault would only lower his draft position.

    Sometimes you can coach a calm, measured response that would be unable to happen any other way.

    BTW, when you are Nolan Nawrocki criticizing a young guy heavily and then saying he has a phony smile and demeanor you are effectively stripping him of his chance to defend himself by just shrugging and saying with a "phony" smile "that's his opinion, he's entitled to it." That's essentially what Nawrocki did to Cam Newton.
    #661 Br4d, Apr 30, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2013
  2. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    That is completely different than firing an agent because he wasn't the number 1 pick. That's only Manish saying that. Manish is well known for muck-racking and using sources to make our organization look bad. That's why I criticized you for citing Manish. I'm not stupid, man.
  3. 518

    518 Member

    Aug 23, 2011
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    I agree with you. Respect is won on the field, not by things you do or say otherwise. For example, I respect Revis as a player, always have always I think he is the greatest person in the world? No, he is a money hungry player who will always be on a mediocre team because of his whiny salary demands. Anybody who reads Manish, Cimini and everyone else should take it with a grain of salt because they are doing it to GET CLICKS AND SELL NEWSPAPERS. They say whatever they want to get a reaction out of you. Looks like they are clearly getting through to some of the Jets fans on this board and they are eating it up. Jeez. Fuck the media and let's see how this plays out before we bash ANYONE.
  4. bucknasty

    bucknasty Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    Ill be the first one to get on him when he pouts and gives up on his team after he throws a couple of picks, or selflessly blames teammates after a loss. Thats one thing, Its another however to label him a diva before mini camps even started.
  5. Burnz

    Burnz Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    Does anyone like his comment of "The Jets are going to the playoffs"? I think having that swag paired with Rex Ryan in a QB could be something special
  6. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    One thing I learned about Geno after he had those back to back losses...He took the blame and full responsibility this year. He was so upset, like angry. Not Sanchez like.

    "we lost, and it happens...We'll figure it out"
  7. bucknasty

    bucknasty Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    Exactly I mean this story spread like wildfire already so there is no changing peoples minds at this point. He just gonna have to show whats hes made of ,this is an early test of the NY media for him lets see how he responds. If he comes out and plays well we wont even remember this story
  8. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Dont take much into it...He was just amped.
  9. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    I wouldn't put too much stock in it. Later on at a press conference he even backed off it a little bit and just said he was excited at being picked.
  10. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Fair come back there...I'm letting my own experiences and emotion get in the way a bit...
  11. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Listen, I will be the first asshole in the joint to run out and buy a Smith jersey if he is anywhere near above average! I PRAY that he is. In my well informed football opinion the Jets are a pretty good QB away from smacking the dog crap out of the AFC East for a few years. Even with our WR's... There were years when Brady had worse than what we have coming into this year. It's quite insane, literally, to think that if we have competent QB play and a normal Offensive Coordinator we buy ourselves, potentially, 2 to 3 wins more a season.
  12. bucknasty

    bucknasty Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    Because of the current state of the jets its tough to fire you're cleaning lady with out it making a news story. And you know what he probably did get rid of them for the draft i dont think it was as bratty as people are making it out to be but he most of felt like they didnt do what they could to sell him and prepare him for the draft.

    This was a softball for the media and now fans and trolls like that asshole pats fan on here are running with it. Too many people don't care to to actually know Geno the player, cause he does take responsibility for himself just look at any of those post games when WVU was in a rough stretch.

    Like i said he wins the starting job and plays well no one will remember this
  13. nycztonee

    nycztonee Active Member

    Mar 10, 2003
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    Serious question.

    Just out of curiosity, I see a lot of people mention that Geno Smith ran off, stomped off, threw a tamper tantrum after he didn't get selected in the first round. he didn't want to come back, his supporters had to convince him..

    Now my question is, did they show visual evidence of this on any of the draft feeds on TV? (ESPN, NFL Network), radio?, reports from the press? Is it words/hype spreading from media ? What is it?

    Please tell me there is conclusive evidence that this was the case, otherwise you people stating these claims to make your points are idiots.
  14. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    The most Geno did on TV was play on his phone awkwardly.
  15. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    I think people saying he "stomped off" are editorializing what happened. He left before the end of the first round, that was reported, but I think he left at like the 30th pick and obviously the 49ers and Ravens weren't taking him. Hell they may have actually confirmed that with them directly first and not just assumed it. That's hardly throwing a "hissy fit" or whatever as what was the goal of sitting around there? Obviously he was disappointed, who wouldn't be? Plus it was his mom's birthday, probably wanted to go and celebrate and not mope around all night.

    It was reported that he wasn't going to come back and when asked about it he said he came back because there were a lot of people who supported him and he didn't want to let them down. Sounds like a canned answer to me but at least it wasn't the wrong answer.

    I'm still not sure what to think of Geno from a mentality point of view, mostly because my exposure has been limited. I guess that's going to change, and soon as in the last few days I feel like I've seen more of him then my own family.

    The best thing for him is for the news surrounding him to be football related, even if it's not great news as long as it's football related that will benefit him. The first thing his new agent(s) should do is something revolving around football or something that shows maturity without being obvious pandering (i.e. visiting sick kids in a hospital or something, that's good to do but I think that's a bad move at this point).
  16. nycztonee

    nycztonee Active Member

    Mar 10, 2003
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    That's about all I witnessed, but makes me wonder because some dudes keep talking about Geno stomping off the draft floor, throwing tamper tantrum.

    Can't put too much stock on what mediaheads say. Lot of em exaggerate.
  17. Denny

    Denny Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    He was visually upset because he expected to be drafted. He seemed a bit socially awkward around the other players in the green room and tried to shut himself out of the spot light a bit when it became clear he was dropping into the 2nd round. What's done is done. He just needs to get on the field and play this episode out of his life. One thing is clear. Mark Sanchez does not have a clear walk in the park this upcoming training camp. With a Geno Smith trying to prove everyone wrong and a former veteran starter trying to reestablish himself it will make for an interesting camp. I think this is what us JETS fans should look forward to.
  18. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Are you guys honestly feeding into this bullshit about his agent being immature? C'mon, really? If this happened to ANY other player, on any other team, this would be a non story. Listening to Manish's anonymous sources again? How many times does this have to happen. Its a little old and every Jets fan should know better.

    Because he fired his agent and thought about going hom for the 2nd day of the draft means his an immature guy? Its sad, only Jets fans could nitpick a guy so much. If you actually watch him speak, and talk about football, you can tell his not immature. I've watched many postgame conferences of his, and he the only person he places the blame. It doesnt matter if his defense gave up 60+ points, he's the only one that he puts the blame on. He has football intelligence, something Mark Sanchez severely lacks.

    Now half of you are praising EJ Manuel because he seems mature... LOL, thats great. That doesnt always translate to the field.

    Ive seen Aaron Rodgers throw fits on the field because he wasnt dominating... is he immature? Brady is a diva. But he wins. Lets give this kid a shot before we rip him apart.
  19. NJBeliever

    NJBeliever Active Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Give the kid a break. he was humiliated on national TV for 4 hours. So what if he told his mom he was going home? Who cares? He was upset. Once he calmed down, he changed his mind. Those are the only facts.
  20. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I have to agree. Manishtard takes it to another level by making up his own details, as usual.

    I'm glad Smith has a big ego and took it personal that he wasn't drafted until the second round. Hopefully he wants to make every team that passed on him pay for it like he made his agents pay for it.

    Big time competitors usually have big time egos.

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