If the government was spying on Russians and Trump claims the government was spying on his apartment... Why was Trump housing Russian spooks in his apartment?
Or... If the Gov't was spying on the Russians (which is their job), and Trump campaign operatives were spotted with the Russians, why were they there in the first place?? I'm gonna go out on a limb and figure they weren't there to get a good recipe for Borscht.
Hits the nail on the head: http://www.cbs.com/shows/the-late-s...mp-a-gross-crook-dirty-rotten-lying-sack-of-/ Ron
Liberal hysteric says mean things about Trump? Shocking! No reasonable person would give credence to anything that sack of shit says. Which brings us back to you trying to give credence to his nonsense.
Can anyone explain to me why it was a good idea for democrats to make republicans change the rules to get Gorsuch nominated? Seems pretty boneheaded to me. Just confirm the guy and pick your battles appropriately. Hopefully Judge Ginsberg is taking all her centrum silver tablets
How are they making Republicans change the rules? If your significant other makes food you don't like, they aren't making you go to McDonalds. Not saying this is you, but this is always the rhetoric with both sides... They feel just in using stall tactics, but then complain when the other party does it.
dude it was extremely obvious that they would change the rules and Democrats knew this. Your analogy isn't even appropriate. Here's a better analogy: Asking republicans to whip out their dick knowing they will probably piss on you, just so you can blame republicans for having piss all over yourself later. -- it was a fuckin stupid, stupid move. Gorsuch aint even that bad, a decent, qualified nominee. Just confirm him and thank your lucky stars this idiot president didn't nominate his son-in-law or something. Just watch, there will be an opening for the Supreme Court before the Bannon administration is done and they will nominate some complete asshole now that they only need 51 votes and it will be so easy for them. what a great job
Even without the filibuster the Senate would have a role in American politics: the little bitch of the House. I can't believe any Senator is going to let that happen for general legislation.
You can't make up this clownshow: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_...ing_it_s_time_for_him_to_leave_the_white.html "If the Trump White House is to be believed, Steve Bannon’s removal from the National Security Council is not a demotion. It’s more like a minor reshuffling prompted by the fact that Bannon has successfully “de-operationalized” the NSC. Nothing to see here, folks! The New York Times tells a somewhat different story, reporting that Bannon so dreaded the prospect of losing his NSC perch that he threatened to quit if the seat got yanked out from under him." http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...ner-a-cuck-and-globalist-behind-his-back.html "The official also said that the removal had been planned for a while and that it was "in the works from the day" Bannon met National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster. Another senior aide told the Beast that "that's [all] spin and CYA, but fine," but mentioned that Bannon still has security clearance." Ron
Politics. The Dems are betting McConnell and his cronies will lose popularity over this and their other debacles, leading to a Democratic takeover of the Senate and the ability to use the power he just granted them. Not saying I agree with them, just giving you their argument.
Trump, Putin love connection over? 8:40 p.m.: At the U.N., Assad’s ally, Russia, warned the U.S. that there could be “negative consequences” if the U.S. took military action in Syria. Russia, which has provided military support for the Syrian government since September 2015, had indicated earlier on Thursday that its support of the Assad regime is not unconditional. Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
No. CNN just reported that the department of defense said they let the Russians know what was coming and when, so that gave Assad plenty of time to get his planes in the air. Also: http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/04/06/what-something-should-trump-make-happen-in-syria/ "President Barack Obama’s determination to threaten force ignited a frenzied national debate, one that Trump was more than happy to jump into. Trump reflected and fueled a national mood wary of Middle East conflicts, tweeting, “DO NOT ATTACK SYRIA” and warning that “Obama’s war in Syria” would escalate into a “worldwide conflict” with Russia. This echoed what we were hearing from many Republicans on Capitol Hill, who were far more comfortable talking tough than sharing accountability for U.S. military actions. Despite the doubts Trump and others expressed at the time — asserting that an attack had no upside and a tremendous downside — Putin and Assad clearly believed American bombs were coming, and to prevent that from happening they ended up agreeing to something that was unexpected and no one thought possible: a diplomatic deal to remove nearly 1,300 metric tons of Syria’s chemical weapons, then the world’s third-largest stockpile. Without a bomb being dropped, Syria had admitted to having massive chemical weapons program it had never before acknowledged, agreed to give it up, and submitted to an international coalition that removed the weapons and destroyed them at sea. This was an example of the threat of force achieving something the use of military power could not itself accomplish." Ron
Trump sucks! Still a better option than Hillary, even after this boneheaded move. This is precisely how I knew it would play out, and 2020 will be ripe for the taking if democrats and libertarians trot out candidates who's qualifications are a heartbeat, and not Hillary Clinton.
Why mistake? Good for USA to attack Syria. Russia is a paper tiger. Time to expose them. I am mad that they didn't hit Assad's home in Damascus.