You had such an opportunity to prove yourself as a non-dullard by using a witty comeback. Instead, you replied with what amounts to "I know you are but what am I?"
I typically sink to the level of whomever I'm replying to. You're not worth much time nowadays Abyzmul.
So you claim you "work at one of the largest financial institutions in the world in corporate finance" tell us how your job makes you a bigger "winner" than someone who is a steamfitter? (We can move this to the BS forum).
Read: I did not go to college. I never even thought about grad school. A professional license? Ha! A real professional job? D'OH!! I mocked someone I have never met and will never meet about maybe being more educated than me and he proved me wrong so I am going to default to "I don't talk about personal sutff here" because this is the internet and I don't discuss what I never dreamed of. He sounds really smart and must be making things up. Wow, what a total loser. Make up random things? You want pictures? Dates? Times? LOLGFY. Well done "Dirty Sanchez". Nice username, loser. Poor baby. Seriously, lets get a beer at the Falcons game. I'm in a box on the 35, which box are you in? _
Again with the inability to comprehend logic. I never said my status as a profesional at a large financial institution made me any better or worse than a steamfitter. You seem to be picking at my education or job, just wondering what awesome field you are in. Pretty sure not professional sports analysis or coaching. _
Yeah, I've seen you make this post a number of times. You typically sink to the level of whomever you're replying to. Yet, in your limited time posting shit-splats on this forum, I have never seen you post above the level you are posting at right now. Instead of blaming anyone you reply to for your lame and sub-standard posts, maybe you should try to do better. Because you can't really do any worse.
You volunteered that your life was awesome, and that mine was not, and suggested I was a steamfitter. Tell us what's wrong with that occupation.
Nothing at all. And to say one is not a "loser at life" is equal to "my life is awesome" is incredibly ignorant. But I expect nothing less from you. Hey, there's still a thread open where you can shit on a current Jet--go hop over there with the other classless losers. Btw, where DID you get your 3 degrees? And how many options DID you get on Friday? _
Absolutely, you get in the stadium and I'll try to get you up to the box! Can't wait for the game although I am a bit nervous. _
Haha, you do come across as someone who is idiotic enough to waste their life away in corporate law. So tell us, why do you feel the need to brag about your personal life (to the extent of bragging about attending an inferior junior college like SU?). I think I must have hit a nerve with that, because you've been on tilt replying to this thread for the last hour. Too much fun. Tell us again
Usually I wouldn't believe him because his spelling and grammar are so poor. But he is a Syracuse Alum and that would explain it.
Who's been replying for the last hour? And yes, this life has been incredibly wasteful and not rewarding in the slightest. LOL. I love Syracuse. Where again did you go? This IS fun. _
Excuse me, but my grammar is impeccable and my spelling is usually top notch. Can't believe I screwed up acquieisensenssce but it is a quirky one. _