THank you, too. Ftr a story like this from Jenkins is gold. I have seen him on tv, and he knows the game. Given the limitations of tweets, he can really write, too. I was impressed with what he said and how he said it, and of course the info about the line calls is priceless.
Even Brady isn't very good when he doesn't have time to throw and/or he has no open receivers. Give Sanchez a little time to throw and create a system that caters to his strengths and he'll do very well. He may not be as good as Peyton Manning or the top 5 QBs, but he could be a top 10 QB. With a strong team around him, that would be good enough to have SB potential
The players that we got rid of that play with heart I don;t agree with. Thats suggesting the guys here who replaced J-co, Edwards, Brad Smith, and Woody don't. Hunter has problems right now, but I don't see him as not caring. Plax and Mason are very chippy players, one who wants to win badly and another who needs to prove he can still play at this level. Smith became expendable as soon as his salary hit 4 mill. Who the hell pays that for a few touches a game. What exactly have the cut players done this year to prove how much we would miss them? Edwards and Cotchery? Edwars two catches a game before his injury and Cotch has been unable to play in Pitt. Woody was so coveted as an O-lineman that he's in a bordcasting booth. Smith, again, priced hmself right out of his special teams/Wildcat role for our team. None of those missing fix both of our Centers going down to injury by the end of week two. None of them bring anything to the table we have not replaced out side of possibly Woody, but with Hunters fine play in the playoffs last season it would be hard to assume he would regress this much. The problem is the Oline. Once Mangold is back and Sanchez has more than 2.0 seconds per pass things will loook better.
Nothing to thank me about. I can always agree with things that make sense, (And have done so far in my life, fyi) and when I read your comments, I have to think carefully a few times myself since you make sense most of the time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- That aside, I just don't understand how anyone can get on Callahan bandwagon. His sordid history at Oakland and Nebraska was well published, wasn't it? I was with the impression that a public fuck-ups of that magnitude are well acknowledged by the general public. Maybe I was wrong there. So, in that regard, your point that Callahan is to blame somewhat gets more weight, since it was Callahan who said Wayne Hunter is more than up for the task. (He clearly wasn't, and Callahan obviously didn't coach that back-up material into a starting quality OL either.) Quite possibly, there goes his accountability. Maybe Jets should snag Hudson Houck from Dallas somehow.
I am sure that everybody who was crucifying Namath is also dumping all over Big Jenks for saying many of the exact same things except that Namath was a bit more diplomatic.
Considering Jenks was on the roster last year, he would have a more accurate idea of what the situation is like in the lockeroom, and he would have first-hand knowledge of how this coaching staff coaches the players. Joe is just speculating....his opinion is just an opinion, whether he's right or wrong. He has no fucking clue what's going on behind closed doors.
which is exactly why Namath is talking out of his ass, and Jenkins feelings are worth something. Jenks is no longer in the LR, but he certainly still talks to guys like Pouha and Scott. He knows what goes on, whats said behind those doors. Not everything, but an awful lot of things.
As far as Callahan is concerned, most of the focus up til this year has been on whether he would do better than Schotty as OC. Ftr I have always been up for replacing Schotty as long as it was with someone who looked like they would do better, since the debate about him has always been about where he falls on the spectrum with the best being well short of the best OC ever, to say the least. Worst of course being he should have been fired when Ryan came to the Jets. As you referred to, his past was clear, and it was clearly not of the sort that inspires confidence in him. On the other hand I also had to acknowledge those failures did not mean he had no place coaching, as long as it was at the right position, in the right situation. Another factor was that in Oakland, the HC he was the OC for, Gruden, was also an offense guy, unlike with the Jets, where Ryan is Ryan. I am sure Callahan would have been unhappy if when Gruden left he was passed over for the HC job, and at least in his first year, it looked like a good move promoting him. Until the SB itself, of course, and that was a fiasco, followed by a horrific season. And then he couldn't even make it in Nebraska. Anyway, up until now I thought he was doing at least a good job, even a very good job, running the OL and running game. But this year, it looks much worse than that, and I of course like you acknowledge it's not all Callahan's fault. Injuries are part of the game, but they are also not the fault of the CS (in most cases). But since last year, we see how Callahan oversold Hunter, and whatever say he has on the OL roster, that has been totally mismanaged, with VD, Moore regressing, Slauson showing little development, and the huge failure to take adequate measures to replace Turner and shore up the bench. Add in this inexcusable info regarding no one else knowing the calls for the OL, and the question should not be about whether Callahan should be promoted to OC. THe question should be about whether he even stays where he is. PS I also blame Schotty to some extent for the mess that is the OL.
