"So, Donald Trump just took $16 million cash from a woman with close ties to a foreign intelligence group that both Republicans and Democrats have suggested is involved in the inappropriate purchase of U.S. influence." Ron
Who has created the world rule that countries shouldn't be involved in the politics of other countries? The media may not "be out to get America," but they are certainly out to divide America and have Americans out to get one another. I certainly don't see how trying to destroy us from within is not a problem.
The Russians are not doing anything that America hasn't done pretty much every year since WWII ended. What goes around comes around I guess. Thank Obama for weakening America and allowing Russia to strengthen to the point that they can now do what we have been doing for decades. I totally love all these little outcries about WikiLeaks being a Russian agent and how anti-American it is. Is WikiLeaks getting all that stuff, including the latest CIA dump, from Russia? If so, are we at a point where Russian intelligence can infiltrate any alphabet agency network and steal secrets at will?
Democracy and Empire are mutually exclusive concepts. That's because it takes great strength of purpose to maintain an Empire and Democracy produces a fracturing of policy and will every half generation, maybe once a generation if you're lucky. We used to have a saying that politics ended at the water's edge. That has not been true since 1991 at least and arguably since 1968.
Doesn't make it right Petro. If our cyber infrastructure is so weak as to be hacked by anybody with a computer, we should be having an entirely different conversation than the one we're having now. Seems that anybody with a laptop can hack into any government entity at will. The concept of "American Exceptionalism" was flawed from the start. So now we have "Russian Exceptionalism", "Chinese Exceptionalism" and so on. Out of that $54B Trump gave the Pentagon, perhaps 75% of that should go into cyberwarfare. Another dozen m1 tanks or F22's or Carriers won't mean shit if we're not EMP hardened at the most basic level. Wikileaks is absolutely anti-american as Assange has his issues to deal with however, it falls on the American Cyber Command to plug those leaks. Its also up to the CIA to eliminate the threats physically and yeah, I'm talking black ops. Lives are indeed on the line here. This issue isn't Obama's.. It really doesn't belong to Bush either. It goes back a long way to a false sense of security which was shattered on 9/11. If Trump really wants to make America strong again, he better get a f'n grip on the real threat. It isn't CNN or MSNBC, its NoKor, China and Russia.
Actually it was Bush who weakened the US influence by spreading our military over many useless ventures, doing exactly what the 9/11 terrorists wanted: overreact. Obama did his best to rein in the military but pretty hard to do with a reckless Republican congress. Now Trump is going to continue the incompetence by using Yemen as his distraction while letting the Russians & Chinese (and NK by association) do what they want because of his business interests. If you think things are bad now, just wait. Ron
Ahem... When does this stop?
"Russia hacked the election!" "Preposterous, where is the proof?!?" "Obama spied on Trump!" "Makes perfect sense to me, nobody can prove otherwise!"
Where did this begin? Special Mark Levin repost just for you Response to letter due next week. Also, congressional hearing march 20th, "trump campaign - Russian ties." It's all tied together C. You said it, "rabbit hole is deep." Buckle up bud.
The first Gulf War ended. George H.W. Bush was the last WWII President and with his departure the consensus that had bound both parties into the post WWII-framework (Cold War leading into the beginning of the Pax Americana) ended.
JV you got to move on. The new accusation coming from the Wacko in the White House is that the UK was behind the wiretapping. hard to keep up with all his conspiracy theories I know Laptop with Trump Tower floor plans stolen from Secret Service Two Secret Service agents being investigated for 'taking selfies with Donald Trump's eight-year-old grandson while he slept in a car' "Professional" security lol
Keep an eye on Korea.. Trump needs a war and in his mind, NoKor is the logical choice. Start waving those Flags!
Trump considers himself much more of a golfer than Kim Jong-un so this is definitely brooding and we might be at the precipice