The Geno Smith "Era" (Official Geno Thread) - All Geno Talk in here!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DarrelleRevis.Human?, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    What are you talking about--I have no axe to grind, I'm a Jet fan and I root for Geno as hard as any previous Jets QB.

    I'm not cherry picking--he made some great throws, throws he was making early in the year.

    But he made some AWFUL throws that you just can't dismiss because he's a rookie, not if you have to decide whether you need to draft another QB this year.

    If he makes a good throw but every other throw is really bad, that's not something to build around. Let him compete, but you can't throw all your fragile eggs in that basket.

    The excuse that he "just doesn't have any talent around him" is fraudulent when he's throwing balls to defenders with no receiver in the vicinity or he's missing guys by 5 yards. Jerry Rice is not catching those balls, at some point he has to become CONSISTENTLY accurate. Not just half the time.

    And please don't fawn over the running, he's an awkward runner at best and there are guys coming out who are much better runners if that's what you are looking at as important.

    Hey, go Geno but we better have a backup plan. A REALLY good one.

  2. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Nice hyperbole.

    He doesn't HAVE 19 TDs and 1 INT.

    He's got 19 INTs and 8 TDs.

  3. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Sounds like you are cherry picking.

  4. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    He had an alright day. Nothing great. People bring up his should have been INT but he also had a TD dropped by Holmes that Holmes needs to make as the team's no.1

    It is the Raiders defense though but the offense did what they needed to do. Much of McGloin's yards came from YAC from Streeter and Holmes shitting on our pathetic secondary. Our secondary is so so bad, I don't know why people tried to defend this defense and say it is better than last year. The front 7 is better yes but our secondary was so far superior last year than this year.

    He was never hid in the game....he made plays in the 2nd half. 2nd half Geno looked better than the 1st half Geno IMO.
    #6524 BakerMaker, Dec 8, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  5. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    No one is dismissing the negatives. That's what you're not getting. It's been acknowledged that he missed throws etc. But he also did some good things. No one is anointing him anything. You're just harping on all the negatives and glossing over any positives he did today. Who's to even say that any of those QB's from the '14 draft will be any better than Geno? If he steps up these next few weeks I'd bring in a vet for insurance and surround him with weapons and work to fix his mechanical issues.
  6. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Patience is a virtue.
    Geno will get better.
  7. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Duct tape on a leaky faucet.

    I agree he was much better today and made some nice throws. But they were throws every QB should make.

    None of those QBs may be better, but this QB class is 100X better than last years class even without Mariota so I'd want to gamble on Geno AND a high pick from 2014. WR, TE, OL in rounds 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, 6, 7 and all comp picks.

  8. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I wouldn't rule out drafting a QB if the value is there. But this team has so many needs.
  9. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    All you Geno bashes still ignore that there is little to no offensive talent on this team and the defense is not a top defense. The defense gave up 27 points to a terrible Raiders offense. Why can't you people look at both sides of the ball and the other 10 players on offense besides the QB?

    When Kerley, who should be a No 3 receiver, and Winslow, who can barely run and never practices, are difference makers, you know the offense just plain stinks. To put it all on the kid is just people on this board who predicted he was not a player wanting to be right .

    The defense was awful today. Smith played well considering what he has to work with and considering how bad this team has been the past three weeks.
  10. OverloadBlitz

    OverloadBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    The only thing that really got under my skin with Geno was how high he throws the ball to wide open receivers, you HAVE to give your receivers a chance to make YAC, if the receiver has to leave his feet all the time to make a catch your going to leave a lot if yards on the field. Just off the top of my head the wide throw to a wide open Kerley on an out route that would have converted a third down easily but instead Kerley has to attempt a diving catch that even if he made would of given the defender time to catch him and lead to 4th down. These are easy throws that you have to make consistently.
  11. MoWilkNYJ

    MoWilkNYJ Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    True, I forgot about that drop by Holmes.

    Geno today was how I expected a rookie quarterback to play. Some nice passes and some questionable ones.
  12. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    That's not fair. There has been games when the offense was shit and the defense was good. I agree that we don't have great talent on offense but we've had horrible QB play the previous 4 weeks. The QB hasn't made matters better. With that said now that everybody is relatively healthy I hope Geno plays better.
  13. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I am not a Geno basher, I've been rooting for him since week 1.

    But the "no offensive talent" is fraudulent when he's missing wide open guys and he's throwing balls to defenders with no offensive talent around them. He threw 4 today where no Jet, not Al Toon, not Lav Coles, not Don Maynard was standing.

  14. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    yes! precisely!
  15. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Totally disagree the big difference is that he sped up his mentally clock; he even said so in the post game presser. Instead of waiting for guys to get open and patting the ball, he was throwing the ball at the top of his drop or tucking it and running. Perfect example was the early pass and run to Holmes. He did not find anyone at the top of his drop. He pumped and started running before seeing Holmes. If this were the past few weeks, he would have back pedaled his way into the arms of an edge rusher being pushed beyond the pocket for a 17 yard loss.
  16. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    He was better today...more normal rookie mistakes. He ran finally, took a shot deep, was hitting guys. Missed some simple throws/screens, still locked out, got away with some throws, but overall it was an improvement form the last 6 weeks. Best game since Atlanta by far. Can he string 2 of those together?
  17. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    he should keep doing that then, it works.
  18. Axel3419

    Axel3419 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
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    I agree, but some of those passes were clearly throwaways when he was being pressured.
  19. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    geno (2,475 yds) broke sanchez's record (2,444) for rookie passing yards paltry as it was, so theres that.

    it'd be nice if in the next 3 games he manages to reach 3,000. his average is about 190 a game so something to that effect would put him at just above that mark (3,055)

    not sure thats happening but it'd be nice marker to start his career with. Not Newton or Luck 4k good, but its alright. (geno in nutshell)
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Lots of growth still required. The Geno we're seeing today is back to the Geno we had at the start of the season. A guy who was a work in progress and needed to fix about a half dozen serious flaws in his game to become a good QB.

    Good to see that guy back again after he disappeared for the last half dozen games. He still has a long ways to go though as I think we'll see next week.

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