It's a reach to say only players who were on the team recently have a right to criticize it. Those players, ones who were traded, cut, not resigned, are MUCH more likely to be motivated by sour grapes than retired players. And while last year is closer to the current team, obviously, Jenks himself said last year is last year, and he has not been present in the locker room now, when new people like Burress, Mason, Wilkerson, etc are in the mix. And isn't it more disloyal for a player to diss players he up until a few months ago was playing with, a teammate of? More to the point, somehow despite having "no clue" as you put it, Namath seems to have been much more accurate in his assessment of the Jets than the homers here have been. And those same homers seem to have no problem not only disagreeing with someone who proves to be right. They also had no problem disrespecting the greatest player in franchise history, for wihch they should be ashamed.
Namath is grasping at straws with everything he says. He just happened to be the blind squirrel that finally found a nut this past week. And nobody said "recent players only" have the right to criticize. My point was that people are more apt to take Jenks seriously because he has more connections in that lockeroom than Joe. Plus, Jenks knows the coaching staff from a player's standpoint. Joe does not. I would rather listen to someone who has had recent past experience with the current regime, and has played in the modern NFL. Namath's opinion mattered 30 years, not so much.
The difference is Namath talks about things he has ZERO clue about. He doesn't know what Rex says behind closed doors to his team. Kris Jenkins would. Maybe the Jets are overrated or not performing to their abilities, but does that mean it's because Rex tells them they are better than they are? You don't know that, I don't know that, and Joe Namath doesn't know that. If Joe Namath came out and said "I disagree with the playcalling", then that's something I have no problem with. Like when he said Vlad Ducasse sucks and was a wasted pick. That's fine, because it's his opinion based on what he thinks and sees on TV during the games. What he says about Rex's team meetings though, is not his opinion. It's just making things up that he doesn't know. Kris Jenkins on the other hand, was there as recently as one year ago, in those meetings, game planning with the team. He knows inside type things like what players on the o-line were responsible for the line calls. He knows things about Shotty's preparation and play calling. He sat there for 3 years probably getting more and more fed up with the garbage offensive system and play-calling, and I doubt he was alone in that thinking, especially amongst defensive players.
Yeah but your point before wasn't that Joe is less likely to be accurate than a more recent player. Your point was he should shut the fuck up. Well, I am going to assume you no longer are taking that extreme a position. It is ironic seeing attempts made to distinguish what Jenks said with what Namath said, but I think I am going to move along here, as it's not as interesting as some other things.
Listen, I softened my stance on Joe because i still respect what he did for the Jets franchise. I never wavered from that. But, i don't find him to be a credible source when it comes to discussing this team. Whether he's right or wrong, it's an opinion. He's not helping anybody (especially this team) by calling out everybody on the roster and the coaching staff....he looks like a fucking tool. If he was privy to what was going on behind closed doors....then so be it. But we know he's not. So yeah, he needs to STFU. Here's a recent quote from Santonio Holmes that illustrates my point: "Joe Namath doesn't work for the New York Jets," Holmes said. "He doesn't coach here. He doesn't have anything positive to say about us. We can't feed into what he talks about on the outside to the media." link to quote
Actually, I'd prefer you didn't (for the moment), because I really don't see any similarity between Namath's rants and Jenkins'. Granted, I stopped listening to/reading about anything Namath had to say, so my perspective is limited. But as I recall, all he ever really said "of substance" was that Rex didn't prepare his team and Rex should shut the fuck up and/or stop praising them. I didn't see any statements about shitty and/or predicatable play calling by the OC, and an inability to make in-game adjustments, nor did I see Namath say anything about who knows line calls and/or not replacing Baxter. But again, I am sure I'm wrong and don't feel like looking.
Jenkins: A detailed yet emotional identification of specific issues the Jets are having and why it's hurting them Joe: "So-and-so needs to play better! Rex talks too much!"
Look, I am not that sympathetic to thin skinned players on the Jets who complain about criticism of their play. THEY are the ones who should STFU, suck it up and turn around their poor play. Quoting Holmes is hardly persuasive in that regard, because I am not a huge fan of his attitude. You talk about not helping. I have yet to hear anyone explain why what Joe said hurt the team.
wow, it's like talking to junc. who gives a shit about Holmes' attitude....he's spot on in regards to Joe. JOE ISN'T THERE, HE'S NOT A COACH, HE'S NOT IN THE LOCKEROOM, NOBODY GIVES A FIDDLER'S SHIT WHAT HE HAS TO SAY. Joe isn't hurting the team....we all know that. But he sounds like a fucking jackass for calling out everybody under the sun in that organization without having any real sense of what's going on behind closed doors. Jenkins, D.Woody....their opinions are relevant. They've been in that lockeroom recently, they know how the coaching staff operates, plus they both still have connections to other players currently on the roster.