Sports Illustrated cover girl, Victoria Secret Angel, classy, physically gifted model; as you guys stated she refused to go on playboy. Granted, the pics of her back can't be confirmed that they are her, but in a long line of other nude shots; most people who saw the pics would assume it was her and would assume it was nut on her back. I could be completely wrong and this may be a huge boost to her brand. However, part of me thinks certain companies would not want to align with her, now,following the release of these pictures to the public. Verdict is out; embarrassing for all parties exposed; awesome for anyone with the internet that wanted to see celebrities nude.
I am not going to look any of this up but I read on twitter that there are pics of Justin Verlander nude with Kate Upton and that he j***es on her back. Is this actually true? Haha.
young, hot chicks like dick, too? not just moderately attractive chicks desperate for attention? what a shock to the system. I would never have imagine Jennifer Lawrence or Kate Upton would ever have been cummed on.
Don't put anything up on the cloud (anywhere) that you wouldn't be happy laying out on the sidewalk in front of your house for everybody to see.
I read that Upton and Lawrence were the top 2 trending topics on Twitter the day stuff got leaked to the public.
I guess I picked the wrong pic to click on first but saw some chick on her back spread wide and it looked like 2 slabs of beef that had been beaten with a sledge hammer for days and then hung on the entrance to train tunnel. You could have driven a small car in there and made a u-turn. Checked out a couple of other pics but was not overly impressed. I think the fact there are so many of low quality to pick through to get to some good ones could be it.
Verlander is confirmed. In the latter picture you are referencing, it seems the viewers drew your characterization due to the Verlander confirmation in prior photos. (deliberately being a vague as possible)
Don't use any device that will put content up on the web anywhere without your explicit consent. The government should be mandating safety on the information highway but instead they're exploiting the lack of safeguards. Something went really wrong about a decade ago and we still haven't even realized the extent of the damage to our civil liberties let alone begun to fix the problem.